Chapter 593: Player Substitution

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 593: Player Substitution

There must be something wrong with that man!

The spider's senses were like a buzzing bee, making the uneasy premonition in his heart suddenly become extremely strong.

The man's moving lips suddenly stopped moving. His hands, which were originally holding the dog tag, stopped trembling. Several black veins protruded from his neck, and he slowly lifted up that face full of determination.

"Hiss -"

When Peter saw the man's face, he was so scared that he gasped.

He saw that the man's skin was red, like the color of a soldering iron after it was red, and it emitted bursts of green smoke. As the hot heat wave spread, it made the water in the air boil, and even vaguely showed some kind of distorted scene.

The two were separated by several meters, and Peter could clearly feel it. The fur on his face was wrapped up by the heat wave.

The sudden heat wave was quickly detected by the surrounding people.

When everyone turned around and saw the man's painful appearance, as well as the green smoke that was like burning hot iron, they immediately scattered in fear, trying to get away from this man who looked strange and dangerous.

"For... Mandarin"

The man raised the dog card in his hand and let out a hoarse roar that was not human.

Buzz -

The Spider Sense instantly rose to its peak, indicating that a fatal threat was about to happen.

At such a critical moment, Peter reacted at lightning speed. He rushed forward three steps against the running crowd, grabbed the man by the collar, and threw him into an area with no one around.

It seemed that a lot of things had happened, but in fact, only a few seconds had passed.

During the process of the man being thrown away, his body completely turned red. The suppressed huge energy was released in one breath, instantly triggering a strong explosion. A blazing fireball exploded above, accompanied by a deafening roar. A huge wave of air swept through the entire exhibition site.

Everyone was like cutting wheat, blown away by the wave of air and crashed into every corner.

Because the man was thrown into the air, the explosion did not kill the people on the ground, but the ceiling could not withstand the impact. The huge steel beam that was dozens of tons heavy, along with the concrete slate, fell from above with a whistling sound. Top novel updates at

And right below the steel beam was Ned and Michelle.

When the two children heard the noise and looked up, the huge stone shadow embedded with steel beams had already covered them. The two people widened their eyes in horror, and their eyes were filled with despair. They could not help but scream.

Bang -

At least there were a few holes in the leather jacket, and he could still vaguely see the rapidly healing flesh.

The man slightly moved his muscles and bones, and his skin was just like the explosive man from before. It was red like burning hot iron, and it emitted waves of terrifying heat.

Was this guy really a human?

Happy immediately opened his eyes wide. He knew that he had encountered a tough opponent this time. He quickly pushed Potts to let her leave this place, but he took out the short stick at his waist and rushed up to stall for time with this guy.

Happy riveted all his strength, waving the short stick to hit the man in the leather jacket.


The short stick in the air produced a crisp sound of cracking.

However, the leather jacket man did not retreat. Instead, his eyes revealed a hint of ridicule. He raised his hand and grabbed the short stick. His face became increasingly transparent due to the rising temperature in his body.


Along with an ear-piercing sound, the short stick made of steel actually melted into juice in his hand.

Happy had no choice but to let go of his hand due to the high temperature. When he saw the short stick that had melted into molten iron, he immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. A deep fear appeared on his face.

"Go to hell!"

The leather jacket man snorted. His red right hand clenched into a fist and punched towards the leather jacket man.

If he was hit by a fist that could melt steel, he would probably die on the spot.

Just as his fist was about to pierce through Happy, a spider silk suddenly wrapped around the leather jacket man's ankle. Then, a huge force came and directly pulled him down, falling to the ground in a dog eating shit posture.

Happy escaped from death, gasping in excitement. He looked up and saw a red figure falling down. He looked at it and saw that it was an acquaintance.

"Hey, Happy."

The one who greeted him was Spider Man, Peter Parker.

Under the powerful will to survive, the spider factor in his body went a step further, allowing him to prop up the stone slab that weighed dozens of tons. The moment he broke free, he saw that Happy was in danger. He did not care about Ned and Michelle beside him. He directly took off his shirt and pants and ran to save the situation.

"Sorry, player substitution!"

Peter rubbed his hands together, eagerly hooking his finger and provoking, "Damn bastard, see if I don't blow you up!"