Chapter 618: The Worst Possible Captain to Come

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 618: The Worst Possible Captain to Come

"Good... amazing!"

Peter's eyes were sparkling as he looked at Captain America with admiration.

Defeating the burly giant with one punch, as expected of one of his idols, the famous legendary figure!

Natasha and Barton breathed a sigh of relief, but they felt a little worried in their hearts.

Not long after they entered Soul Society, they met such a difficult enemy, and this was just a guard of the gate. God knows how many terrible enemies there are behind the gate!

Dr. Banner on the side did not have time to sigh. He was holding his pulse and calming his emotions with a deep breath, lets Hulk suddenly ran out of his body to stir up trouble.

"You... Why did you stop at the last second?" Jidanbo leaned against the white door and touched the bruises on his chest. He looked at the man in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Didn't you release Peter once too?" Steve was so tired that he was panting. He wiped off the sweat on his forehead and said, "Just treat it as returning a favor to you. Moreover, we didn't even consider killing you."

This was the truth.

They had broken into Soul Society to save Tony. This was a violation of the law. If they were to kill indiscriminately on this basis, it would easily attract unnecessary hatred. At that time, if they really angered Soul Society, they would not be able to bear the consequences.

Therefore, before they set off, they had already set the rules. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not easily kill.

"I've completely lost to you."

Jidanbo sighed bitterly and said sadly, "Whether as a warrior or a man, I have completely lost to you. Your breadth of mind and spirit have won my respect, foreigner."

Steve looked happy. "In that case, your previous promise."

"Ah, I will abide by it."

Jidanbo laughed and said in a loud voice, "Since I lost to you, I can only abide by the agreement and open the door for you and let you in."

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned for the better and they all laughed.

This was all thanks to Steve. If not for his unique charm and force to conquer this proud and arrogant warrior from both levels, it would not have been so easy for them to enter this gate directly.

At least if they won in a group fight, with the unyielding character of Jidanbo, they would not yield even if they died.

"In the past hundred years, you were the first to defeat me." Jidanbo sounded a little sad, but it was quickly covered up by him. He stood up again and said, "But before we go in, I have to remind you of something."

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"I don't know why you want to pass through this gate." Jidanbo touched the white Door, and his eyes showed a touch of loneliness. He said in a low voice, "But please be careful. The world behind this gate is very different from Rukongai."

Feeling the heaviness in the tone of Jidanfang, Steve nodded seriously. "Don't worry, we will be careful."

"I forgot to ask. What is your name?" Jidanbo looked at Steve. "You are the first man to defeat me in a hundred years. At least let me remember your name."

"Steve Rogers."

"The name of the monster. I will remember you."

"That is."

Steve's face was rather ugly. He recognized the white cloak.

Among all the death god that Soul Society had, only the thirteen captains who were high above could wear this kind of cloak.

Without a doubt, the person who came was a captain.

"Third.. Division Captain. Ichimaru Gin!"

Jidanbo's pupils trembled and he revealed the origin of this captain!

"Ah, this won't do."

Ichimaru Gin had a smile on his face: "The guard guarding the gate actually opened the door for the enemy."

The moment he finished speaking, a dazzling light bloomed.

Everyone didn't have time to react at all. They only felt that it was a bit dazzling. When the light dissipated, they found that the arm of the Jidanbo had been cut off at some point in time. Then, it flew several meters away and smashed into a bungalow.

The giant door crashed down. Jidanbo had no choice but to kneel on the ground. It carried the remaining arm to prevent the White gate from closing completely. Its face was almost wet with sweat. The great pain made him grit his teeth.

"Ichimaru Captain, it's because I lost to them." Jidanbo tried to explain, "As the doorkeeper who lost, isn't it natural for you to open the door?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ichimaru Gin eyes slightly opened, and the cold killing intent made the temperature of the nearby space drop. "Even if the guard loses, he must not open the door without permission, and if the guard loses, it means that he has lost the qualification."

This time, everyone saw it clearly.

No. To be exact, Ichimaru Gin should deliberately let them see it clearly, and slowly pulled out zanpakuto from his waist.

"Ikorose, Shinso."

In a casual and calm tone, the seemingly ordinary short-haired sword instantly shone with a shocking, dazzling light!

Steve was one step ahead of them, and in front of Jidanbo, his right hand blocked the attack in front of him.

Bang -!

There was a huge impact, and countless flames splashed on the surface of the Vibranium Shield.

A tremendous force that could not be resisted was transmitted along the surface of the shield, forcefully pushing Steve and Jidanbo out of control.

Only then did the people behind him see clearly.

It turned out that the bright light was the body of a constantly extending sword.

The white door, which had lost its support, fell down again.

Ichimaru Gin smiled slyly, bent over and waved to the people outside the door, and said frivolously, "Goodbye ---Mr. Traveler."