Chapter 423: Zero Division

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 423: Zero Division

How to design the spirit world?

Lod pondered for a few seconds and decided to refer to the design in the original work.

In this way, not only could it save time and effort, but it could also maintain the overall style. He only needed to do some appropriate optimization on the original foundation.

According to the original design of the Soul King Palace, it could be roughly divided into four regions.

In other words, block, appearance Taoism, Zero Division Palace, Great Inner Palace.

After simulating it in his mind and finalizing the overall structure, Lod began the journey of 'creating'. Because he had the experience of constructing Soul Society before, the construction process was quite smooth.

First, it was the Soul King Palace block, located at the bottom of the entire world, directly built above the white clouds. The houses were arranged in rows and orderly spread in a fan shape.

Second, the Zero Division was the only entrance to Soul King Palace. It was located in the air above the block. The stairs were suspended in the air and extended from the bottom to the center of the world. At the end, there was a huge fan-shaped platform.

The lower level of the entire world had been completed so far. According to Lod's ideal expectations, the entire spirit world should be divided into three levels, symbolizing the three realms under the control of the Soul King.

The spirit world was the middle level area, and naturally it was Zero Division Hall. It was no longer the duty of guarding in the original work, but the strongest power to guard the Soul King.

Five circular platforms that were as big as a city floated above the entire block and the surface road, surrounding the central area, a strange building that looked like a giant cone, and the overall structure was like a column.

In the original work, the column building was actually the area where the Soul King lived, called the Soul King or the imperial palace.

"No, I can't live here."

Lod was a little dissatisfied, because the area where the Soul King lived, instead of saying it was a 'palace', it was more like a 'prison', so he began to modify it.

It would become the only way to go to the top of the column, the only way to the Soul King Palace, and then there would be nine different space areas inside, which could be guarded by nine people in the future.

The real Soul King Palace was just above the column, a pure white giant palace suspended in the sky.

"Not bad,

It's much more pleasing to the eye now."

Lod looked at his creation and nodded with satisfaction. He then said, "System, use Zero Division - Phoenix Hall."

Since the birth of Soul Society and the establishment of Seireitei 13th Division, there are only five members of Zero Division.

But such harsh selection conditions, corresponding to it is 'combat strength'.

In the original work, it was mentioned that the five captains of Zero Division have the strength of the whole army of Gotei 13th!

Whether this sentence is true or false, Lod has no way to judge.

But if Aizen and Yamamoto old man, these two super-standard ceiling combat power are removed, then Lod believes that with the strength of Zero Division, it is not a big problem to sweep the entire Gotei 13th, and it may even take less than a cup of tea time.

Every member of Zero Division has their own building.

As long as Zero Division is not destroyed, the members of Zero Division will not die. As long as the name is called back to life, the only price to pay is that eternal life can not leave Soul King Palace!

So the system will have this request. Only when Zero Division is selected will the corresponding members of Zero Division be unlocked.

He has a Phoenix Hall, so the system only unlocked Oetsu Nimaiya.

"Well, with Phoenix Hall, do I still need Oetsu Nimaiya?" Lod looked at the system prompt and could not help but shake his head. It seemed that the system still had not figured out the key to the problem.

The value of Oetsu Nimaiya was only to forge zanpakuto's prototype 'Asauchi'.

Now that there was Phoenix Hall, it could automatically produce Asauchi every day, what was the use of having Oetsu Nimaiya?

Moreover, he did not have a good impression of Zero Division in the original work, so instead of letting them guard Zero Division, it was better to choose a new batch by himself. Anyway, he had the final say in his spirit world.

Lod already had a candidate in his heart.

Compared to Oetsu Nimaiya who was simply forging zanpakuto, it was better to let a more suitable person take on the responsibility of the Phoenix Hall Master. At least Lod thought that his ability was obviously more suitable.

There was no need to say who it was.

Marvel Genius inventor, Tony Stark, the future leader of Phoenix Hall in Zero Division!

"Tony Stark..."

Lod pinched his chin and thought about how to plan.

After all, in the next stage of his plan, Tony Stark took the heroine script and the Captain America took the hero script. The two of them played together, and the disaster invaded Soul Society's play in Soukyoku.