Chapter 100 0100: Awakening

Name:Marvel: I'm a Symbiote Author:

"Alex… Wake up. Please!" Wanda desperately begged as she focused within herself on the connection that was Alex's body. It had just gone dormant and she couldn't feel his presence anymore. All she could feel was his body, but his consciousness was gone.

"Alex! Please…" She knelt on the ground at the spot that she'd just been training on.

"Please…" She whimpered while clasping her hands together and begging him to wake up.

"Don't leave me…" Tears were falling down her eyes as she begged everything within her power to protect Alex. She didn't realize it, but her eyes had started glowing a deep crimson as she pleaded and pleaded. The tears that were falling on the snowy mountain were boiling as they melted the snow and made steam rise up.

Wanda's body itself had grown warm enough that she was melting the snow below her and was slowly sinking within the snow. Thin tendrils of pure crimson Chaos energy were extending out from her body and were connected to the ground as they pushed her energy within the ground while also sucking it back in.

It was a loop that was concentrating and purifying the energy that she was naturally creating. Purer energy meant that the effect of her magic would be greater with the same amount of energy.

But she wasn't focusing on any of this. She just kept focusing on her dormant connection with Alex as she begged again and again. Her Chaos energy gathered around her instinctively, responding to her request.

This process lasted for no more than a few minutes, but Wanda was just repeatedly begging Alex to not leave her like a broken tape recorder. And the concentration of Chaos energy within her body had grown to alarming levels. If she could use it with full proficiency, it would be enough to completely destroy the Earth multiple times over until nothing remained.

This was when she felt her connection with Alex fluctuating, "Alex!" She tried to call him but to no avail. He was it was just a momentary flicker before he went dormant again.

But this broke a switch in Wanda, "ALEX!!" She screamed desperately and the huge amount of Chaos energy that she'd gathered exploded out, practically vaporizing her surroundings completely.

But that was no more than the remnant energy that was released due to her bad control and unfamiliarity with the energy.

Most of that gathered energy had been thrown into the connection that she had with Alex, passing through space and even dimensions to reach his consciousness as the milky white sphere that was his soul, suddenly gained a light red hue.

Just then, "Huh?!" Alex woke up with a jolt, 'Is it done?' He focused on how long it had been and realized that it had only been a few minutes, 'Shouldn't it have taken longer?' He thought. He'd assumed that due to his huge consciousness, he should've taken even longer than the offspring.

That was when the situations of his worried hosts came to him, most of them were just worried and were fine so he decided to appease them with a little explanation.

But that was when he noticed Wanda's situation.

"Fuck…" He was standing in the middle of a wasteland with no traces that it was ever a beautiful snowy mountain with a collapsed Wanda in front of him.

He hurriedly picked her up in his arms and looked around.

'Miles around her destroyed… I fucked up. I should've warned her.' He didn't realize that Wanda would be so perceptible to his dormancy. He knew that the rest of his hosts would be fine and he would wake up by the time it got worrisome. But he had forgotten to account for Wanda's insecurity in this.

'She is why I woke up early…' He had just now noticed the red hue around his soul that seemed to be strengthening and protecting it at the same time. It also seemed to be compressing his soul into a denser form.

'What did you do, Wanda…' He looked at the fainted girl in his arms with a worried look and thought about where he would take her. Her actions had resulted in the surrounding mountain range getting completely obliterated and the mansion hadn't survived either.

'I guess I could take her to Wakanda…' He thought, 'I should wake her up, first.'

"Wake up, little Scarlet…" Alex held her lovingly in his arms as he brought her face close to his and nudged his nose against hers.

"Wanda…" He shook her awake again while revitalizing her slightly.

"Alex…" Wanda comfortably shuffled slightly and pressed her face against Alex's face.

"Wake up." He shook her awake again and she finally woke up, "Alex!" Her eyes shot open with desperation within them.

"I'm here… I'm here." He shushed her and held her close.

