\"This...this is...\"

Keisha's parents, their eyes widened, looked incredible.

Because they recognize this palace.

This palace is the palace of Hua Ye.

In other words.

They are now in the City of Angels!

But how is this possible?

Obviously, only a second or two passed.

How could it be possible to cross the angel warrior, a journey that would take several days to complete?

But to say, this is not the city of angels.

How do you explain the palace in front of you?

And, be aware.

As the palace of the King of Angels, it is naturally guarded outside.

But now, there is no one outside.

Suddenly, Keisha's parents began to doubt life.


Keisha looked at the palace very curiously, \"That palace is so beautiful, is it the palace of the King of Angels?\" Carl nodded, \"Well, that's right.\"

\"If you are interested, go and check it out.\"


Keisha nodded excitedly, and then flew towards the palace.

Carl followed.

Keisha's parents looked at each other and followed.

Enter the palace.

The interior of the palace is very luxurious.

The exquisite relief objects have a huge space.

However, there are not many people in it.

There are only a dozen female angels.

They are standing here with a blank expression on their faces.

I don't know what happened.

Although, more than ten people watched a lot.

But compared with this vast space, it is too little.

Seeing someone enter, the female angels looked at them subconsciously.

\"Not only is there no guard outside, there is no inside?\"

Keisha's father said in disbelief.

Could it be that.

The warriors in the City of Angels have really been dealt with?

Otherwise, how to explain the situation in front of you?

Keisha looked at the people in the palace curiously.

Those female angels were originally a little afraid.

But seeing Kesha's harmless appearance, she gradually felt relieved.

There was a female angel who plucked up the courage to ask: \"Excuse me...what about the male angels?\" Keisha responded: \"They are all wiped out.\"

\"Exterminated by...?\"

The female angel was taken aback, and said with some fear: \"How could it be eliminated?\"\"Well, if the king knew, she would punish us severely.\"

Upon seeing this, Keisha comforted: "Don't worry, the King of Angels is also dead."

The female angel looked at Keisha in disbelief, \"The king is...dead?\"

Keisha nodded subconsciously, \"Uh...Yes.\"

Upon hearing this, the female angels whispered to each other.

\"She said that the king is dead, and the male angels are also dead...\"


\"I think it's true, the angels in the palace have disappeared.\"

\"I saw it just now, the guards outside the palace are gone, there is no one outside. \"\"It seems that it is really dead?\"

\"Very good!\"



Originally, these female angels still had doubts.

But inside and outside the palace, angel warriors all disappeared.

They believed Kesha's words.

While talking, all the female angels actually started to cry.

When Kesha saw this situation, she was a little unsure.

It seems that these female angels are crying.