Chapter 216: Please Let Me Save Another One

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 216: Please Let Me Save Another One

The black goat cub continued to move forward.

It didn't need to care who was in front of it.

Whether it was Peter Parker or Matt Murdoch, in its eyes, it was just a mantis trying to stop a car, asking for death!


A whip-shaped tentacle wrapped in mucus lashed out with a violent and fierce force. It was as if a heavy object weighing dozens of tons was falling down at an extremely fast speed. A sharp, ear-piercing sound of explosion erupted. The airflow visible to the naked eye was forcefully blasted apart!

The violent wind howled and howled as it was whipped. It was like a flood that covered the sky and covered the earth. The thick air that covered the space around him suddenly made Peter feel as if he was suffocating!

The space where the tentacle fell was faintly showing signs of collapse!

If he was hit, he would probably turn into meat paste.

Peter raised his hand and shot out two strands of spider silk from the rock wall next to him. Then, while his body leaned back, he tightened the spider silk to its limit.


With the strong toughness and elasticity of the spider silk, Peter shot himself out like a slingshot!

Boom -

The tentacles then fell down with a loud bang. It was as if dozens of tons of objects had fallen to the ground. In the earthquake-like sound of vibration, the entire cave was torn apart. It let out an unbearable wail. Huge ravines that could accommodate adults were spread throughout the entire cave!

With just one strike, the Black Goat cub almost destroyed the entire cave!

"Hiss... What a terrifying power!"

Peter swallowed hard, and his heart became more and more determined that he should never get close to this monster.

With his fragile little body, he was not as strong as the rock wall. If he was touched by those tentacles, he would probably die on the spot.

But it was also a blessing in disguise. Peter found that this monster was very heavy.

Whether it was the speed of advancing or the speed of waving the tentacles, it might be very fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but for him, who had Spider senses, it was simply as slow as an old lady selling popsicles at the door!

Although the destructive power was amazing, as long as it could not hit him, it was meaningless!

If it is to this extent,

I can do it!

Peter suddenly had confidence. He turned his eyes to the ritual and muttered thoughtfully, "Since it is so slow, can I save these children first?"

Can do it!


Peter no longer hesitated. He shot out a spider silk and stuck it to the wall of the cave, using the force to swing at the sacrificial ritual.

All the children in the ritual had faces like mud dolls. Their expressions were dull and stiff, as if they were not angry at all. They were obviously controlled by some kind of spell by the fanatics.

Time was of the essence. Peter had no time to think about who to save. He could only casually pick up a child, and then shoot out the spider silk again, pulling his body high into the sky.

But fortunately, the monster seemed to be afraid. It did not attack the child in the ritual. Instead, it waited for Peter to come out and then waved its tentacles to attack.


One of his legs exploded. The heart-wrenching pain caused Peter's face to twist and he let out a miserable scream!

Bang ---

The spider silk was cut off by the strong wind. Peter crashed into the rock wall like a kite with a broken string. Then, he rolled down from more than ten meters away and finally hit the ground heavily!


The dull body collided with the solid ground. A huge pool of blood sprayed around. Peter Parker was lying on the ground like a dead body. There was only a slight rise and fall of his chest. It seemed to prove that he was not dead yet.

Yes, he was not dead yet.

But such a serious injury, he was afraid that he would not live for long.

"He is dead for sure."

Seeing this scene, Kaecilius revealed a smile once more, "I already said that no one will stop the black goat cub. He is just sending himself to his death!"

"No... I believe him!" Matt bit his lips and stared at Peter with his blood-red pupils. He kept repeating, "Stand up... stand up... stand up!"


Peter seemed to have heard Matt's encouragement. A roar that had been suppressed for a long time burst out from his throat. His two arms supported his body and stood up!

He stood up!

Even if one of his legs was broken, even if all the bones in his body were broken!

Peter did not give up. He propped up his upper body and crawled to the sacrificial ceremony with both hands.

At that moment.

Matt and Jessica were deeply touched.

They seemed to see a shining soul on Peter Parker!

Dazzling, resplendent!

Even the sun in the sky could not match his soul!

This was a great brilliance that had been passed down for generations and continued in the human body. Even the darkness that could cover the sky could not stop this brilliance!


"If you really exist..."

"Please let me hold on a little longer and let me save a child again..."

"Please... just one more... God!"

Peter prayed in his heart. He had never believed in God before, but now he was begging God!

Just for...

Letting him to save another person!