631 Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 631

"come on!"

Su Zhan snorted softly, and the desert fire in the deep pit continued to pour into his body as if he had been summoned.

The swallowing power was released, and the divine power of the desert fire was quickly swallowed and absorbed. It didn't take long for the surrounding hot aura to cool down, and the original red flame disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit.

at the same time.

Seth, who had just left the pyramid, suddenly groaned and fell to the ground.

His expression was very complicated, resentful and unwilling, struggling to stand up, and then...disappeared in the desert.


Freed Horus came to Su Zhan to speak, but Su Zhan forced him back.

"I am too lazy to care about the troubles between you and Seth. This time I saved you and weakened Seth. It is also considered my best interest and I have an account of Nefertis. As for who wins and who loses is with me in the end It's nothing, you can go!"

Su Zhan waved.

Horus could feel the impatience of Su Zhan, and did not say much, nodded gratefully and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

Su Zhan suddenly spoke, Horus stopped and turned around but heard Su Zhan say: "It's not you, I mean you!"

Tutt pointed to himself in amazement, and looked at Horus hesitantly.

Horus gave Tutt a relieved look, then turned and left.

"It's going to collapse here." Hathor whispered.

Su Zhan nodded and took Hathor and Tut, and moved directly out of the pyramid. After they left, the pyramid collapsed and turned into rubble.

"Yes, is there anything I can do?"

Tute looked at Su Zhan nervously, really wondering why he suddenly left himself.

Su Zhan looked at Tu Te, to be precise, at the gem on Tu Te's head.

This thing is the inheritance of the god of wisdom, and it is also a good thing in the Egyptian god system.Feeling Su Zhan's gaze, Totem took a step back subconsciously. Ai Ai opened his mouth to say something, but felt a sharp pain before he could have time, and immediately after the gem had fallen into Su Zhan's hands.

"I... Am I not dead?"

After the severe pain, Tutt found that he was not dead, which surprised him.

The gem of wisdom is the source of his wisdom and the source of his life.

"It's none of your business, you can go."

Su Zhan wasn't in the mood to pay attention to him, Tute hesitated for a moment, and turned away.

Originally, Su Zhan had no idea about this wisdom gem, but after coming in just now, Su Zhan discovered that this thing is of great use to his current self... There are countless wisdom stored in the wisdom gem. If it is used as a metaphor, this It seems to be a huge mobile hard disk that can be stored, analyzed, and used.

With his brain developed to 100%, Su Zhan was very worried that he would incarnate into nothingness and omnipresence like in Super Body movies, but with this gem of wisdom, he could solve this problem perfectly.

"Go, go back!"

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he took Hathor directly back to Nefertis.

After returning, Su Zhan directly entered the intensive strengthening.

Develop your mind!

Originally, his brain area was almost 80% developed, but now he focuses on this matter and his speed has naturally accelerated a lot.

"Ding! The task is completed, reward 1000 strengthening points."

As the brain development reached 80%, the reminder of task completion also sounded, but Su Zhan didn't care.1000 strengthening points are not too attractive to him now.His brain is running fast, analyzing how to fuse abilities, how to decompose, fuse, and reorganize.

The higher the development of the brain, the stronger this analysis ability. After being there for seven days, for seven days, Su Zhan finally figured out this equation!

"You finally woke up."

Seeing Su Zhan waking up, the worried women were finally relieved.

"Hathol, serve me a bath. The time is almost up. It's time to go back to the sun boat, otherwise the little fellow of the Dark Snake will come out and make a fuss again." Although Su Zhan looked tired, he was still very mental Especially good, there was a joy in his tone.

Hathor served Su Zhan and took a bath. In the process, it was natural for Su Zhan to vent.

After taking a shower, Su Zhan looked radiant, his exhaustion was gone.

"Artemis, you come back to the sun boat with me, the others stay, wait until the war is over, and then find me." Su Zhan confessed, and he teleported directly back to the sun boat with Artemis.

Item 0768

"If the snake of darkness comes out, tell me."

Su Zhan gave an order to Artemis, and then sat in the place where the sun god used to sit, preparing to start fusion.

Many abilities, it is not easy to merge them one by one. Su Zhan intends to start with physique first, because the body is the foundation of everything. Only with a strong physique can he withstand the ability to merge.

Physical aspect.

Su Zhan decided to use the physique of the Kryptonians as the basis to integrate the various abilities of Extremis Virus, Red Tank, and biochemical agents.Although it is considered to be a fusion now, it is only a superficial fusion, rather than a complete fusion, which is essentially different.

This process is not easy. First, you have to decompose each ability. This process is quite painful. After all, the body's phagocytic ability automatically merges, and it is strange that forcible decomposition can be easy.

Moreover, while disintegrating, while the body merges with itself, it is not only painful, but the process is very slow.These abilities are not weapons or props. After being broken down, they can be put aside and then integrated one by one.You can only decompose one separately, and then resist and gradually merge with your own swallowing ability, your own body and other abilities. This requires a lot of spiritual power.

It is also due to the infinite power, and the degree of brain development is enough, otherwise, even if you know the equation and know what to do, it will not be possible.

Su Zhan was like an old monk entering concentration, sitting there motionless, even without his expression, but his body was changing rapidly.Although Artemis didn't know what he was doing, he still spontaneously guarded him around, always staring at the movement of the dark starry sky.

As time passed day by day, the wounded dark snake appeared again.Artemis had just notified Su Zhan and saw that Su Zhan picked up the Blade of Killing God and swung it lightly, directly blasting the Dark Snake that had not yet crawled out.

It's hurt bad again!

Every ten days, the snake of darkness would appear after being wounded, and then be chopped back by Su Zhan.

In fact, Su Zhan can kill the Dark Snake directly, solve the problem and complete the task, but Su Zhan is worried that once the Dark Snake dies, he will leave from this place of independent time.

After all, no matter how long it has elapsed, the outside time has not changed.

As for the time required for integration, Su Zhan calculated that Nima would take hundreds of thousands of years at the fastest. He didn’t have to waste that long outside, not to mention that once he went out for various things, he was afraid that he would not be able to concentrate. combined.

This place is simply an excellent retreat place, otherwise, how could Su Zhan wait until now and kill the snake of darkness at the beginning.

At the same time as the Soviet war retreats, it is over and over again.