Chapter 608: Exposed

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 608: Exposed

On one side was Hildr, one of the members of Star Cross Knights, codenamed E.

On the other side was the most elite high-end combat power of Soul Society, the 3rd Division Captain of Gotei 13th, Ichimaru Gin.

The two almost represented the top level of each power at the current stage.

Just from the current Spiritual Power, although Hildr is slightly weaker than Ichimaru Gin, it is not without the strength to fight back.

The unique Reishi control constitution of Quincy, as well as many styles and fighter skills, coupled with the power of the sacred text, actually gained the upper hand in a short time, and in turn suppressed Ichimaru Gin.

Another collision, Hildr raised his hand to make a pistol, and with the sound of "Boom" in his mouth, a ball Reishi flew out quickly.

Ichimaru Gin had no time to dodge and had to raise his left hand to resist.

However, at the moment of contact, the sleeve of his left hand was instantly blown into pieces.

Boom - -

The destructive power and flames caused by the violent explosion caused Ichimaru Gin's originally intact left hand to be bloody.

Seeing that Sid raised his finger and pointed it at him again, even though he was acting like a sinister viper, he could not help but change his face slightly and immediately retreated more than ten meters away from him.

"Your reaction is quite fast."

Hildr did not choose to pursue. Instead, he quietly stood in place and said coldly, "If you had been one second slower just now, you would have been blown into a pool of meat paste."

"So this is your ability?"

Ichimaru Gin's narrowed eyes slowly opened a little, and the light blue eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips smiled slightly. "To condense your own Spiritual Power into a ball-shaped object and shoot it out, and then the object hit by Spiritual Power will become a blasting object, which is a very dangerous ability."

After being exposed by the mystery of the ability, Hiberder did not show any surprise, but admitted openly, "Yes, this is the holy text bestowed by His Majesty --"

"What a headache."

Ichimaru Gin showed a distressed expression and was not affected by the injury on his left hand. He grinned and said, "The order to release the restriction has not been issued. If I continue to waste time with you, maybe I will really die."

Hildr said faintly, "It is not too late to escape now. I will not chase you, death god."

"Oh, it is too early to say this now." Ichimaru Gin smiled and raised his hand to move Shinso in front of him. sword pointed to the location of Quincy and said slowly, "Although Spiritual Power is limited, the solution can still be used."

A naked, cold, and surging killing intent instantly enveloped Hildr's entire body.

And Spiritual Power's limit was 80%!

In other words, once Ichimaru Gin lifted Spiritual Power's limit, his physical strength would instantly soar to five times as much as before!

"This time, count yourselves lucky."

Hildr knew how serious the problem was, so she didn't dare to stay any longer.

The moment before she left, she took a deep look at Tony's position and disappeared into the shadows.

"Heh ---"

Ichimaru Gin shook his head and chuckled, then he closed his clothes to block the mark.

Tony carefully stuck his head out. When he found out that Hildr had really left, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. However, a cold and gloomy gaze drifted over, causing his heart to instantly jump to his throat.

The true test had only just begun!

But fortunately, he had already made preparations in advance for this worst situation.

Among the large number of Soul Society, a weak death god like him could be said to be countless. He was even less valuable than the weeds on the outside. The other party was a high and mighty captain. How could he possibly know him?

Therefore, he only needed to lie properly, and maybe he would have a chance to get away with it!

Just as he was thinking about how to speak, he heard Ichimaru Gin chuckle and said, "Tony Stark, according to the order of Central 46, you are suspected of stealing death god's power. Come back with me to Soul Society and accept the punishment."

"We've been exposed"

As soon as this was said, it was as if a bolt from the blue had struck Tony in the head.

How was this possible

He did not give any chance to quibble, nor did he have any thoughts of beating around the bush, directly breaking his last bit of fantasy.

So much so that Tony's mind was completely blank. He had almost no idea at all, only one thought remaining:

He was dead for sure!


At this moment, Lod was still on his way to him.