Chapter 99: Cultural Revolution

Name:Marvel: Mr. President Author:
Chapter 99: Cultural Revolution

You can read 70 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Hector was amazed by seeing the insides of the room they were in. It was like a throne room of some king or queen. And as he expected, the High Priestess was sitting on a throne, wearing all golden robes and her hair covered too. She was certainly beautiful, however, ~Not to be racist or anything, I love gold, but I can't have junior me looking golden.~

Why did he even think about this? Well, one of the reasons he was in space was to find a woman to fan in love with, to feel this emotion that he had not in his life before.

High Priestess Ayesha got up from her seat, as Hector looked too tall from her position. "Welcome, Mister President, care to tell me what are you president of?"

"I was the leader of the strongest faction on my planet, this was my designation. I ruled for decades before leaving the planet and venturing into space. What about you, are you religious or something? Why do you have High Priestess beside your name?" Hector asked her. After all, he could not understand why such an advanced civilisation would hold a belief in any religion.

"The most wondrous deity, we call her the Goddess of Progeny, is the one we pray to. She was a great leader who thousands of years ago taught us how to perfect our DNA and create a perfect species. If you may, I can verse you in my religion." She was basically doing what missionaries do on Earth, preaching her religion.

Hector politely denied, "No thank you, I am more of a believer in traditional reproduction,"

"Interesting, we have lost the uncivilised art of natural reproduction,"

"It's not uncivilised, it's just more intimate. You try to understand another person, like their good and bad sides, be there for them, and fall in love with them. You procreate with the one you love, and I honestly believe that is the best thing a being can fall for, love. I reckon your people don't go on dates?" He asked her after preaching his own religion.

She looked at her handmaidens in confusion, "I don't quite get what you mean by that word. What's dating?"

Logan brashly answered, "It's an excuse to start fucking,"

*Cough* Hector quickly corrected him, "Dating is when a male and a female, or any other combination, go out to have fun together, such as to eat dinner together, walk together. They get to know each other and decide if they want to procreate."

"Amusing, we have lost all of this. Can you perhaps teach me a bit about this... procreation in the old ways?" She asked him, not knowing what she was implying.

Now, Hector had a chance to get rid of his virginity. Did he want to do it with a golden alien? No, never. He wanted to do it with the one he loves, he wanted it to mean something, be memorable.

"I don't think I will, since my personal beliefs hold me back. However, my friend here, Logan, will gladly take you up on that offer. He's extremely experienced as well in the art of whorin... I mean procreating. What do you say, Logan, would you be kind enough to make this respectful lady happy?" He asked his bodyguard.

Logan checked the High Priestess from top to bottom. He didn't have many high standards and he didn't care about race or the colour of the skin either. So, he took a good puff of his cigar and nodded, "Sure, I will teach her. Will your handmaidens also join?"

High Priestess Ayesha looked at her four handmaidens, "Would you like to learn about the ancient lost art of procreation?"

"Yes, High Priestess,"

"I would be honoured,"

"It will be helpful in our understanding of the Goddess of Progeny."

"Yes, it's said that Goddess of Progeny did it many times,"

High Priestess Ayesha nodded at Logan, "Then we will be under your care, human named Logan. We shall conduct this business after we have discussed what contract Mister President wanted,"

Hector once again decided to go to meet the High Priestess and get the contract signed. Four hours would have been enough for Logan to deal with the five of them, he reckoned.

When he arrived at the same place, the door of the room was left open. He entered and found the High Priestess sitting on a desk/bed, her headgear was gone, her golden hair was falling over her shoulders, and they looked dishevelled.

Her face seemed lost as she stared blankly at one point. Meanwhile, the handmaidens were back in their positions, standing on the sides, but they all seemed uncomfortable at standing straight.

He heard the High Priestess speaking to herself, "We have lost such a great art, what have we done."

"Oh, hey prez," Logan came out from the background, washing his hands clean, a cigar in his mouth.

"What did you do to them?" He asked.

Logan smirked and winked at the High Priestess, "Nothing, just showed them the fun of doing it the old way. Let's just say, all their sockets got conquered today. They actually enjoyed it. I'd rate the experience 9 out of 10."

Hector looked at his face in doubt, "She looks traumatised to me,"

"That's just her shock, the realisation that they had been missing out on this amazing thing for so long. She wants me to stay here forever and teach all her females this art. But I can't, maybe when we return from the mission,"

*Cough* "Good for you. Anyway, we are to sign the contract now. High Priestess Ayesha, this is the contract, read it and sign it so we can go and bring your brother back,"

She just blankly took the datapad and signed on it without taking a glance. However, Hector noticed her gaze at the middle of his pants. He quickly stepped back, knowing what she was thinking. "Well, I will be on my way then. Logan, let's go."

Once the two left, the High Priestess wondered vocally, "How large will his procreation instrument be?"

"Very large, High Priestess,"

"It should be even more enjoyable,"

"At least 10 inches, I presume, High Priestess,"

"Truly, blessed by the Goddess of Progeny." One after another, the four handmaidens lusted after the man who was now the President of their steamy thoughts in their minds.

Ayesha licked her lips, "It seems we will need to find some worthy males from the population,"

Hector had no bloody idea that he had brought a cultural revolution that would put Mao to shame. Here, instead of people dropping dead, babies will be popping. But he got the money and the job, he cared not for the rest. Logan was also feeling fresh, so that was there too.

[See High Priestess on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!