Chapter 515: Puzzling Phenomenon

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 515: Puzzling Phenomenon

In the end, anything that carried the image of an angel would become an angel.

This was a legend used to describe how terrifying the Weeping Angel was, but it was only a guess from the literal meaning. It was probably difficult for anyone to understand just how terrifying the meaning contained within was.

Although he did not understand the meaning of this sentence, when Tony saw Lod's serious expression, an ominous premonition arose in his heart. He licked his dry lips and swallowed his saliva. "This... Can you explain it a little more clearly?"

"The meaning of this sentence is..."

Lod stared at Tony with an expressionless face. His pupils twitched slightly, and then he slowly said, "Any object that has been staring or carrying the shape of an angel for a long time, regardless of whether it is a creature or a machine, even if it is a mirror made of inorganic objects, it will eventually become the new carrier of the Weeping Angel!"


Tony instantly felt his scalp go numb, and his entire body trembled as if it had been electrocuted.

An uncontrollable extreme fear surged up and swallowed him like a raging fire. His reason was like a fragile piece of paper that was torn to pieces. A bone-chilling coldness spread through his spine inch by inch, causing his entire body to stiffen as if he had fallen into an icehouse.

"You mean to say... those... snakes used to lock the statue." A terrifying thought surfaced in Tony's mind.

"Pray. Tony." There was no fluctuation in Lod's voice. It was so cold that it was like a glacier under the South Pole. Even the surrounding temperature dropped a lot. "If that weeping angel is at its peak, then very soon, there will be several hundred more weeping angels in New York."

Just one was already troublesome enough. How terrifying was a few hundred weeping angels?

At this time, Tony also knew that he had done something wrong. His face was so ugly that it was as if he had swallowed a few flies. Cold sweat kept pouring down his forehead. His voice trembled uncontrollably as he said, "Then, what should we do?" REad updated stories at

"Of course we should go to the scene."

Lod took a deep breath, rubbed his swollen temples, and said with a headache, "You better pray to God now that the angel is not at his peak. Otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

"I have always been a devout Christian. Every year, I donate millions to God. In exchange for indulgences, I can fill a villa, he should be able to bless me, right?" Tony asked anxiously.

"Oh, then you have to ask the current pope if they recognize your indulgences." Lod sneered, then grabbed Tony by the shoulder and said, "Tell me the location of the angel, and I'll take you there directly."

"At the intersection of Lexington Boulevard and 53rd Street in Manhattan, the Citibank Tower three-story vault. " Tony knew that every minute and every second was important now, and it was related to the safety of the whole New York, so he reported the detailed address very quickly.

"Nemu, stay and watch the shop."

After saying this, Lod took Tony and Hoho with him and disappeared from the spot.



It seemed that the weeping angel was still in a weak state.

The weeping angel in hollow's weakened state was not only slow in movement, but it was also unable to reflect its image on the object that could reflect its appearance. In a sense, it was also a weakness.

"It really is the weeping angel."

It was only now that Lord was convinced of his previous guesses, he let out a long sigh, and said to himself, "I didn't expect such a terrifying creature to appear, I really don't know the man who was driving the blue police booth. Will it appear?"

"The man who drove the police booth?" Tony was curious and asked in surprise, "He can deal with this damn thing?"

"Don't think too much. He is even more troublesome than this damn thing."

Lod laughed at himself and shook his head. "And if he really appears, it would mean that we are in big trouble."

"Lod, I have a question for you." Tony hesitated for a moment, then asked, "A hundred years ago, did you see such a thing?"

"What do you mean?" Lod frowned and looked at Tony strangely.

Tony waved his hand and said, "That's right. You must have seen something like this before. Otherwise, why would you be so familiar with this Weeping angel?"

Lod answered vaguely, "From a certain perspective, I have indeed seen it before."

He couldn't let him tell Tony that he had seen the Weeping Angel in the British drama "Doctor Who" in his last life.

"So that's how it is. Then I can understand why something like yours appeared." Tony showed a look of sudden realization, then he took out something from his bosom and handed it over, "Look, is this what you left behind?"

Lod took a closer look and found that it was actually a torn sleeve. Moreover, Spiritual Power, who was still emitting his aura, immediately revealed a strange expression and asked doubtfully, "This sleeve. Where did you get it from?"

"It was left behind by Irene Caswell mind. It was placed in the storage cabinet with the angel." Tony pointed at the cabinet at the back and said, "I am also very curious as to why there would be fragments of your dead Tyrant Equipment in the cabinet."


Lod looked at the broken sleeve and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

If he remembers correctly, when he first established the [Break Realm], the passage between the Soul Realm and the present world, due to the imperfection of various technologies, he encountered a 'Cthulhu' when crossing the Boundary Realm, and he didn't know what to do at that time. Carefully, the tentacles that were caught by the sudden bump touched, and the sleeve was torn off at that time!

The inside of the prison was a space-time turbulence that would swallow everything and throw them into an unknown space-time. Lod had lost a month of time just by touching his clothes!

However, what he didn't expect was that

The sleeve that had been torn apart by the restraints had now mysteriously appeared here!