"Of course, there are not many second-hand goods that interest me!" Su Bai said.

Isabel is angry!

What I am asking is that you are sure not to sell your shares, but it is not something to get you naked, and what is second-hand goods is too ugly!

Isabel saw it.

From the beginning, Su Bai made up his mind and did not intend to sell it to himself, he was on the side of the Quinn Group!

This is what you are playing!

"Don't regret it!"

Isabel snorted and turned away angrily!

Su Bai shrugged."It feels pretty good, but it's a second-hand item!"

Isabel returned the humiliated humiliation without success. After returning, she wanted to teach Su Bai a lesson immediately, but after thinking about it, she still resisted.

Since the method of acquiring shares does not work, it can only be changed.

Immediately, Isabel diverted to find Oliver Quinn.

"Who was that just now?"

Not long after Isabel left, the Starling came back, pretending to ask casually.

"A woman who can get it if I think about it, but I am not interested." Su Bai said with a smile and looked at the starling.

She went to see Amanda!

You know what's going on when you think about it.

Starling went to see Amanda and said something about the Raptor team and him, but it was not important. The main reason for meeting Amanda this time was to know about the earthquake in the slum.

After Isabel came here, she never showed up again, and she did not take revenge.

Su Bai did not take it seriously!

But within a few days, Su Bai heard that Isabel seemed to have reconciled with Oliver Quinn. Isabel wanted to make money, so she actually started to help Oliver Quinn revitalize the Quinn Group. This result actually made Su lost somewhat Unexpectedly!Is this changing too fast?But what Su Bai did not expect was that, according to Thea, Isabel seems to have gotten together with Oliver Quinn!

Second-hand goods are second-hand goods.

However, Oliver doesn't mind this anyway!

Now the company's three major shareholders.

Oliver Quinn, Isabel, and Su defeat!

So holding a meeting is easy too!

Su Bai didn't let Barbara attend, but went to Quinn and held a shareholder meeting.

At the meeting, Isabel was very strong, and even came up with a set of plans to reverse the current plight of the Quinn Group.

Chapter 0071 Renamed?Then call it Star City!

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The call suddenly interrupted Isabel, Oliver Quinn answered the phone a few times and apologized: "Sorry, I might have to leave for a while!"

"Oliver, you have to know who I am all for!" Isabel said angrily.

"I know, but I do have an urgent matter. You can tell Su Bai, if he agrees, we will talk again!" Oliver finished speaking, got up and left directly.

It seems that the Hooded Man has something to do.

Su Bai watched Oliver leave with a smile, and casually said to Isabel: "Okay, I hooked up so soon!"

Isabel took a few deep breaths and said, "My goal is to make money. If the Quinn Group can bring back to life, I can also achieve it. However, the current situation is not so optimistic. Oliver doesn't care about the company's affairs at all. Are you not angry?"

"It doesn't matter, I can afford it." Su Bai smiled.

Isabel looked at Su Bai and said: "I think you have a prejudice against me, maybe because of my previous acquisitions, maybe because of what Thea told you, but you see, I am now helping the Quinn Group! I can...I can treat it as if it never happened. I hope we can sit down and have a good chat and develop Quinn together!"

"Can you regard the previous thing as having never happened?" Su Bai asked.


"Huh...Say it early, you said it as if it had never happened before, so I touched it a few more times." Su Bai said with a smile.

Isabel's face is ugly!

"Can you tell me why you are targeting me?" Isabel asked.


Because of Thea, or because of the acquisition, or because of second-hand goods?