1004 Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1004

A nurse came over and asked.

"No, thank you... I just came to have a look." Su Zhan said casually.

The nurse's expression is a little weird, come to the hospital to see?This is not a park either.The nurse smiled politely and then turned and left. Su Zhan was about to look around, but suddenly heard a woman's voice that seemed to be anxiously yelling.

"Can anyone see me? Can anyone hear me?"

Su Zhan walked two steps quickly, and soon saw a woman with short black hair wearing a sick clothes a little anxious, a little panic shouting.And there were people passing by one after another, as if she could not be seen at all!


As soon as Su Zhan saw this situation, he immediately thought that this woman might be the soul, or perhaps he didn't know that he was dead.

"It's so beautiful, it's a pity..."

Su Zhan murmured, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

The strength of this woman's soul is very unusual, definitely not like someone who just died.Moreover, there is a familiar aura on her body, what she has just sensed, should be her!

At this moment, the woman seemed to find that Su Zhan had been staring at her, and hurried over, hesitantly asked: "You...can you see me?"

"Yes!" Su Zhan said.

"Oh my god, that's great, do you know what's going on? Why can't they see or hear me?" the woman asked hurriedly with joy.

Su Zhan looked at her with interest. She said that her performance was perfect before speaking. There was no trace of her performance, especially the panicked voice with a slight vibrato, which fully expressed the dazedness and panic in her heart. .

But for a moment after she saw herself, her eyes were stunned and unexpected. Although it was just a flash, she couldn't help Su Zhan at all.

"You should be very clear about the reason, I think... no one wants to see you? Because that means... they are already dead, am I right? Death!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

The woman froze for a moment, her expression of horror gradually faded."You know my identity? You shouldn't be dead, why can you see me? And I don't have your information!" As a god of death, everyone's information is naturally clear, but the man in front of him who speaks his own identity But know nothing.

"Do you know? I suddenly felt that you seemed familiar, as if I had seen you somewhere..." Su Zhan didn't answer the death girl, but looked at her seriously.

This silhouette, this look, is really familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it.

"If you have seen me, it proves that you have died. I can't possibly not know." The death girl said.


Su Zhan suddenly cursed in a low voice, the Grim Reaper frowned and seemed a little unhappy.

"I know where you have met you. This Nimak is a bit of a joke. It's obviously how DC's parallel world merges evil powers!" Su Zhan's voice was a little low, and the death girl subconsciously approached some wanting listen clearly.As she approached, behind her, a relatively burly man in a medical suit passed behind her.

It was when he saw this person that Su Zhan remembered where he had seen this death girl!

Dean Winchester.

The Wen brothers in the evil power, the boss of the Wen family's double evil!

That face is too familiar!

For a long time, the DC world has not merged with any other worlds. I did not expect that evil forces would be merged in this parallel DC time. This is indeed a bit unexpected.

Seeing Dean and his current situation, Su Zhan naturally remembered where he had seen this death girl in front of him.

This should be the beginning of the second season, right?

Because of the car accident, Dean is now in a state of soul, seemingly dead.

"Where have you seen me?" Seeing Su Zhan's muttering, the death girl couldn't understand what she was muttering, so she couldn't help asking.

"I saw you in my dream!"

Su Zhan said with a smile, and suddenly disappeared.

The Grim Reaper girl was stunned, and found that she could no longer feel the breath of Su Zhan, which surprised her.

Who is this person... on earth?

After figuring out the situation and even figuring out the plot points, Su Zhan was a lot easier.

As for Dean, he is definitely not going to die. His father will make a deal with the yellow-eyed demon to make Dean come alive, and he won't have to intervene.As for the Grim Reaper girl, although Su Zhan is quite interested in her, because he did leave a deep impression on him when he watched it before, but now he cares more about the Hunter Bar!

Since the world of evil forces is fused, then the Hunter Bar is the... Hunter Bar in all likelihood!

Chapter 1198

Su Zhan was about to leave the hospital and go back to ask about the condition of Cassidy’s hunter bar, especially what the boss’s daughter looked like. As a result, when he passed a ward, he happened to see the inside out of his eyes, and he was holding a similar pen. A fairy psychic prop, and Dean was lying on the bed in the ward.

"Hey, this is Sam?" Su Zhan immediately reacted to this situation. It should be Dean who saw Sam and his father arguing and knocked the glass over, so Sam felt that Dean's soul should be nearby. So you want to communicate with Dean in this way?

"This is enough to help a bunch of people, by the way a wave of reputation!"

Thinking of this, Su Zhan was about to push the door in, but suddenly saw Dean's coming from a distance. He looked like he was about to enter the house. Su Zhan subconsciously gave way. Dean took two steps and then stopped abruptly. After coming down, he turned around and looked at Su Zhan!

"He, can he see me?" Dean was a little uncertain, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.After hesitating, Dean raised his hand and waved in front of Su Zhan, trying to verify whether Su Zhan could really see him.

Seeing Dean silly wave his hand in front of his eyes, Su Zhan couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "I'll leave after waving my hand!"


Dean's hand stiffened in the air for an instant, and then hurriedly took it back and said in surprise: "Can you see me? Can you really see me? Are you dead too?"

Su Zhan didn't speak, but slammed the door open!

Sam heard the sound and turned his head and looked at Su Zhan suspiciously: "Are you...what's wrong?"

Su Zhan didn't speak, and glanced at Dean, who was in the state of soul next to him. Dean reacted instantly, he was definitely not dead!Otherwise, Sam can't see him.This made him instantly overjoyed: "You are not dead? Then how did you see me?"

"You don't have to be dead to see the soul!" Su Zhan said angrily.

Dean nodded repeatedly.

"Sir, who do you talk to again?" Sam watched Su Zhan muttering to himself, and asked tentatively: "You...can you see anything? Can you see Dean? That's him?" said Now, Sam pointed to Dean's body on the bed.

"You can throw away the stuff on your hands." Su Zhan said lightly.



Su Zhanqing made a cameo appearance as the translator and helped Dean communicate with Sam. Although there is no solution yet, there is no way to wake Dean, but it is certain that Dean’s soul is by his side, so Sam and Di En was extremely grateful to Su Zhan, and at the same time they knew each other.About half an hour or so, Su Zhan was about to leave. Before he left, Su Zhan said to Dean: "The god of death is here. Be careful yourself. If you let her take you away, you really won't be able to come back! "

"Thank you!"

Su Zhan waved his hand and came out of the ward.