Chapter 753: Call Leo

This is Difan’s call authority to Leo, allowing Leo to contact Difan directly after entering the area of ​​the Void Land.

And Leo turned around and gave this permission to the Milan number, that is to say, as long as it is operating the Milan number, anyone can use this call permission.

Difan’s private number, but it’s not so easy to give to others.

But facing the message from the Milano, Di Fan frowned fiercely.

At the same time, he also received news that the Dark Star rushed directly into the territory of Nothingness without slowing down.

suddenly felt something wrong.

‘Oops, haven’t they left yet? ’

‘Ronan is here too, won’t you let them meet together? ! ! ’

Difan's footsteps speeded up a few minutes instantly, and he walked out.

"Stop the Dark Star and warn Ronan not to bring the Dark Star close to the void. He is breaking the rules!!"

There was a slight explosion in Di Fan’s eyes.

"Also, don't worry about the Milan crew!!"

Difan took two steps, but he paused again, "Let me check again to see if there is the figure of Leo on the small spaceship!!"

With a light touch in his hand, a scene outside of the void appeared.

The huge dark star spacecraft is pressing hard against the void.

At the same time, from the land of nothingness, several star warships over 500 meters in the sky flew out to stop the Dark Star.

Only the little Milano, which was no more than 20 meters away, rushed in from it and rushed into the void without slowing down.

It wasn't until I saw other warships intercepting the Dark Star that it started to slow down.

However, the powerful acceleration and the gravity effect of Void Land itself pulled the Milan into it more quickly.

Quail completely handed over Milan's authority to the rocket, and he chose to believe in the rocket's ability to sail.

Obviously, the Rockets did not disappoint Quill, and the speed of the Milano quickly dropped.

Among them, it directly avoided five mining spacecraft, three huge ore, and twelve huge illegal structures.

It wasn't until two sectors were crossed that the Milan gradually returned to normal.

A faint black smoke came out of the energy jet of the Milano, and the engine in it was a little overwhelmed.

Under the pressure of Dark Star, Rocket and Quill have developed the spacecraft's performance to the extreme.

Regardless of whether Ronan wants to kill their thoughts, they will not bet on it, but will do their best to resist with their own strength.

At least until now, they can all proudly say that they have never given up or wanted to live on the ideas of others.

Even if the Darkstar launches a missile, the Milan will only try to avoid it as much as possible.

This is the belief of Quill and others. If everything is about Leo, then what is the meaning of their existence.

Among the few people present, who has not survived the brink of life and death several times, and this point will never change for them.

"Difan did not get through the call, Ronan was outside, and the Milano had no chance to leave!!!"

"Milan needs an overhaul. Now, if it jumps up to 30 jump points, it may lose its power, and it will be over at that time."

said the Rockets checking the Milan.

Quail stood up, "Go to the tarmac, Camora, come with me to get the equipment, Jason, be prepared to inform Leo, I don’t know if he knows Ronan’s arrival."

"Quil, the evil spirit legion is here!! They broke through the protection of Emperor Fan!!"

Rocket tapped twice on the screen, looked at the picture displayed in front of him, and said quickly.

"Damn!! Xiaojie, you take Groot and Howard Duck and leave here first!!!"

"Karina, you follow too!!"

Jason emphasized on the side.

Kamora stepped forward and looked at the picture in front of him, but his eyes were a little strange.

"Wait for a while!! The evil spirit army did not chase it out, they were still moving around the dark star."

"Ronan is coming out, the evil spirit army has been following him, they didn't even think of chasing us!!"

Kamora said with some surprise.

"Why? Don't they know that Milan is our existence?"

Quail asked somewhat puzzledly.

Rocket said with disdain, "The detectors on the Dark Star, even if you know how many hairs you have, do you know that we killed their men? What are you thinking about."

Quail smiled awkwardly, "Then why don't they come to us."

"Cosmic Spirit Orbs, Ronan knows that there is no Cosmic Spirit Orbs on our spacecraft, so he doesn't even bother to shoot at us."

Kamora is the one who understands everything.

"Ronan's goal has always been the cosmic spiritual orb, and it has nothing to do with us, in other words, finding the cosmic spiritual orb is his first goal."

"As for us, it may be just a little toy after he completes the task."

Jason also said in a deep voice, the blood in his eyes has not diminished at all, and even now, his red eyes are staring at the huge dark star on the screen.

"But now, Ronan must have gone to Difan. If the universe spirit ball is not in our hands, then it must be in Difan's hands."

"They must have never thought that the cosmic spirit ball has been taken away by Leo!!"

Quail said with a sigh of relief.

"No, did Ronan inform him of Difan? This is of no benefit to Difan."

"No, if we leave, Difan can push the cosmic spiritual ball onto us, but now, Ronan has not detected the existence of the cosmic spiritual ball in our place."

"Therefore, there must be a battle between Ronan and Difan!!"

"We must leave as soon as possible, because next, whether it is Difan or Ronan, they will choose to take us back!!"

Rocket said alertly first.

"Because Difan will never admit that the universe spirit ball is in his because he does not have it!"

"He must catch us back as a proof, because Ronan also knows our existence unless we have already left!!!"

The Rockets patted the Milan fiercely, "But the way we leave now, or, give up the Milan..."

"No, this is my ship, unique."

Quail glanced at the tape player he had found in the universe for a long time, and couldn't bear to say.

"Well, there is only one way left. Ask Leo to come back. Maybe he has a way to take us all away safely. In this way, maybe the two groups can really bite the dog!"

Rocket shrugged slightly, and said directly.

Jason looked at the huge dark star on the screen, and the dazzling Cree style, making Jason's heart turbulent.

He wants to kill Ronan so much! !

But he can't do it now! !

Hooked his right hand slightly, and a sharp blade popped out of the trouser leg. Jason grasped it, and then stabbed him in his thigh without hesitation.

When the sharp blade was pulled out and everyone saw the golden light gleaming at the wound, their hearts felt a little more settled.


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