Chapter 298: Meeting With God

Name:Marvel: Mr. President Author:
Chapter 298: Meeting With God

[You can read the last chapters in advance, OP and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.]

Hector didn't even get time to react as he simply vanished from the couch, from Diana's arms and appeared inside a huge hall with white mist everywhere. Everything was white, except the big golden throne of the God, on which the God was also sitting, appearing like a giant. On God's arms, he could also see nine cute little beasts, the famed little angels of the Hall of Judgement.

Hector had met the Big G once before, although he never got to talk to the man. So he respectfully greeted him. "I pay respect to the supreme god."

"Bwahaha, raise your head, child. What's this? A Xianxia world? I am no r*pist sect master. Be at ease, lad; you're not like the other visitor of this hall. Most of the visitors are horny bastards wishing to be reborn in a fictional world with a cock that attracts all the women."

Hector nodded as he realised something. "So this is why Hell was seeing so many new clients with chopped cocks?" The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Indeed... that's the punishment for showing horny in front of me," God replied while smoking the mega cigar that was as big as Hector himself.

"G-Chan! He looks like you!" One of the cute little fox-like beasts with nine tails spoke.

God bellowed in laughter. "Bwahaha... Indeed, he stole my style."

Hector felt offended. "I just believe that beards make one look manly and graceful. I had not even seen you before I grew a beard."

God's eyes shined, despite his big black badass glasses. "Oho? I'm liking you more and more, my boy. So, which department do you want to go to now? Tell me fast, the line for possible incarnators is growing by ten million per second."

But Hector was just as confused as he was before. "What choice?"

"Satan didn't tell you?"



"That son of a bitch. Well, in short, the little adventure you had in Marvel world was a part of the bigger examination I was conducting to see if you're worth elevating to my realm."

"What do you mean by your realm? I am already an Omniversal being." Hector asked.

"You're an angel, Hector... At least I want to make you one. You have passed the test with flying colours. Now I am going to give you one department that you will work at. We have all kinds of departments. From the department of exorcism, blessings, love, and natural calamity to negate the sin value of a region... we have everything you can imagine. Select any one."

Hector fell into thinking. He was shocked to know the test was about him ascending to being an angel. But, he needed to hurry as the God seemed impatient.

"Can't decide?" God started. "No problem. Return to your seat and think about it. When you're done, tell me the decision. Until then, try exploring your new powers."

Hector felt nothing change, however. "What power? I'm an angel already?"


"Where are my white wings?"

Then, a beam of light appeared from the sky, like a tube. It was golden in colour, and as it fell on Hector and Diana, it took them away.


They felt like they were being transported through an extremely thin tube, and their bodies had turned into slime. They saw the various galaxies and universes pass by in the darkness around them. It was pretty but terrifying at the same time.

All they could see for as far as they could, it was made and controlled by God. How much power and mental calculations does it need to keep the omniverse running? That was something not just Hector, but everyone else thought about.


They appeared in a dark alley between buildings. It was nighttime from the looks of it. But, where they were, Hector had no idea.

"Gotham!" Diana blurted. "I can never forget the scent and the depressing aura of this city."


Just then, a loud explosion resounded in the distance. With that, Hector agreed with her. "It certainly is Gotham. The city of crime... where criminals get a pat on the back so the hero bat can stay employed."


Diana looked at him, hurt. "What do you mean by that? Bruce does try his best... albeit a bit flawed are his ways."

"Pfft... come on, Diana. You know better than any. I was alone able to bring peace to the whole planet because I was ready to make the sacrifices needed to do it. In the recent war, I only allowed petty criminals to die. Here, in Gotham, all criminals, no matter how bad, are sent to prison or Arkham Asylum, only for them to bust out and repeat the whole process. There is a thing called painless death, just so you know."


"Hehehe... Batmaaaaaan!"

Diana and Hector came out on the street and saw Batman chasing an ice cream truck on his motorbike. The ice cream truck had jet engines connected to it somehow.

"See, this is what I'm talking about. Batman is just a rich spoiled brat wanting to have fun and role-play as a superhero."

Diana sighed as she knew Hector was not completely wrong.

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*

Thank you for all your support!