Chapter 371: Mercy Killing

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 371: Mercy Killing

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Lod held Brunhilde's ice-cold hand and gently said, "Don't you want to see them again?"

"I want to... every day, every day, every moment, I want to see them again..." Brunhilde lowered her head, her sorrowful emotions accumulating in her heart, and she said with a hoarse voice, "But... they are no longer their former self..."

So what if she saw them, wouldn't it only add to her sadness?

The Valkyrie who had sworn an oath on the glory of the gods and brandished her sword had now turned into the deadly sickle in death god's hand.

Being the only one who survived, she no longer had the face to face her past comrades.

"Let's go and meet them. What if a miracle happens?" Lod clenched Brunhilde's ice-cold hand, as if doing this would give the young girl courage. A familiar and comforting smile hung on his face.

Upon hearing this, Brunhilde was startled, and then a light filled with hope suddenly appeared in her dim eyes. She said in a trembling voice, "You... Do you mean..."

"Let's go. Don't just stand there."

Lod smiled and walked out of the cave with Brunhilde.

In the white blizzard that filled the sky, a black figure flashed like a ghost. Sometimes, it was mixed with a touch of golden light. It beat the seven people who were filled with dense death energy and their bodies were gray. They were forced to retreat and could not resist.

However, those seven warriors were not to be trifled with. Although their individual strength was not considered strong, they relied on their skillful coordination in battle formations to barely be able to deal with the black ghost. They could even occasionally counterattack.


The black figure flashed out of the battle and instantly appeared next to Lod.

Only then did Brunhilde clearly see that it was a woman with short black hair and two long braids. She had a heroic and valiant aura, and she wore a golden needle-like weapon that looked like a sleeve sword on her arm.

"Lord Soul King, why are you out?" Soi Fon's face was not very good, and she said with shame: "I am sorry to disturb your rest. Please give me another minute, and I can solve them."

This is not Soi Fon bragging.

All over the body of those valkyrie, there are special shaped black butterfly patterns.

And this is Soi Fon's zanpakuto, Suzumebachi. After Shikai, the ability is to kill anyone who had been strucked on the same spot twice. Any part that is stabbed will leave a bee pattern, which is the butterfly spreading its wings.

The only drawback is that the ability of Suzumebachi double-hit kill is ineffective for anyone with Spiritual Power far beyond her own target.

But these valkyrie are obviously not in this list!

The female martial god known as Eir slowly raised the damaged sword blade in her hand and pointed it at the sky. Her left hand clenched into a fist and placed it on her right arm. She made a salute gesture and then stiffly said, "Oath... Kill... Us... Brunhilde..."

At this moment, Brunhilde burst into tears and sobbed.

That was the loyal oath all the valkyrie had made to the Asgardian gods in the Hall of Heroic Spirits!

Now that Eir had made this etiquette, it was clear that she wasn't swearing to the Asgardian gods, but to his comrade, Brunhilde, who was also a member of the valkyrie, begging to end their pain and torture!

Although countless of dead soul had died under her hands, when she faced her former comrades, Brunhilde still hesitated. Her heart ached, and the sword in her hand trembled slightly.

"Quick... Brunhilde!"

When she saw that Brunhilde was still hesitating, a crazed struggle flashed through her eyes, and she said with difficulty, "I... won't be able to hold on for long... Soon, Hela will control me again... while I can control myself... kill us!"

"Brunhilde, kill us!"

"Let us free ourselves..."

"I beg you, please kill us!"

"We do not want to be controlled by Hela anymore!"

"Swear on the glory of Valkyrie, raise the battle blade in your hand, and send us to rest in peace, Brunhilde!"

One after another, Valkyrie broke free from the control of the death aura for a short period of time, and one by one, they began to plead with Brunhilde, begging her to give them eternal freedom and no longer become puppets controlled by Hela!

Under the urging of the crowd, Brunhilde clenched her teeth, and with tears streaming down her face, she raised her trembling sword. "I... swear on the name of Brunhilde, in honor of protecting Valkyrie, I grant you... death!"

Da ---

A well-defined hand suddenly pressed down on her blade.

Brunhilde slowly turned her head and saw Lod smiling warmly. He softly said, "Relax, Brunhilde. Leave the rest to me."

"But... but..."

Brunhilde had a sad expression on her face. "I am the only Valkyrie. I have the responsibility to shoulder this task and send them back to the eternal slumber."

"Believe me, Brunhilde."

Lod pressed down the raised sword blade and said with a faint smile, "They will return. The Valkyrie will not die."