Chapter 190 0190: Domain

Name:Marvel: I'm a Symbiote Author:
Chapter 190 Chapter 0190: Domain

?When everyone woke up from the effects of Doctor Strange's spell, they were all disoriented for a while before they all reacted and looked at Strange's fainted form on the ground.

Nat perfectly blended in with everyone and acted just as clueless as she looked at Wong approaching Strange. He put two of his fingers at the side of the man's neck, "He's still alive."

"What exactly happened?" Tony asked, "What was that green glow?" He pointed his repulsors at Wong.

"You don't need to think of me as an enemy, Mr. Stark. Strange did what he did under the corruption of the lingering influence of this tomb — palace." He corrected himself, "As for that green glow," Wong hooked his hand around Strange's necklace and cast a spell to detach it before pulling it away from his neck.

"It was this, the Eye of Aggomoto." He was about to continue speaking but frowned for a moment before casting a spell that made the eye float. He tried to open it and saw that the green gem inside it had disappeared, "Damnit!" He slammed the Eye on the ground.

"I'm guessing that the green glowing rock was important?" Steve asked after seeing Wong's reaction.

"That green rock was the Time Stone." Wong said, "The thing that powered the Eye itself and the core of the relic. Without it, the eye is nothing more than an old focus relic."

"Any clue what might have happened?" Tony asked as he examined the eye that was still on the ground.

"It's impossible to recreate the scene since it involves the use of the Time Stone." Wong shook his head.

"Anyone gonna brief us on what this Time Stone exactly is?" Steve asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Wong sighed before casting an illusion spell that showed what could only be described as cosmic dust being compressed together into a singular unit, "At the dawn of the Universe, there was nothing. And then..." The compressed singularity exploded outward as Wong continued, "The Big Bang resulted in the creation of six singularities that formed the Infinity Stones and sent them hurtling across the universe," He created six differently colored stones within the illusion of cosmic dust, "These stones each control an essential aspect of existence."

He arranged the stones and grabbed the green one, "Time," He then grabbed the blue one, "Space," Next was the yellow one, "Mind," After that was the purple one, "Power," Then the gold one, "Soul," And finally, the red one, "And Reality."

"And we just lost the Time Stone..." Tony said with a tone of realization.

"The loss of life could be unimaginable," Steve said with a solemn tone, "Where's Vision?" He asked Tony.

"Compound," He said, "The Mind Stone will be safe with him. What about the others?" He asked Wong.

"The Ancient One was keeping track of the Space Stone for a while until it left the planet," He said.

"The Tesseract. It could open a portal through space to transport the Chitauri," Steve said, "It should be on Asgard..."

"If only we had a way to contact Thor," Tony said, "That's it?" He asked Wong.

"As far as I know, yes." He nodded, "The others I have no clue about. But I'm sure that they aren't on Earth."

"These Stones may just be the key for us to keep everything safe," Tony said, "We have to start looking."

«EP -1»


«EP: 55765 -> 55638»

"I had to use almost 150 EP to initiate the domain and for every hour we spend at this speed, I'll consume a point of EP," Alex told her. He'd already given Wanda an idea about his special unit of energy since he regularly used it in their 'strengthening' sessions. His following words dashed all of Wanda's hopes. "It's not really a big cost, but it isn't sustainable either. Especially for the reasons that you're thinking of."

"What a shitty Infinity Stone..." She pouted, "There's clearly a limit to its use."

"Oh no, you're getting it wrong..." Alex said, "It's more complicated than that. I'm not using EP to maintain the domain. I'm using it so that I can keep up with my usage of the Stone."

"What do you mean?" She asked, "If the Stone has infinite energy, there should be no problem in using it."

"Yeah, I'm not completely sure about it either for now," He said, "But from what I can observe, the Stone is the source that's allowing me to use the Time Authority that's maintaining this domain. As for my energy consumption, it's because I have to supplement myself to be able to sustain the use of this Authority."

"Argh, you're using confusing sentences..." Wanda shook her head, making her hair slap Alex in the face repeatedly.

"All right, all right, I'll explain it in simpler words..." Alex grabbed Wanda's face between both his hands, squeezing her cheeks."

"Go ow..." She said with her lips squished together.

"The whole time shenanigans are dealt with by the stone itself. But there needs to be some sort of conduit for the stone to express the authority. I'm acting as that conduit and it's creating some stress on my entire being. Now to mitigate that stress, I'm using my EP. Do you get it now?"

"Uh hu..." She nodded with difficulty since her head was still grasped in between Alex's hands.

"Good," Alex nodded with satisfaction, before letting go of her head and giving her lips a kiss, "You look cute."

Wanda pouted, "I wanted to spend a month alone with you with the entire world frozen..." She looked to the side.

"I mean, 720 points of energy might sound like a lot, but it's really not when I consider my actual reserves..." Alex said with a smile as Wanda's eyes brightened up.

"I love you!" She jumped at Alex, almost toppling the couch in the process.


Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

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