"You're okay… You're okay…" Wanda held on to him tightly and felt his presence soothing her. Alex felt his chest getting wet as Wanda's tears fell on his shirt.

"I'm here, Wanda. I was just asleep. You didn't have to worry, so much…" He told her before creating a couch on the ground. He sat on it with Wanda in his lap.

"This was different. Even when you're asleep, I can feel you. But—but this time… I couldn't— I couldn't feel you… I was terrified that I'd lost you…" She cried even harder as she said those things.

Alex shushed her gently while rubbing her back and running his other hand through her hair. "I'm fine, baby. I'm fine…" He felt comforted inside that she cared so much about him. While also chiding himself for not informing her ahead of time.

Some more time later, Wanda fell back to sleep, this time she was as at peace as she could be. She knew that Alex was fine and felt safe while being enveloped in his warm arms. Alex spent that time deep in thought when finally, a ship descended to the ground close to them.

It was Wakanda's Royal Aircraft. It could only be used by the Wakandan Royal family. As it landed, the ramp lowered, and 'Killmonger' stepped down from the craft.

He nodded toward Alex and signaled him to walk to the craft.

This was all for the sake of appearances as Alex wasn't planning on mind fucking anyone in Wakanda unless really necessary. In fact, he was planning on taking over the country in the most normal way. By controlling the politics to be in his favor. He wanted all of Wakanda's manpower and intellect under his control, and mind-fucking people was a very inefficient way of doing that.

Alex walked up the ramp of the aircraft with Wanda in his arms. 'Killmonger' followed Alex and the ramp closed behind him.

"Go back to Wakanda, the Royal Palace." 'Killmonger' told the driver after walking up. Meanwhile, Alex set Wanda down on a bed in one of the bedrooms in the craft. It was a luxury craft with multiple rooms and everything.

"Mhm… Alex." Wanda woke up feeling the warm arms of her lover wrapped around her.

"Morning sleepyhead." He kissed her on the forehead as she looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"Alex!" Wanda hugged him tightly and nuzzled her face against his chest. She kept rubbing her face on him and clung to him as if her life depended on it.

A few minutes later, there was a growling sound coming from Wanda's stomach.

[I'm hungry…] She was a little embarrassed, but her actions didn't stop. Her face was still nuzzling on his chest and her legs were tangled up with his.

"I'll need you to let me go so that we can get up to eat…" He told her.

[I don't care.] She wasn't planning on budging. She was terrified that she'd lost Alex too and she would need some time to get herself together. Alex understood this and ran his fingers through Wanda's hair while whispering soothing words to her.

Around half an hour later, she was finally satisfied and her hunger was starting to get a little unbearable. After all, she had just exerted herself to an extreme extent and nutrition was very much necessary.

'I'll talk to her about the level 3 bond after we're done with the food.' Alex thought.

"I'll call someone in for the food." He told her after Wanda was finally willing to separate from him.

"Aren't we at the mansion?" Wanda frowned and looked around, finally realizing that this wasn't their room in the mountains.

"You were too busy cuddling to realize that this isn't our room," Alex smiled at her, "We're in Wakanda." He said.

"What?!" Wanda's lazy expression instantly changed to a vigilant one and she was about to get up. Alex noticed a red glow in her eyes.

"Hey, hey! Calm down. We're safe. I made some moves and took over Killmonger. I'm essentially the king of Wakanda now." He told her, holding her back from destroying the entire palace.

She had a slight surprise on her face as she looked at him with a deeper frown, "You aren't lying?" She confirmed.

"Why would I lie to you? And how would we be in the royal castle of Wakanda if I was? In the master bedroom of the King, no less." He looked at her with a helpless smile. They were in the best room in the castle, which was obviously the King and Queen's chamber.

"Cool…" She didn't treat it as a big deal and continued, "I want the stuff that you made for me on our date in the snow…" She told him.

"Your wish is my command." He said, "Meanwhile, as it's being prepared, we can continue where we left off." Not giving her any time to reply, he pressed his lips over hers and started making out with her again.


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