1001 Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1001

God was afraid of creation and ran away, and now the only chance to find God is himself.

Help the angels in heaven find God?

This is not Su Zhan's style, he is not so kind.However, things have to look at two sides. The creation of the world contains the power of rules, and God also contains the power of rules. The power of rules must be upgraded to achieve the goal of creating a multiverse.Moreover, he is still a little curious about the God Su Zhan, even if it is only a God in a single universe.

"Actually, there is no need to find God, just get a new God. For example, I have the power of God." Although the mind has been set to pay attention, Su Zhan still deliberately teased sentence.

The tall angel smiled bitterly, change to a god?How could it be that easy.

What's more, although Su Zhan is very strong, they really don't think that Su Zhan has the power of God!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I agreed to find God." Su Zhan smiled.

"Really? That's great, let's go now." The short angel said.

Su Zhan rolled his eyes: "Leaving your sister, honestly go back to the hotel and wait. I will naturally notify you when I leave."

"But..." The tall angel wanted to say something, but was stopped by the short angel next to him."We will go back now, hope we can soon..."

Su Zhan waved, and the two angels reluctantly left.

After the angel left, Su Zhan turned to look at Betsy.

At this time, Betsy was completely frightened. What angel, creation, and God are missing?These news are too...too shocking for her.She is not a particularly devout believer, but in many cases she is actually comforting herself, a kind of spiritual belief.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect all of this to be true!

Seeing Su Zhan looking at herself, Betsy knelt on the ground and pressed her head against the ground, with indescribable awe and piety!

If she was a little scared before, now her fear has turned into awe. Wouldn't the angels come and ask for God?Those abilities he had before have passed.If you don't have the ability, how can you go to God?

If she had promised before, on the one hand because of herself, and on the other because she was worried that Su Zhan would be disadvantageous to her family, then now... it is completely willing.Su Zhan despised her, she knew that before, she was somewhat unconvinced and resentful.

Now it's a matter of course. With Su Zhan's identity and strength, he can't look down on himself. Didn't you see the angels, he was calling him around?

"From now on, I will be your master. You will obey my orders unconditionally. You won't let anyone touch you except me, understand?" Su Zhan used his ability to create the world and said softly.

Betsy's eyes changed slightly, and she responded respectfully.

"Okay, let's start now!"

Su Zhan said softly, and then began to experiment with Betsy.

Still the ability to study creation!

Of course, during this process, Su Zhan did not politely use Becky to experience those heavy-mouthed methods, anyway, she also likes it, doesn't she?

After tossing all night, Su Zhan has a clearer understanding of the ability to create the world. Not only can he speak the law and act unconditionally, he can even modify his memory, personality, etc., and it is long-term effective. Just like the enhanced version of hypnosis, there is no time limit, no distance limit, no identity limit, as long as you can hear it.

It feels like the voice of God!

As long as you can hear and understand, then you will not violate God's instructions.

At the same time, Su Zhan also discovered that this energy is indeed both righteous and evil. When experiencing heavy mouth, Su Zhan obviously felt that his dark and evil desires were getting stronger and stronger. This influence was not strong, but kind. Subtle influence.Fortunately, Su Zhan is not an ordinary person, his thinking and spirit are very mature, and he can't be influenced by the creation of the world at all. Otherwise, Betsy might be killed by herself.Even so, Betsy was already embarrassed by the end.

Looking at her like that, although it doesn't hurt, it helped her to recover, and her physical condition returned to the original!

In addition, I have to say that this kind of wanton feeling is really good. When I am in a bad mood, I can definitely adjust my mood. After all, he is not willing to use this kind of thing on other people, so Betsy is still quite valuable!

As for the unrestricted status, it was because Su Zhan teleported to the two funny angels halfway through, and the two angels also completely obeyed their orders. From this point on, we can see the value of this ability. !After all, mental powers like this kind of angels are very strong and cannot be easily controlled.

At least mind control, hypnosis, etc., will not have any effect.

Chapter 1194: Have A Girlfriend Still Pick Me Up?

I don't know if it's because of the order, or because of her, Betsy has never stood up, and she is quite identified with her identity.She would naturally not persuade Su Zhan if she was willing to do this, and even more did not care. From Su Zhan's point of view, her identity was very clear, and her position here... was very clear.

Ignoring Betsy on the side, Su Zhan silently realized that the power of creation was searching for the whereabouts of God. He felt a vague bondage. He was not sure of the specific location or whether it was God or not, but there was a general idea. Direction!

Su Zhan tried to teleport over, but the feeling quickly disappeared, as if he knew that Su Zhan was coming, and then reappeared in another position.Because there was no way to locate the exact location, so many times, in the end Su Zhan decided to give up temporarily.

As long as he teleports, he can feel it, so Su Zhan is ready to wait for Laura and the others to come back and set off. Quan should be traveling, and then slowly look for God!

Laura and the others hadn't come back yet, but someone came over by accident.

Not those two funny angels, but... Tulip.

When Tulip drove to the church, Su Zhan was sitting on the steps outside the church to bask in the sun, with a rope wrapped around his hand, and the other end of the rope was at the feet of Su Zhan.Betsy knelt on the next step, blocking her leg cushions, Su Zhan's legs were resting on her, relaxing!

When Tulipu got out of the car and walked over to Su Zhan for a moment, he naturally recognized it.

Although surprised at how Su Zhan was here, what was even more surprised was the look at the moment, especially the person under Su Zhan's legs... She still knew!

Isn't this Downey's wife?why is it like this?

"This way of basking in the sun is really enough... special, like this at the entrance of the church, okay?" Tulip asked as he walked over.

Su Zhan smiled: "There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Then can you explain what's going on?" Tulip glanced at Betsy, and found that Betsy didn't even say hello at all, and even though her expression was a bit embarrassing, she didn't seem to get up!

"Didn't you see it? Is there any explanation!" Su Zhan smiled and said: "I think, you shouldn't come to me, but Jessie? That's a pity, Jessie is gone! "

"Gone? Why?" Tulip asked in amazement.

Su Zhan shrugged: "He feels that he is not good at the job of a missionary, so he quit."

"Do you know where he went?"

"do not know!"

"Okay, then... you go ahead, I'm leaving!" Tulip waved, turned and prepared to leave.

After just two steps, I heard Su Zhan lazily say: "Jesse has forgotten the past. If you want to get revenge with him, I am afraid you will be disappointed."

"how do you know?"

Tulip stopped and turned around, and asked Su Zhan in amazement.

"Actually, the reason I'm looking for Jesse is because you used to mix up together? Because of something, you two were pitted together. He came back to be a missionary, but you were unwilling to keep looking for clues and prepare for revenge. You come to Jesse, hoping that he can help you get revenge together? After all, the other party is not too powerful, you can't do it alone, and Jesse, who is also pitted, is the best choice!"

"How do you know this? Jessie wouldn't tell you?" Tulip was really surprised now.

"It's not important... The important thing is that I can help you!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You? How can you help me?" Tulip looked at Su Zhan suspiciously.

"I can avenge you and kill the people you want to kill!" Su Zhan said."Don't doubt, I can definitely do it. And even if you can't, you have nothing to lose!"