Chapter 497: Divine Timeline

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 497: Divine Timeline

The process of the interrogation was very smooth.

The TVA agent was not like what she had said, using a steel-like will to overcome the control.

In the orange-yellow light from the spiritual stone, the mental defense that Rick had built with great difficulty was as fragile as tofu. The surging spiritual storm seemed to be able to easily control this agent.

This solved one of the doubts in Lod's heart, and that was that the TVA agent was not immune to the infinite source stones.

Under Rick's instructions, Lod had a rough understanding of the structure and origin of the TVA.

In an extremely distant future era, a supreme existence had established the TVA, dedicated to supervising, adjusting, and finally balancing the massive amount of timelines in the Multiverse that contained infinite variables. They would abandon those abandoned or chaotic timelines, and would do their best to stop any existence that could cause a time paradox.

However, there was a very interesting thing in the content that Rick mentioned.

That was that her batch of space-time agent had been recruited through special channels and was not the original copy of the TVA.

In truth, all of agent, who had been in charge of carrying out missions, had been replicated by TVA.

However, at some unknown time, those duplicated individuals had collectively launched a rebellion against the Bureau Chief of the TVA for some unknown reason.

That rebellion had caused great losses, and the last Bureau Chief had fallen.

And the most serious consequence of that time war was that the timelines that should have continued to exist in the countless Multiverse had been thrown into an unknown chaotic turbulence, and then over a long period of time, those timelines had produced 'intersection'.

In the midst of countless possibilities, a chaotic time and space was born!

Ever since the birth of that chaotic time and space, it had crazily devoured countless Multiverse like an abyss and fused with countless chaotic timelines. The ripples produced by that time and space had almost caused the entire Multiverse to collapse.

Finally, the three great judges of the TVA - temporarily took over the authority of the Space Administration.

In the face of the threat of the collapse of the entire Multiverse, the Space Administration, with the assistance of countless universe hegemons, had worked hard to suppress that chaotic time and space, and had thrown all the copies of the rebellion - agent - into it.

After the Battle of time ended, TVA officially underwent a reform.

He abandoned his clone agent's method and chose from different universes to use the Time and Space Bracelet to restrict it so as to prevent another rebellion from occurring and trigger the second Battle of time.

In order to prevent the reappearance of the 'Chaotic Space and Time', TVA made a second measure.

That was to choose the most optimal timeline in the countless Multiverse as the 'Divine Timeline' that had to be guarded. As long as this timeline remained, the Chaotic Space and Time would never appear.

Therefore, anything that could cause the divine timeline to deviate from the right path would be eliminated by TVA with the greatest amount of effort.

Lod's eyelids twitched as he heard this. This group of people was too f*cking ruthless!

"This is the righteousness that we believe in. Killing one or saving a hundred is always better than the minority."

Rick seemed to have guessed what he was thinking and said, "In the eyes of the Three Great Dimensional Judges, the importance of the divine timeline is higher than everything else. Even if more than half of the Multiverse has to be destroyed, they will not hesitate at all."

Lod frowned. Although he did not agree with this theory, he could not find a reason to refute it.

It was like a classic electric train problem. However, the situation TVA faced was even more severe, and it could not be measured simply by moral standards. The weights placed on the scale were the Multiverse, as well as beings that could not be measured like the grains of sand in the river.

If it was you, which would you choose?

Was it the sacred timeline that had to be protected even if half of the Multiverse was destroyed?

Or would he rather protect every multivariate universe than cause the sacred timeline to collapse and release the 'Chaos Spacetime', causing countless multivariate universes to collapse?

Laws, morals, and humanity were meaningless at this moment.

The only criterion to measure value was how many there were and how many were higher than the minority in priority to decide whether or not they should continue to protect the Divine Sage timelines. This was the judgment standard of the Three Great Judges of Spacetime A.

"You can not escape."

Rick suddenly broke free from her restraints and revealed a sinister smile. "The three judges will discover the space-time anomaly here. As for you, you will be facing the strongest person in the countless multivariate universes, the hunters that are formed!"

"You... Will... lose for sure!"

"I... am waiting for you... in hell."

"Alright, I'll wait for them."

There seemed to be endless spirituality flowing in the depths of Lod's eyes as he said indifferently and mercilessly, "I forgot to tell you something. The so-called hell that you speak of belongs to me."

Rick widened her eyes and wanted to say something more.


Lod slowly raised his hand and gently stroked Rick's head. Spiritual Power poured down from his palm like a torrent.


In the next moment, Rick was annihilated.

Even the traces of her existence were wiped clean, not a single trace remaining.Find new stories at