Chapter 268: Dragon Bones

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 268: Dragon Bones

Confidentiality: Top Secret - Level 8

[Code: Quincy]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: Unknown]

[Appearance features: long blond hair, emerald green eyes, white military uniform, visually Anglo-Saxon (with high-definition camera image)]

[Character: Unknown]

[Special ability: Bow and arrow, detonate flames, instant movement, suspected to be able to control some special energy. ]

[Evaluation: Although it has a similar appearance and body shape as a human, it must not be regarded as a human. The target individual has the terrifying power to threaten a country. It is recommended to be closely monitored. ] Get the latest novels at

[Note 1: The target and death god are natural enemies. They once fought for a thousand years due to an unknown reason. After failing, most of them were slaughtered. Currently, they are only one body. ]

[Note 2: The target once contacted a captain of death god. After a difficult victory, the two talked for a while. The specific content is unknown, but the captain of death god should give up the mission afterwards. ]


The information about the 'Quincy' and 'death god' was extremely confidential in the whole of S. H. I. E. L. D.. Only agent, who was above level 8, could access them.

And Sitwell was the assistant of Pierce, so he could read these information that were extremely confidential.


He had never calculated that he would see the Quincy in this place!

Now that I think about it, what those murals described is undoubtedly the origin of the Quincy race!

Too lucky!

Thank God for his mercy!

Sitwell wanted to laugh out loud. This was really not a waste of effort!

Ever since Nick Fury made contact with death god, many secret bases had been established. Even their Hydra did not know what these secret bases were researching.


Alexander Pierce decisively ordered,

Have them find traces of the Quincy at all costs and establish a cooperative relationship with them.


No wonder...

Lord Haschwalth would personally send a sound transmission to let her contact these two people and establish a cooperative relationship!

It turned out that it was because they had already grasped the method to create hollow, and it was a special body that could allow other hollow to evolve!

This news was no less than a heavy bomb, exploding in Jessica's heart, setting off a tempestuous storm!

"The special hollow..."

Jessica narrowed her eyes slightly, tapping her knuckles on the armrest, forcing her expression to remain unchanged, saying in a calm tone, "Sounds good, but if that's the case, I don't think there is a need for me to cooperate with you, right?"

She was very greedy. The task that Lord Haschwalth gave her must be completed with ten thousand percent. What she wanted was not just a tube of blood, but that hollow!


Sitwell wiped the sweat on his forehead, swallowed his saliva, and desperately searched through the thoughts in his mind. Then, he said with difficulty, "Of course not. If you are willing to cooperate with us, we can transfer this hollow to you."

"What else?"

Jessica was like a demon, greedily begging to squeeze out all the value of the Hydra!

"This... this..."

Sitwell's nervous face was covered in sweat. He wiped it with his suit sleeve and said, "I'm not too sure. What else do you want?"


Jessica smiled but did not answer the question. Instead, she asked, "Let's talk about you first. What do you want from me?"

There was nothing to hide about this. Sitwell said bluntly, "It's like this. We originally wanted to use this serum to exchange for the right to use the Hand's dragon bones."

"Dragon bones?"

Jessica recalled for a moment before remembering that there was such a thing. She couldn't help but laugh, "What do you want that thing for?"

The Hand's dragon bone was actually a mysterious bone from the east' Kunlun '. It had the effect of longevity and giving special energy.


For the Quincy, the dragon bone was useless, so it was thrown in a corner. If Hydra hadn't mentioned it, she would have forgotten that there was this thing.

Sitwell showed a troubled expression. "This... I don't know. I only know that this is an order from Chief Pierce."

"I understand."

Jessica nodded slightly and then said lightly, "The dragon bone... can be given to you, but you have to tell me that hollow is for me."