Chapter 78: The Oldest Bible

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 78: The Oldest Bible

After running with the black cat for an hour, Lod finally understood one thing.

Hell... was really f**king big!

This was not an exaggeration at all, but the 'little hell' he was currently in was really big!

But it was very normal.

From Constantine's words, he learned that there were large and small dimensions outside the Earth.

For example, the dimension occupied by the Dark Monarch, Dormammu, the dimension occupied by Chthon, and the dimension occupied by Mountain King, the overall area of the dimension was almost comparable to a single universe.

The original [heaven] and [hell] dimensions occupied an area that even surpassed a single universe, and the dimensions affected by the radiation of the two could reach the level of the Multiverse!

The specific form of performance was that no matter in any dimension, there was the name of [heaven] and [hell]!

However, after the initial [Hell] dimension collapsed, the smallest of the small fragments with the authority of the 'Hell' was the size of a planet!

To find a lost human soul in a place as big as a planet was no different from ascending to the heavens!

No wonder Constantine said that this was impossible!

However, it was not completely impossible. This black cat and Angela had a spiritual connection and could communicate with each other, so there was still a chance.

"Meow ---"

The black cat came to the edge of a cliff and suddenly stopped. Then he raised his paw and pointed below and called Lod a few times, as if asking him to come over and see.

"... To be reasonable, are you really not Yoruichi?" Lod asked again and was surprised by the intelligence of this black cat.

This was no longer the level of intelligence that an ordinary creature could possess, right?

"Meow ---Meow ---"

The black cat seemed to be very eager. It shouted a few more times at Lod, and then its paws pointed at the bottom of the cliff.

"Understood, I will go over now." Lod could not help but laugh. He felt that he might be thinking too much. How could the black cat be Yoruichi?

After arriving at the edge of the cliff, Lod looked down where the black cat pointed. A hint of joy appeared between his eyebrows. "I found her... Angela!"

Below the cliff where the black cat pointed, there was a girl wearing a thin shoulder belt and a sleeveless T-shirt. She was lying on a huge circular stone and her limbs were tied up by an arm thick chain.

Although he had already found Angela, Lod was not in a hurry. Instead, he focused his spiritual energy into his eyes.

This allowed his vision to improve rapidly in a short period of time. Through the obstruction of the yellow sand and thick smoke, he could clearly see the grass and trees below!

With the help of the Eye of Spiritual Energy, Lod was able to see everything below.

Angela was lying on a huge stone disc. Judging from the weathering of this stone disc, it should have been a very ancient time, and there were unknown words carved on it.

After carefully observing these words, Lod was surprised to find that the appearance and structure of these words were very similar to the words on the gun cover. There were only some subtle differences.

"Another Akkad language?"

"Meow ---"

The black cat rubbed against his calf while looking at Angela. It called out in a low voice, as if reminding Lod not to forget that he came to save her.

"That's true. I almost forgot."

Lod laughed at himself. He was attracted by those words and almost forgot that there was someone else he wanted to save.

But there was one thing that worried Lod!

There were no signs of demons around the stone disc. This was not good news!

It had to be known that the souls of living people were extremely attractive to demons. On the way here, he had already seen enough.

Even under the threat of Spiritual Power, those greedy evil spirits still rushed forward at all costs, wanting to devour his soul.

But Angela was lying there!

However, no demon dared to approach this disk stone. From this point, it was enough to prove that it was not so simple!

"What a headache..."

Lod sighed. He had only wanted to experience hell ahead of time and see if there was a chance to earn a sum of money!

After all, in this world, where the soul was, it must be in hell.

But who knew that things would go contrary to his wishes!

After killing those evil spirits along the way, Lod found that the system did not even give him a soul!

After some questioning, Lod finally found out.

The fallen souls are bound by the 'restriction' of the authority of hell. They will be punished here for all eternity. No matter what form of death, even death god's zanpakuto, can not completely destroy them in hell!


He seized the authority of this hell, and then he could control the souls that fell into hell!

What a terrible heart!

Didn't the system think that if he had the ability to seize the authority of hell, would he still need to worry about this soul?

Lod: I want a lot of souls.

[System: Go to hell! ]

Lod: "But I can't get the souls in hell!"

[System: Become stronger! ]

Lod: "To become stronger requires a soul!"

[System: Then go to hell! ]

[Lod: I f**king... ]