Chapter 235: First Batch Of Admission

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 235: First Batch Of Admission

"Thank you, everyone."

Lod put on a gentle smile and said, "I hope that all of you will do your best to continue cultivating the next generation of talents for Soul Society."

The ten old men all stroked their beards and laughed, "To be able to nurture the next generation of talents for Soul Society, this is our lifelong wish."

These people had been fabricated by the system with hollow's fake memories, so they would not have any doubts about him and their own origins.

Although they were craftsmen, they were not emotionless wood.

In their memories, they were the old death god who had contributed his entire life to Soul Society and retired. Finally, he came to this newly built Spiritual Arts Academy and continued to bring glory to Soul Society.

Everyone said that there was an old man at home, as if there was a treasure.

Although they could not participate in the battle, for the newly built Soul Society, they were indispensable and important existences!

The ones who supported the Spiritual Arts Academy were precisely these ten aged death god!

"Lord Director."

The oldest old man among them walked out of the crowd and bowed towards Lod. He said in a loud voice, "We are all ready. I wonder when we can officially begin the recruitment?"

"In the next few days."

Lod thought for a moment, then said, "I'll have to trouble you to take out the specific regulations, and then you can open the west gate and recruit students on Rukongai."

"I will obey the orders of the Director!"

The old men cupped their hands and bowed. Then, they turned around and entered the academy to prepare for the specific recruitment process.




A few days later.

A shocking piece of news spread throughout the four major Rukongai. Get latest novel chapters on novelbjn(.)c/om

The Spiritual Arts Academy was recruiting students!

All the souls can go to the four main gates of Rukongai to participate in the recruitment of Spiritual Arts Academy. Once you pass the test, you can enter the school,

After graduation, you can directly enter the Gotei 13th and become a death god of Seireitei!

Since this news came to Rukongai, all the souls that died here were crazy.

After they were led to Soul Society, they vaguely learned some information, such as this was the world where Soul Society lived after everyone died, and inside the white wall, it was the place where death god gathered!

Now that they heard that the Spiritual Arts Academy established by Seireitei is recruiting, and it is said that once it is possible to become death god, all the souls can't sit still. For a time, the souls of each district all went to the gate of Seireitei.


The test officially began.

The crowd walked over in turn and placed their palms on the instruments.

"Not qualified, next."

"Not qualified, next."

"Not qualified, next..."

People in the crowd came one after another, full of hope, but they had to return with disappointment. The selection mechanism was so cruel!

Even the lowest level ten Spiritual Power was one in a hundred people who had the qualifications to become death god.

However, this was normal, and Lod was not surprised at all.

After all, the concentration of spiritual droplets in Rukongai was too low and limited by the natural environment. It was quite difficult to give birth to a high-quality soul.

The sun gradually set, and the enrollment continued.

The number of people who had barely passed the test was less than a hundred, but the number of people who had been eliminated had already passed ten thousand.


Aoyama was a little impatient, waving his hand to call the next person.

"Hahaha... it's finally my turn." A tall and sturdy black man walked up confidently and pressed his palm on the instrument.


The instrument vibrated slightly, but there were no numbers floating.

Without numbers, it meant that Spiritual Power was too weak and not enough to be assessed!

Aoyama glanced at the instrument and waved his hand expressionlessly. "Not qualified, next."

"What? Not qualified?"

The black man's anticipation was extinguished by a single sentence, and he instantly flew into a rage out of humiliation. He roared, "I don't believe it! This is impossible! My body is so strong, why can't you let me pass"

Aoyama rolled his eyes. He couldn't be bothered with this self-righteous idiot, and waved to the people behind him. "Next, don't waste time."


The crowd burst into laughter, causing the black man's face to turn green and purple.

Before coming here, he had been so confident that with his strong physical fitness, he would definitely be the strongest in this group. Wouldn't it be easy for him to pass the test and become death god?

But unexpectedly, the old man did not look at this at all. The physical fitness he was so proud of was completely useless and he was directly rejected.

"Impossible... I am obviously so powerful..." The black man complained, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Excuse me..."

At this time, a little girl whispered and then slowly walked over.