Chapter 255: Bad Timing Part 3

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 255: Bad Timing Part 3

One-on-one, one-on-one!

The mask on Ivan Vanko's face opened, revealing an expression of victory. He tossed the unconscious Rhodes to the side and grinned. "Are you ready to die? A thief from the Stark Family!"

"Uh in fact, your father was the one who brought this upon himself. You can not blame us." Tony retreated cautiously while frantically thinking about how to break through the situation.

The defensive capabilities of the mech created by Ivan Vanko were obviously higher than theirs. Moreover, after taking the hit from Rhodes, it was able to quickly get up and counterattack. The built-in shock reduction system was probably better as well!

Moreover, the two metal whips wrapped in strong electric currents were clearly weapons developed for him. Not only could they break through his external armor with a single strike, but the strong electric current would also interfere with the normal operation of the system.

As such, it was impossible to fight Ivan Vanko head on. He had to think of a way to defeat Ivan Vanko from the side.

"Sir, I have to remind you that there are only three minutes left before you reach your limit." Jarvis' voice sounded like the sound of a bell.

"We can't drag this on any longer. We have to finish this quickly!" Tony made up his mind and decided to end the battle as soon as possible!


Hot flames spewed out from Tony's feet, uprooting all the vegetation in the surrounding grass. With a strong force of propulsion, his entire body rushed forward!

"He actually chose to break through head-on?" A trace of surprise appeared on Ivan Vanko's face, and then it turned into a sneer. He raised his right hand and waved. "Since you want to die, then I'll grant your wish!"


A metal whip wrapped in intense electric currents swung out. Dazzling electricity crackled in the air. Coupled with the terrifying strength of the Mech, when the end of the whip sliced through the air, it even emitted a sharp and ear-piercing explosion!

If this whip were to hit a human body, it would probably explode into a cloud of blood mist on the spot!

"It's now, Jarvis!" Tony looked calm and collected, aiming at the trajectory of the whip, his hands shooting flames downwards.

Mark Four's powerful mobility was once again displayed to the fullest.

When he was only a few centimeters away from the whip, Tony forcefully stopped the charging momentum and flew upwards!

If Rhodes was still awake, he would probably be stunned.

This was because of Tony's actions.

It was very similar to the well-known 'rattlesnake' in the fighter jet.

"Do you think I didn't guess?" Ivan Vanko roared, his left hand swung out another whip and smashed into the air.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

The continuous change in direction caused Tony to feel like his blood vessels were about to burst. His lungs were like bellows, and he let out heavy panting sounds. Large beads of sweat dripped down his temples, and a large part of his body was drenched in sweat.

Although that set of movements just now was very cool, in fact, the backlash he had to bear was great. The muscles of his four limbs clearly showed signs of spasming. In a short period of time, it was difficult for him to even stand up.

"Jarvis... have I exceeded the time limit?" Tony asked, panting.

"No, sir." Jarvis said, "You dealt with Ivan Vanko very quickly."

"Is that... so... I'm so tired..." Tony opened his mask and breathed in the slightly burnt air. He let out a long sigh of relief.

He finally managed to solve the big problem of Ivan Vanko before the 'Red Line of Life'.

"I'm so tired. I've never been this tired before. I feel even more tired than dealing with ten models." Tony grumbled as he rested, "Jarvis, bring me a cheesecake when you call Potts over."

"Oh, let her bring two bottles of fine wine as well..."

"Wait, sir!"

Jarvis suddenly interrupted Tony and said quickly, "There is a huge energy source in the north. It is approaching the Science and Technology Expo at an extremely fast speed!"

"What?" Tony was shocked and hurriedly looked in the direction of the Science and Technology Expo.

Just as Jarvis had said, a green stream of light was speeding towards the Science and Technology Exposition at an extremely fast speed!

"F*ck, Jarvis, what is that thing?" Tony was both shocked and angry and shouted, "Immediately hack into the surveillance cameras along the way and send its image over!"

"Wait a moment, sir."

Jarvis used his enormous computational ability to directly hack into the system of S. H. I. E. L. D.'s Heavenly Eye. Then, he used all the surveillance and equipment along the way to capture the true face of the green stream of light and sent it to Mark Four's mask.

The green stream of light was actually a 'person'.

He was wearing a green battle armor that looked like a ferocious demon. He was standing on a flying device that looked like a pair of demonic wings. His eyes were emitting an orange and strange light. His entire body exuded a strong aura of a villain!

"What an advanced vertical flying device. Where did this guy come from?" Tony was a little surprised, because he had never seen this person before.

"Sir, I think that compared to this, you should pay more attention to what he is going to do at the Science and Technology Expo." Jarvis gave a kind reminder.

Although he should not judge a person by their appearance, but who asked that guy to dress up like this, he was too villain!