Chapter 418: Cain

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 418: Cain

Touch the stone tablet?

The corners of Lod's mouth twitched as he looked at the pitch-black stone tablet. He was a little unwilling in his heart.

After all, under normal circumstances, 80% of this kind of thing had a trap, and rashly touching it was not the best choice.

However, the key problem was that he had no other choice now.

Looking at the indifferent man's appearance, it was estimated that he would not translate the contents of the stone tablet for him. Therefore, if he wanted to know the truth of the shattering of heaven and hell, he would have to touch this stone tablet and listen to the nonsense of unknown people!

Whether he believed it or not was not important.

What was important was that it was worth the risk.

If he wanted to become a Spirit King to rebuild the Three Realms, he must find out the truth of the shattering of heaven and hell!

Lod took a deep breath and released zanpakuto to the side. New n0vel chapters are published at

The benefit of doing so was that if something unexpected happened later, he could still use Kansomei's power to break out of the encirclement. It could be considered a backup plan.

After doing this, Lod pressed his hand on the stone tablet.


The entirely black stone tablet trembled slightly, as if it had sensed the arrival of the prophesied person.

The Akkadian inscriptions engraved on the stone tablet were currently emitting a dim blue light, flickering rhythmically as if they were breathing. Then, a strange power was emitted, transmitting along the stone tablet inscriptions, and gradually spread throughout Lod's entire body.

In the next moment, everything was pitch-black before his eyes.

The change that followed was that the center of gravity of his entire body instantly sank, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss, continuously falling down... falling... falling...

It was hazy and muddled.

It was as if a long time had passed, but it was also as if it were foronly an instant. Suddenly, Lod seemed to hear someone speaking in the distance.

That person's voice was very old, and it was filled with exhaustion. From the tone of his voice, it sounded like he was reprimanding someone, but because it was too far away, it was very blurry.


"Atone for your sins."

"The Twin Saint Trees..."

"Stop... They..."

However, Lod noticed that in his pair of azure eyes that were like the sea, deep and sorrowful, an extremely obscure expression appeared. He said in a low voice, "There are some things that can not be said, can not be heard, can not be thought, can not be read. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean..."

Lod's pupils suddenly contracted, and his eyes flashed crazily.

Looking at the indifferent man who kept his mouth shut and spoke with extreme caution, combined with the stone stele painting in the temple, he seemed to have vaguely guessed the reason, and his heart could not help but beat wildly.

The indifferent man raised a finger and pressed it against his lips to indicate that he should keep quiet. He said, "I guessed it. Don't think about it, don't read it, don't talk about it. Just pretend that nothing happened and walk down your path until the end. You will naturally know the answer."

"I have another question..."

Lod no longer bothered with the answer to the question. Instead, he turned to ask the flower in his mind, "Do you know... what is that [Flower]?"

"... I know."

The cold man hesitated and shook his head. "But I can't tell you now. I can only say that it is very important. Even the cause of the war is because of it."

"I understand what you mean."

Lod sighed. It seemed that he could not answer this question. He said helplessly, "I have one last question. Who exactly are you? You can always tell me this, right?"

"I thought you had already guessed it." The cold man looked at Lod in surprise.

"Sorry, I can't guess."

Lod curled his lips, waved his hand, and said, "I hate guessing games the most in my life, so please tell me directly."

"Well, it's my fault."

The indifferent man sighed, as if he was calming down some emotions. After a few seconds of silence, the man slowly said, "I was born in the beginning of human beings. I was the son of Adam and Eve."

"Because I was jealous of my own brother, I committed the earliest crime of killing humans."

"Then I was expelled from the Garden of Eden by God and drifted away from the human world. I carried the sin of killing my brother and was hated by all things in the world. Any land I set foot on, any life will wither. Anyone who kills me will be punished seven times."

"My name is... Cain."

Cain narrated his deeds in a calm tone while taking off his ancient linen clothes with his hands.

As the ancient linen clothes fell to the ground, Cain revealed his upper body. His upper limbs, lower limbs, spine, and shoulder blades were all replaced by the material that was similar to casting a bronze door. Moreover, there was an Acid symbol between his eyebrows, which was exactly the same as the symbol carved on the bronze door!

"Now, you know, right?"

When everything was revealed, Cain's deep and calm eyes flowed with a touch of sadness that could not be wiped away. "I am the person cursed by God. Carrying a heavy crime of killing, I only stayed here to atone for my sins."