629 Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 629

It's just that what this force is and what its effect is, I don't know yet.

Su Zhan extracted the soul fragments of Hathor, and looked at the sacred pattern of Hathor preparing to dedicate her life to the Lord. Su Zhan did not pretend to take off her clothes and threw it on.

Soon... Voices rang in this silent space.

Artemis came to Nefertis and Saya and said softly: "She has completed the ritual, advanced to the god of love, and truly became the lord of the gods!"

Nefertis frowned."What do you want to say?"

"All the gods including me must complete the ritual so that they can become gods, the gods pardoned by the Lord of the gods. Now, I am, and so is Hathor. When the matter here is resolved, we will follow the crowd. The Lord of God leaves. If you want to be together, you should complete the ceremony."

"Mother, do I want it too? You are leaving, what should I do, I also want to go with you." Saya hurriedly asked.

Artemis smiled and said: "You are an angel who is personally forgiven by the Lord of the Gods, and you will naturally go with us. As for whether or not to perform the ceremony, I dare not call the shots. Then you should look at the Lord of the Gods. ...What status is it."

After speaking, Artemis spoke out the content of the ceremony in a sacred tone.

Not to mention Artemis’ careful thoughts, nor how Nefertis and Saya felt after they heard them, Su Zhan galloped on Hathor, and Hathor dedicated himself to serving the Lord of the gods. It wasn't until he received a gift from the Lord of the Gods that Hathor finally resisted and fainted.



Sitting on the bow, Su Zhan was holding the God Killing Blade in his hand, analyzing his own abilities.

His abilities are very mixed, he swallowed a lot of abilities in the early stage, and although there are enhanced templates in the later stage, there are still many miscellaneous.There are so many abilities, physique, infinite power, power of the phoenix, power of the sun, divine power, magic power, and bloodline that are swallowed. Although there are too many skills, these abilities can coexist perfectly. But it is not systematic enough.

Although many can be called almighty, this kind of almighty is somewhat different from the almighty that Su Zhan thought.

His omnipotence is similar to infinite power. Various gem abilities are merged together to become a kind of energy, but this kind of energy can release various abilities with one's own mind.

This is omnipotent!

"Take time out, it's time to sort out your abilities. Anyway, you are now the lord of the gods, and there should be a systematic source of abilities."

Chapter 0765 Apibu of Dark Snake

After Hathor completed the ceremony and received the Lord’s grace, she clearly felt that Artemis was much closer to herself. In addition, she also felt that after the ceremony, her divine power seemed to become stronger. It seemed that there was a special connection, which made Hathor begin to recognize the role of the ceremony.

In this regard, Artemis' answer is simple.

"You have completed the ritual, and you will be loyal to the Lord of the Gods forever, and you will naturally become stronger. As for contact, all the gods who sincerely complete the ritual will get in touch with the Lord of the Gods and be protected by the Lord. !"

When he said this, Artemis used the expression of someone who came by, as if it was not worth the fuss.But in fact, Artemis was also surprised, because she had no such connection before Hathor performed the ceremony, but afterwards, she did.But after all, it’s someone here, so you can’t be ashamed!

It is not only Artemis, but also the people who performed the ritual on Mount Olympus at this time have this connection, but it varies from person to person, the more sincere the connection, the deeper the connection.

Su Zhan sat on the bow of the ship and analyzed his many abilities. There were many abilities, some could be peaceful, and some were like angels and demons, but they didn't give face to each other.Relying on the system's enhanced template, these abilities can be sorted out. Although there will be a slight loss in strengthening points, it does not affect its power.However, the ability to strengthen the template is not all.

The infinite power, the power of the phoenix, is not among them.

Even relying on enhanced templates, it is impossible to integrate them all.

What's more, Su Zhan is not so reliant on the enhanced template of the system now, or the system is no longer so supreme and omnipotent in the eyes of Su Zhan.If you say that the system is what he relied on at the beginning, but as his ability improves, the analytical ability after brain development, etc., he has already equated himself with the system, and everyone is on an equal footing for the time being, but you are always in this position. But he can not keep getting stronger, and sooner or later there will be a day when he will surpass the system. With this kind of thinking, how could Su Zhan still feel how sacred and unattainable the system is?

What's more, Su Zhan thinks a lot now.

System enhancement is always system enhancement, which is far worse than doing it yourself!

However, how to integrate these abilities by yourself is a difficult problem.

"It's still not enough brain development!"

He can imagine the process, to decompose, merge, and reorganize these abilities, without losing the original ability but also forming a stream of energy.However, it is not known how to do this process. It is not so easy to decompose, integrate and reorganize capabilities.Su Zhan sighed and stood up, looking into the darkness in the distance.

One day passed.

Apib, the dark snake, should also be here.

As the incarnation of pure darkness, Apib, the snake of darkness, is very strong and wants to swallow the earth. It can be seen from his fierce battle with the sun god every night. As the supreme sun god in Egyptian mythology, he is only forced to retreat. , And cannot be eliminated.

I have to say that this guy is also persistent.

It really appeared every night.

In the distance, darkness is permeated, and a huge black mist bursts out at dawn, as if to learn that the sun god is dead, making it feel that it has a chance, so it becomes particularly excited. The light and darkness are opposed to each other. Fearing that the god of light was dead, Apib, the snake of darkness, did not put Su Zhan in his eyes.

Watching the roaring black mist faintly transform into snake heads, Su Zhan stood on the bow and said lightly: "I'm not in the mood to kill you yet, so if you know you, you'd better roll back to your darkness obediently."


Apib, the snake of darkness, roared, and a cloud of light swept across.

Obviously, he didn't take Su Zhan's words to heart, and took the initiative.


Su Zhan roared, the Blade of God Killing came out abruptly, slashing lightly.

In an instant, the black light slashed the city in half and dissipated in an instant, but the light of the God Killing Blade did not disappear. Instead, it surged forward and instantly smashed the body of the dark snake Apib.

The screams sounded, and the black clouds rolled, like a rewind playback after a mushroom cloud exploded. The huge darkness shrank in an instant, and finally turned into a black spot and disappeared.

The surroundings were calm, Hathor, and Nefertis were shocked.

This is the God Lord!

Hathor's eyes glowed like a pilgrimage.

Apib, the snake of darkness, returned to the darkness, and Su Zhan turned back.

"It's an injury, don't even think about going out in ten and a half months, do you want to stay here or go back?"

"Go back." Nefsti hesitated and said softly.

"it is good!"

Su Zhan did not take away the sun god, and returned to the mortal world with them.

At this time, classmate Horus and Luke, the starring actor of Prince's Revenge, have found Tut, the god of wisdom, and under the guidance of Totem, the god of wisdom, went to the source of Set's power, where the desert fire is.

A pyramid that keeps changing and it is difficult to find the right door.

Not only is there a desert fire here, but the other eye of Horus is also placed here.

In addition, there is a powerful artifact, the Sphinx.

He has another well-known name, the Sphinx!