Chapter 504: Long Journey To See A Flower

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 504: Long Journey To See A Flower

My name is Loki Odinson.

I have made two mistakes. This is something I can never forget or even change in my life!

In the year I was born, the great Bohr passed his throne to my father, or it should be said that he was Odin Bohrson. The man who led the Asgard to glory and was revered as the God King by the nine great worlds!

When I was very young, my father, Odin, defeated the nine great worlds. Later, he married Frigga, and the two great god clans established an eternal rule. A magnificent and magnificent city was built above the vast galaxy, and in the next ten thousand years, it became the immortal palace of the nine great worlds.

Unlike that reckless and stupid brother who always shouted that he wanted to be a God King, I had displayed amazing magic talent since I was very young, and whether it was thinking, logic, or wisdom, I far surpassed him.

I even thought that I was the only one who was suitable to inherit the throne of my father and lead Asgarda to a brighter future God King.

But I was wrong.

I am a child of the Frost Giants. How can my father pass the throne to me? Even if my brother is so stupid, the throne will always be his. Explore uptodate stories at

I used to be very angry and even questioned my father. Since he was unwilling to give the throne to me, why did he let me become a Prince?

It was him who gave me hope, but it was also him who made me despair.

I would never forget that when he stood on the rainbow bridge with a golden armor and an eternal spear in his hand, he hesitated for a few seconds in the face of my doubts and the guilt on his face.

His expression was like a fishbone, deeply stuck in my heart, stinging my humble and small self-confidence.

Thus, I made a mistake.

After I borrowed Thanos' army to invade Earth and was defeated by those self-proclaimed avengers heroes, I returned to Asgarda and was naturally imprisoned for a thousand years.

In that lonely cell, my anger swelled. I blamed everything on my brother, father, and even the whole of Asgarda.

When the group of dark elves invaded,

No one discovered them, and I was like a drowning person who grabbed onto a life-saving straw. I couldn't wait to use them to complete my revenge!


I want to take revenge on Odin, Thor, and Asgarda. It was them who caused me to fall into such a situation. They deprived me of my hope and ruthlessly stepped me into the mud. So I want to take revenge on everyone!

I guided the way for the dark elves and let them go to the deepest part of the Immortal Palace to find my father for revenge. I despicably imagined that they could kill Odin.

I was wrong. It was ridiculously wrong!

My self-righteous revenge mentality was like a burning fire, constantly eroding my reason and pushing me into the dark abyss.

My reckless and stupid brother refused to hand over the space gem. As a result, his head was cut off by Thanos. The remaining Asgardians were all wiped out by Thanos and no longer had the so-called Asgard.

As for me, I escaped!

The fear of death overcame that pitiful courage. I was like a mouse in the gutter, fleeing wildly, not even daring to wave at the titan sword.

I should have died there. It was Heimdallr who used his own life to open the rainbow bridge for me and let me leave the spaceship.

Later, I mustered the courage to form an alliance with the avengers on Earth and went to seek revenge on Thanos together. Unfortunately, at that time, Thanos had already destroyed the infinite gems. We had no room for redemption. Everything was over.

Half of the lost lives in the universe would never come back. We were disheartened and disbanded, and I began to wander.

Many many years later.

I can't remember how many years have passed. When I became as old as my father, the new leader of the Fallen Avenger Alliance, Captain Carol, found me and told me a huge piece of bad news.

The universe was collapsing.

I followed Carol and the new Fallen Avenger Alliance to the border of the universe. The scene I saw there was unforgettable.

It was an ancient huge tree. No words could describe it. Even the Asgard Tree of Astar was not comparable to it.

The roots of the tree that were coiled and coiled were deeply rooted in a galaxy, constantly absorbing energy and life from it. Dense branches sprouted from its huge trunk, and they were covered with white fruits. It was impossible to count how many there were.

But what shocked me even more was that inside the white fruits, there were worlds one after another.

Carlo said that this tree is constantly growing. The white fruits on the branches are the world that has been swallowed. If we don't want to become like that, we must destroy this tree!

We endured our fear and slowly approached the tree. When we stood under the tree, I saw a flower growing in the nearly transparent trunk!




"Ah --"

Kars suddenly hugged his head and screamed. His entire body seemed to have been whipped. Blood continuously sprayed out and there were even faint burn marks. It was as if an invisible flame was trying to burn it to death!

Fortunately, Kars reacted quickly and abandoned Loki, who he had not finished devouring. He was lucky to avoid the disaster and gasped for breath with lingering fear.

"Flowers. What a terrible flower."

Kars swallowed his saliva and said in his heart, "With just one look, I feel like I am going to die. I can't see the rest of my memory. If I look at it for another second, I will be burned to death!"