Chapter 458: The War Begins

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 458: The War Begins

"You... already knew that I was stalling for time?"

Tony's expression changed slightly.

"You guys seem to have forgotten that I came from a parallel universe."

The elderly Loki revealed a mocking expression. "For all of you, this is the first time something has happened, but for me, it is a memory that I have personally experienced a long time ago. Now, it is just watching history repeat itself."

So that was how it was...

At this moment, Tony finally understood the true reason for their failure!

The parallel universe was a theoretical gathering of infinite or limited universes, containing everything that existed and everything that existed. There were infinite possibilities of known and unknown.

In layman terms, you might be a beggar in the universe A, but in the universe B, you might be the president below one person. Moreover, the timeline between parallel universes is not in the same position, but there are many differences.

For example, the old Loki in front of them was clearly a parallel universe in the time of the future.

However, they ignored the most important problem, which was the history of the old Loki. Perhaps it was the future they were about to experience.

To them, these were mysterious and unknown futures.

However, to the elderly Loki, this was a history that he had already experienced.

If he were to follow this train of thought, Tony could finally understand why Loki was able to seize the initiative time and time again, even to the extent that it was almost an all-out operation, causing S. H. I. E. L. D. and the Avengers to almost perish.

The fundamental reason was that their every move had long been within the old fox's expectations!

"Alright, there's too much nonsense to say."

The old Loki let out a long breath and said with a sigh, "Once you get older, it will be easy for you to recall the past. Let us return to the main topic. After all, if we delay for too long, those children will not be happy again."


Tony felt a strong sense of unease in his heart. He bit his lips and asked, "What exactly are you planning to use the Tesseract to summon?"

"There's no need to be so excited. The answer to the riddle will be revealed soon." The elderly Loki snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "All the spectators are here."

Captain America, you can begin the performance.

On the rooftop.

Through the huge dark blue hole, one could see the boundless starry sky in the universe.

The vast and endless dark universe was like an endless canvas, dotted with countless stars, shining together to paint a beautiful scenery. It was an unknown charm that could not be described with words!


At this moment, in everyone's eyes, this starry sky meant danger and death.

"Come on... Come on!"

The old Loki's pupils dilated to the limit. His old face, which was full of wrinkles, revealed a rare fanatical look. He raised the golden short staff in his hand and laughed wildly. "This universe will be your new battlefield. Go and conquer all the enemies that hinder you!"

In the boundless starry sky, a little black was gradually expanding.

In just a few breaths of time, that piece of black was like a huge curtain, covering all the shining stars.

"What... what is that?"

Tony frowned. Because he was too far away to see clearly, he ordered Jarvis to magnify the picture.

Jarvis displayed the enlarged picture in front of everyone at the same time.

In an instant.

Tony's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle. His face became even paler than a sheet of paper. All the pores on his body were seeping out cold air. His entire scalp and brain nerves were trembling uncontrollably!

The black object was actually a countless number of strange insects!

Their entire bodies were covered in pitch-black shells. Each of them was the size of an adult. Their sharp front limbs were like sawteeth, as well as their strong hind legs. They also had flying wings. Their ferocious mouths that were filled with sharp teeth squirmed as they spat out sticky green liquid.

Kachi kachi kachi

Those disgusting insects crowded around each other. The friction of their shells made a horrifying sound. It was like an endless black wave. It fell down from the huge dark blue hole like a rainstorm!

There was no need to count how many insects there were.

Because it was impossible to count with the naked eye, those insects were like dark clouds, covering the entire sky above New York City.

"Oh my god!"

Peter widened his eyes and shouted in horror, "Did we f*cking cross over to the Star Craft?!"