Chapter 225: In The Presence of God Part 5

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 225: In The Presence of God Part 5

"Come out."

Haschwalth looked down at the abyss and said indifferently, "I know you are not dead yet." Th/e most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n(.)co/m

The evil aura that permeated the abyss and the ominous energy fluctuations were as eye-catching as fire in the dark night.


A terrifying aura rose from the abyss. A black figure rushed out. It was Agatha!

"Damn human!"

The tentacles that had been cut off by the sword had completely recovered and there were even a few more!

"Super-speed regeneration? What a boring ability..." Haschwalth was expressionless. The knight sword condensed by Reishi pointed at Agatha and said lightly, "Looks like I have to be more careful next time and completely eliminate you."

Although the super-speed regeneration was a bit tricky, it did not mean that there was no way to solve it. All he needed to do was to eliminate all the cells before the other party could regenerate!

Simple and effective!

This was the standard of his behavior all along.

"Die, die, die, die..."

The black mist around Agatha suddenly surged, and along with the lion red tendrils gushing out, a sharp and venomous roar came out from her terrifying mouth that had cracked to her cheekbone. "How dare you hurt my divine body! I will suck your blood, devour your bone marrow, and devour your flesh!"


The lion-red tendrils suddenly multiplied at an astonishing speed. In just a blink of an eye, they had turned into a raging red wave!

The tendrils wriggled through the air like sharks that had come for the smell of blood, sealing off all possible paths of retreat around Haschwalth!

"Lord Haschwalth!"

Seeing this scene, Matt and Jayce felt their hearts jump out of their throats.

With just one person's strength, how could he contend against god?

With countless of powerful and terrifying tentacle?


Such a huge tsunami formed by the tentacles was absolutely not something that a human could contend with!

Run... Lord Haschwalth!

Matt and Jayce, who were watching from the mirror dimension, could not help but shrink their pupils when they saw this scene, and their hearts were shocked!

Just one person...

However, it made them have an illusion that there seemed to be a magnificent army of thousands of soldiers and horses firing at the same time.

This was the first time that Haschwalth showed the real strength of the Quincy in front of them.

Looking back at himself again...

Jessica and Matt could not help but lower their heads in shame. The pride that had been hidden in the bottom of their hearts was completely shattered. This was the real way to fight as a 'Quincy'. Obviously, they had not even touched the threshold!

The rain of arrows finally stopped.

Haschwalth did not move half a step. The white cloak was spotless, as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him.

On the other hand, Agatha.

Her whole body was covered with wounds after being pierced by the arrows. The tens of millions of lion red curly whiskers were all cut off, and even the squirming tentacles on her lower body were all cut off. Thick black liquid flowed out from the inside, looking very miserable.

In a series of hair-raising squirming sounds, Agatha's destroyed tentacles slowly grew out of her body again!

This scene was seen by Haschwalth. The latter's eyes flashed a touch of anger. "You actually dare to regenerate in front of me. You are looking down on me too much!"

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Haschwalth raised his hand and threw out five silver short swords, using the layout of the five-pointed star to nail on Agatha's body!

"Radiance Breaking Formation!"

Cold light flashed in Haschwalth's eyes, and he concentrated the spirit particles in the atmosphere. Then, when the spirit particles reached the highest concentration, he ignited them in one breath!


The green Spiritual Fire emitted a piercing light, and an earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the entire cave and even the surface of the ground!

A huge mushroom cloud of flames rose up, and the vast airflow exploded into a ring. It swept through every piece of land in the cave with a crushing force. Under the scorching heat of the fire, large pieces of rock walls appeared to be crystallized.

Under the double impact of the flames and explosions, the rock wall in the cave finally could not bear the burden and was forcibly collapsed and cracked. The countless rocks that fell were swept up by the air waves and shot wildly in the air, emitting an ear-piercing sound that pierced through the clouds and cracked the rocks!


