Chapter 257: I Love You

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 257: I Love You

I am... Iron Man!

Saving unarmed people is a responsibility that I must shoulder. This is the belief that Yinsen entrusted to me.

With the last bit of faith, Tony held the bomb in his arms and chose to use his own body to protect those unarmed people.

He would die.

Tony was very clear about this point, but he did not regret it. There was even a trace of relief. Perhaps this was his fate!

This life that had been saved by others would eventually be sacrificed in order to save others.

In fact.

From the first day he wore Mark I armor, he had already made preparations in his heart. One day in the future, he might sacrifice his life for something.


What he did not expect was that this day came too early and too suddenly. He did not even have the time to tell Potts that he really loved her.

If not for the bomb being too close to the fleeing crowd, he would never have chosen to use this method to stop the bomb from exploding.

Unfortunately, he did not have time to think. He had to make a decision in a few seconds.

According to Jarvis' analysis, the range of the explosion will spread to 20 meters around, and it will be detected that there is a strong corrosive substance inside.

Once the bomb explodes...

Its power will melt dozens of people into a pool of blood in an instant, which naturally includes Little Chili Pepper Potts.

He did not want to see this tragedy happen.

Little Chili Pepper Potts was the only woman in his life who was willing to give up her true love and give her life for him.

In that short few seconds, Tony wanted to say a lot, but in the end, he couldn't say it. He just looked at Potts through the steel mask, full of farewell, and a look of reluctance.

Potts seemed to have a mind of his own and felt Tony's affectionate and reluctant eyes under the steel mask.

"No - Tony"

Little Chili Pepper Potts's pupils contracted as she let out a scream of despair.

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The violent explosion sounded like thunder.

Along with the dense green light, it drowned the golden-red mecha, setting off a huge wave of air.

Receiving such impact on a point blank range, even the mecha that should have protected Tony was deeply embedded in his body after it shattered. Almost half of his body became bloody.

The energy lamp that symbolized Tony's life also began to flicker, as if it was signaling to her that the life of this man in front of her was about to reach its end.

"No... no!" Potts was overcome with sorrow as she hugged Tony and cried, "Tony, I beg you, don't leave me. Wake up quickly, okay"


Tony opened his eyes and looked at the blurry figure in front of him. His cracked and bloody lips forced out a smile. "It's... it's okay... you... are fine..."

"No, no, no... Tony, don't die, I beg you, don't die!" Potts hugged Tony and cried, begging him not to die.

Potts, who had never had any faith, was now praying for a miracle.

"God, Jesus, Christ, I beg you, please save him..." Potts hugged Tony tightly, feeling the man's breathing becoming weaker and weaker, tears filling her entire face. "He is a good person. He saved the lives of many people. I beg you to save him, no matter who it is. I beg you..."

"I... love... you..."

As his consciousness gradually turned dark, Tony's cracked lips moved slightly and he said this in the ear of Pepper Potts.


His hand fell down powerlessly.

Tony closed his eyes, and his heart completely stopped beating.

Without a doubt, he was dead.


Potts sobbed as she hugged Tony and burst into tears. She felt as if her heart had been torn into two.

This was the first time Tony Stark personally said the words 'I love you' to her, but it was also the last time.

The proud and arrogant playboy, with himself as the center, sacrificed his life in order to protect the unarmed!




Tony Stark was dead.

But the only one who died was only the 'body', and he reappeared next to his lifeless body in the form of the 'soul'.

"Am I not dead?"

Tony, who appeared in the form of a soul, looked at the familiar environment with a confused face, as well as Potts, who was hugging him and crying on the corpse.