Chapter 99: Beaten By A Mortal

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 99: Beaten By A Mortal

Thousand Years Ice Prison!

Hundreds of huge ice prisms closed in, freezing Gabriel in the ice prison. It looked spectacular from the ground.

Fortunately, the magic array that Gabriel had set up in advance covered the vicinity of the hospital, blocking the vision and perception of ordinary people.

Otherwise, the huge ice prison that suddenly appeared in the sky would have caused a great uproar in Los Angeles City!

"We won? We won! Hahaha... I don't need to die!" Constantine's face was covered with frost. He curled up in the corner of the wall and shouted ecstatically.

Since Gabriel was defeated by Lod, it meant that he did not have to commit suicide anymore!

"Won? Don't joke around."

A trace of ridicule flashed through Lod's eyes, and he mercilessly broke Constantine's fantasy. "The highest level Seraph is not so weak. This move can only seal her for a short period of time!"


A crisp sound of ice breaking suddenly rang out, causing Constantine's expression to suddenly change. Then, he hurriedly raised his head to look at the enormous ice prison!

Gabriel was trapped inside the ice prison. Her six wings emitted a dazzling divine radiance. His power surged like a raging tide, continuously battering against the sealed ice!

Kacha kacha

The surface of the ice prison was covered in cracks, releasing crackling sounds like firecrackers.

Just as Lod had said, this huge ice prison could only trap Gabriel for a moment.

And judging from the current situation, Gabriel would be able to escape from the ice prison in a minute at most!


This was exactly what he needed!

Just one minute was enough, because his real killing move was the One That Pierces Everything, X-Axis!

It could be said to be one of the most bug-level abilities. Between the muzzle and the target, everything touched by the light beam forward would be instantly penetrated, and there was no way to offset or defend against this kind of power.

Can Gabriel block it?

Not necessarily, but he estimated that there was a high possibility that Gabriel could not block this kind of conceptual attack!

And the reason why he had to first use the thousand years ice prison to trap Gabriel was also because there was a big flaw in X-Axis!

The power of X-Axis had to be attached to the beam of spirit light, and the speed of the beam of light was too slow. Perhaps it was very fast for others, and it was very difficult to react.

But if the opponent was Gabriel, then the speed of X-Axis was too slow.

As long as he was prepared in advance and Gabriel was intentionally dodging, his X-Axis would never be able to hit!

But now...

Gabriel was trapped in the ice prison, and it was impossible for her to dodge.


The beam of light pierced through the entire ice prison. Gabriel was unable to stop this terrifying power. Not only were his two protective light wings pierced through, golden blood scattered into the sky!

A huge beam of light shot out from his body. After Gabriel let out a miserable scream, the beam of light turned into stars in the sky.


The thick clouds were shattered by this attack. Following that, an astonishing roar erupted. In the calm night sky, a deafening roar erupted!

Then, he looked at Gabriel.

The six wings that were supposed to be perfect had a fist-sized hole on the surface of two of them, making them extremely conspicuous.

"What a pity..."

A hint of helplessness flashed through Lod's eyes. After all, the X-Axis was still a bit off, only piercing through Gabriel's wings and shoulders.

"I'll kill you!"

Gabriel screamed, her eyes filled with a murderous aura.

The Seraph Wings was the source of her power. It was related to her status in heaven, but now, she was injured by a mortal and even left a hole!

This was humiliation!

If the other Seraph saw this, how would she be able to survive in heaven in the future?

Just imagine, when she returned to heaven and met the three Archangels, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel, how would they feel when they saw the hole in their wings?

Gabriel: "I am the Left Hand of God!"

Michael: "You were beaten by a mortal."

Gabriel: "I am the Angel of Judgement, the Angel of Death, the most trusted angel of Father!"

Raphael: "You were beaten by a mortal before."

Gabriel: "I am one of the four Archangels, in charge of half of the angels in heaven!"

Uriel: "You were beaten by a mortal!"

Gabriel: "... Can you not mention this?"

Raphael, Michael, Uriel. "There are two holes in your wings. You were hit by a mortal."

Gabriel. "..."


"There's no other way..."

Lod sighed and his eyes fell on Constantine. His meaning was self-evident.


Constantine's heart suddenly trembled. He could see that it meant to sacrifice him forcibly!