Chapter 238: Arrancar Experiment

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 238: Arrancar Experiment

The Tower of Penitence.

Haschwalth stepped into the 'cell' leisurely. "Sir, I have finished what you ordered me to do."

In the dark cell.

Lod sat cross-legged. Bathed in the scarlet brilliance emitted by the reality stone, he slowly opened his eyes. "The number... has been gathered?"


Haschwalth was expressionless. He said indifferently, "There are a total of 173 Gillian. They have all been catalyzed and captured."

Good fellow!

This speed and efficiency, as expected of you!

Lod raised his eyebrows and said with a little surprise in his heart, "173 Gillian, how... how many people did you kill?"

One hundred hollow devoured each other to give birth to a big hollow - Gillian. According to this data, Haschwalth created nearly 17,300 hollow in just a few days?

"I didn't kill anyone."

"Didn't kill anyone?!"

"Yes, Lord Lod."

"Then... where did these big hollow come from?"

"i went to Middle East few times."

Haschwalth pushed his glasses with one hand and said, "Bring back the souls of those terrorists and throw them into Abyss of Despair, nurturing this batch of big hollow."

Sure, this is very 'righteous'!

The corners of Lod's eyes twitched, and for a moment, he did not know how to retort.

Haschwalth did not notice Lod's thoughts, and continued to say, "Lord Lod, I think that Middle East is a very good area. The flames of war there are endless, and it is very suitable to be a harvest point for the soul."

"Let's talk about it later."

Lod shook his head and refused this proposal.

It was not that he did not want to go to the war area. This way, the domain of the spirit king could give birth to even stronger hollow.

But the problem was that there would be many unexpected factors.

Once the number of hollow expanded,

And he didn't have the corresponding manpower to deal with it. At that time, it could only cause a larger area of innocent killings, and it was even possible to give birth to Vasto Lorde.

It was precisely because of the uncontrollable nature of the war-torn region that he chose to stay in the United States, which was relatively stable.

"Lord Haschwalth." Gwen lowered her head slightly and said respectfully.

"Yo ---Haschwalth." Grimmjow's forelimbs were crossed and his head was on it. His eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and he said lazily, "Are you free to come to us?"

Haschwalth did not care about Grimmjow's attitude. He just said calmly, "Grimmjow, Gwen, you two come with me. Lord Lod is calling you for something."


Grimmjow frowned. Although it was usually unruly and looked like it was not convinced of anyone, it was still a little afraid of Lod. So he slowly stood up and said, "Since it is his order, then I will go with you."


Abyss of Despair, located at the end of Soul Society.

This place is very far from Seireitei and Rukongai, and the huge enchantment is completely cut off there, in case a soul is lost and comes in.

Haschwalth, Gwen and Grimmjow stood side by side, looking down at hundreds of Gillian under the huge abyss.

"Tsk! That lord sure has a bad taste."

Grimmjow licked his hair and said with a smile that was not a smile, "There are so many Gillian gathered here. Do you intend to give birth to an Adjuchas from them?"

"Shut up and just watch." Haschwalth coldly glanced at the leopard.

Grimmjow sneered, and then no longer said anything, quietly looking down.

Buzz ---

The power of space surged and rippled.

Lod's figure slowly walked out from the ripples. His gaze swept over the three of them and he smiled faintly. "Looks like everyone is here. Then, the experiment can begin."


Grimmjow and Gwen had different expressions.

"Just a simple experiment."

Lod nodded slightly and said, "An experiment on Arrancar, if you succeed, you will have the form of a human and the power of death god. Your strength will improve further."

"Then what are we waiting for?" As soon as he heard that his strength would improve, Grimmjow said without hesitation, "As long as you can give me strength, even if it is an experiment, it doesn't matter!"

"Sir, I am willing to participate in the experiment!" Gwen was unwilling to fall behind, and he followed closely behind.

"Don't worry ---"

Lod waved his hand and said, "I will first use these Gillian to test it. If it is really feasible, then you can do it."


Grimmjow can only temporarily suppress the impatience in his heart. "The power of Arrancar? Hehe... I like you more and more!"