Chapter 1192: Poor Dr. Banner

"Dr. Banner?"

Leo knocked on the door.

"Leo? Come in."

Banner's voice came from the room.

Leo pushed the door directly in. The door that could not be opened was opened with the owner's permission.

Dr. Banner is the largest room in all guest rooms, because Banner has been living here. Since the Battle of New York, the Hulk’s fame has spread all over the world, and Banner has a peaceful day.

So Banner has always stayed in the Avengers Mansion, not only helping Stark's research in scientific research, but also strengthening his control exercise on Hulk, and here you can get all the information Banner wants to get.

And Stark still has sufficient funds for Dr. Banner to spend and use. Compared to the days when he was a barefoot doctor in that small town, he didn't know how many times it was stronger.

Banner is of course willing to stay here, with a rare cleanness.

And the whole world, I am afraid that it is only here that can restrain Hulk, and will not let the Hulk that broke out to kill those innocent people.

The birth of ‘Venonika’ is a good proof.

Sure enough, Leo walked in. A huge living room has been transformed into a study room. There is a huge workbench in front of him. The surrounding area is full of various books and notes. The table is also covered with cloth. A notebook full of formula information.

Although it looks a little messy, it is not messy. The whole room is very clean, which is in line with Dr. Banner's character.

On the desktop computer, weird formulas are also written, drawing figures one by one, and there are also the accessory structure of the steel armor.

Banner looked back and saw Leona's curious eyes.

"The new Nano Warframe that Stark is working on involves too many areas, so I'm here to help."

Dr. Banner looked at Leo and explained.

"Understood, do you need my help?"

"No, so far, the information collected is enough. Fortunately, there is the information given by SHIELD. All the data on the Cosmos Rubik's Cube has been disclosed to us. It seems that there is not much difficulty."

Dr. Banner pushed his glasses and said calmly.

As expected to be Dr. Banner, who has seven Ph.Ds, Leo felt a little bit of pressure because of the spirit of learning the gods.

"How are you doing recently?"

Leo still saw the doll model that was placed on the table when he and Banner met for the second time.

Looking at the protruding Hulk model surface, it has been touched so smoothly, it seems that it is often played with.

Of course Banner knew what Leo was asking, and sighed softly, "Hulk can understand me, but he doesn't want to listen. There is no way to communicate."

"When was Hulk last time out?"

"Sokovia, Hulk came out again, and only after Natasha came out, I could barely control Hulk's attack,"

"This feeling, you don't know how uncomfortable it is."

Banner still looked helpless, he wanted to live in harmony with Hulk, but Hulk was not obedient at all.

Leo smiled, "Hulk is like a defective child. All he needs is patience. He can't leave you. Let's talk to him."

"The birth of Hulk is a tragedy. Perhaps you can think about it. From the beginning of birth, you have been enclosed in a dark room unable to move, and your heart is instinctively full of anger. Everything around you is unknown and terrible."

"And every time Hulk comes out to face him, he attacks people who want to hurt him. If he can, Hulk is probably not willing to be born."

Leo looked at Dr. Banner and said.

Banner also whispered, "I understand, that's why I have been communicating with Hulk all the time. Do you know how scary it is to contain two consciousnesses in one body?"

"This feeling is too weird. The more I know Hulk, the faster I can assimilate with Hulk."

Banner looked at Leo with fear in his eyes, "You know, in my sleep I struggled with Hulk, I can see Hulk with my own eyes, and I can touch him."

"Even, I can share my body with him. Even in the current state, I am sharing with Hulk. Only in this way can Hulk be calmer."

Banner said with a bit of pain, holding his head in his hands.

"You mean, Hulk knows the current exchanges between us?"

Leo's eyes glowed a little, and he looked at Dr. Banner and asked.

"Yes, this is an ability that I only discovered recently. This is an ability that only appeared after communicating with Hulk for so long."

Banner sighed, still standing up helplessly, "Similarly, I was able to perceive Hulk's movements in Sokovia before."

Banner glanced at Leo, his eyes a little bit painful, "I hate violence."

Leo looked at the gentle and gentle Dr. Banner before him, and he thought about Hulk's flame-bursting character. This guy with a completely different personality occupies the same body.

Looking at Dr. Banner, who was still suffering in his eyes, Leo also had his eyes fixed.

"You will continue to communicate with Hulk first, if it doesn't work, I will figure out a solution in the end."

Dr. Banner suddenly raised his head, looked at the firmness in Leo's eyes, and swallowed softly, "Then I am waiting for your good news, I think only you can help me."

"Uh, by the way, I haven't asked yet, Leo, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

"Doctor, do you know Dr. Pim? Are you familiar with him?"

Leo remembered the business and said quickly.

"Dr. Hank Pim? Not very familiar, but he has a very high achievement in biochemistry, but he has a bad temper and doesn't like to communicate with other people. This is true for the entire academic community."

"And isn't Dr. Pim already retired?"

Banner recalled for a moment, and said.

"Well, I just want to find Dr. Pim for something, UU reading seems I have to find him by myself."

Leo shrugged slightly, not surprisingly.

"No, Leo, what you do is nothing ordinary. Did Dr. Pim succeed in any research?"

Banner asked Leo curiously.

"How should I say, be it, alright, don't worry about this, I've been waiting for this opportunity, if I really find it, then you and Tony's help is needed."

Leo nodded and said.

Regarding the Pim particle, Leo has always hesitated, but after experiencing the use of the rough stone of time, Leo finally has some autonomous judgments about the long river.

As Dr. Banner said, as long as the key events in the past are not changed, the present time and space will not be affected.

Dr. Banner listened to Leo's words and smiled slightly, "It seems that there is an academic problem that needs help. I hope it will be sooner. If it's something you care about, I can't wait."