Chapter 80: Sad Secret Service

Name:Marvel: Mr. President Author:
Chapter 80: Sad Secret Service

After his peaceful fight with Mister Sinister, Hector returned to the school to meet the boy they had just saved. Hector did not know too much about Scott Summers, he only knew about Mister Sinister because of Jean Grey.

But what he did know was that he had a brother. He could help them, though he was no neurosurgeon who could bring back their memories. Still, getting a new home in the academy would be good.

Meanwhile, Logan had also caught a few people working for Mister Sinister, and they would be handed over to Shield. It was an organisation still under his control and Nick Fury had already joined as an agent, though he was at the lowest level runt right now.

One good thing Mister Sinister did was to get Scott his glasses. Hector entered the room where some medical tests were being done, "How is he?"

"He's fine. We arrived in time to save him from a mob about to clinch him." Raven revealed.

"How did your mission go?" Erik asked him.

Just then Logan walked in, dragging the corpse of Mister Sinister in, "Well, as you can see, he's dead. That's what you get after having your soul destroyed. Remember kids, to defeat a mad scientist who can clone himself, you just have to destroy his soul."

"Where do I put it?" Logan asked.

"In my car's trunk, we're going to burn it later," Hector instructed him.

To this, Logan angrily glared at him, and if he could pounce on him and hurt him, he would have, "Then why did you make me bring him in?"

"How would I know? I didn't ask you and thought you just wanted to look badass or something." Hector replied in his defence.

Logan didn't even bother and threw the body on a stretcher nearby, "Put it back on your own."

*sigh* "See kids, I'm a hundred and seven years old and this boy still bullies me. Ah, so much work as a president, my shoulder aches." He took a seat in a wheelchair nearby.

"Grandpa, I massage your shoulder." Jean came in running out of nowhere. As soon as that happened, in a frenzy, Logan threw a sheet on Mister Sinister's body.

Hector fawned over her, "Oho... sure, if it's little Jean, it must be the best massage."

She skipped behind his wheelchair and started tapping on his shoulder with her little fist. Hector honestly didn't feel anything, it would take Hulk to give him a massage, but he appreciated her hard work. All kids deserve to be appreciated when they do something good. "Ah, I already feel the tiredness leaving my body. It seems Moony will be bringing ice cream not just for himself."

"REALLY?!" Jean exclaimed in happiness.

He stopped her and made her come forward and sit on his lap, he caressed her hair, "Of course. I heard you are the top student in your class. Your mother sent me a letter a few days ago, saying they are happy with the school. But I think she has a crush on your bald principal. Honestly, who even likes bald boys, look at Grandpa with a manly lion beard and long silky hair."

Jean was a sharp kid, she knew he was japing, she giggled, "Hehe... professor is not that bad, he's just... very strict." nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Is that so, then you can always complain to Raven, she's the only one who can bonk his head." He advised.

But this confused her, she tilted her head and asked, "What is bonk, grandpa?"

Hector rubbed his beard and thought, "Hmm, it's when someone behaves bad and you hit them on their head, not to injure them but to let them know they were not behaving."


"Huh, as broody as always. Let's go, Scott, I will introduce you to others. Ignore him, Professor Moony says that Logan is salty because he lacks a mate. I don't know what that means though, doesn't he have a lot of mates? I have so many mates here in school, we play and eat together. And what does that have to do with salt?" She innocently dragged the shy boy along.


"Charles, that boy, he isn't able to control his eye ability because of an injury to his head. He also has a brother, this is the address we found on the records. I don't know if he remembers his brother because Mister Sinister tried to do some mental experiments on him. So, it's my advice that you don't mess around with his head and instead work on his personality. Once he's stable, tell him about his brother." Hector advised him, knowing all too well how addicted Charles can be to entering minds.

"What about his parents?" Charles asked.

Hector did not know this part. Did Scott's parents die in the comics? "I don't know, you should try to find out. Maybe something to go by his surname. I will leave you to it, I need to head back to the White House for work."

He started to leave. Moony would stay, Logan would do whatever he wanted. He had no plans of taking him together either as he had different work to do in the Funhouse dimension.

"WAIT... GRANDPA!" Jean came running to him as he sat in his car.

He stopped and listened, "Grandpa, can you bring me books? There are only study books here, no fun storybooks."

Hector patted her head, "Sure, why just bring them? I will write them for you. Okay, bye, take care of yourself and Moony."


White House,

Security Room,

The White House used to be much more serious about the security of the President. The Secret service was always on its toes to make sure that no unexpected situation arises. But ever since Hector took over back in 1941, things have been going downhill.

"Captain, I think I will gain weight if I have to sit here any longer. Can't we just go on leave? It's not like Mr President needs us." A Secret Service agent spoke to his senior.

"Are you out of your mind? We have sworn an oath to protect the President in life and death. How can you think of abandoning the post?" The captain scolded the man.

But the agent had a perfect counter, "Sir, we don't even know where Mr President is, we have already failed our duty."

"That's it, ten circles around the White House. If you are getting fat, I know ways to thin you out." The captain shouted at him. But unknown to the agent, the captain felt helpless as well, ~Son, what can I do, Mister President is just too damn strong.~

Sighing, the agent left, mumbling, "I wish shouting could change things. We've been jobless for decades now."

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!