Chapter 621: Bumped (1)

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 621: Bumped (1)

After the huge impact, the spiritual shield was covered with cracks.

Then, under everyone's shocked eyes, a large amount of spiritual droplets from the outside poured into the' artillery shell 'through the cracks, making the pressure inside far stronger than the outside. An extremely fast and powerful air turbulence was forming.

In the end, under the pressure from the inside and outside, this Spiritual Power artillery shell shattered with a bang.

Affected by the violent turbulence, everyone was forcibly pulled into five groups, and then flew in five directions.

Because the situation was too urgent, there was no time for them to think at all, so everyone was basically subconsciously hugging the nearest person to avoid being too scattered by the air currents.


Five scorching hot fire stars split in the sky above Seireitei.

At the moment when the accident was forcibly invaded, the 10th Division in charge of guarding sounded the alarm. For a time, in the range of the entire Seireitei, the loud and melodious sound of the copper bell echoed.

Dong ---Dong ---Dong ---

The three bells of the bell meant the invasion of foreign enemies!

Death god, who was wearing a black tyrant outfit and carrying zanpakuto on his waist, rushed out of the various camps and rushed toward the landing point of the five meteors in the sky, intending to catch them when the other side landed.


"Found it, it's the landing point!"

"The landing point is here, which means that the accident must be nearby. Search quickly!"

"Everyone, be careful, don't be alone!"

A series of urgent shouts, accompanied by chaotic footsteps, sounded.

These death god followed the trajectory and arrived, but they only found a deep pit in the falling place and did not find the so-called accident.

Relying on the advantage of the number of people, death god decided to search the nearby houses carefully.

But to their disappointment, after a search, they did not find any trace of the traveler, so they thought that the traveler might have escaped, and continued to search in a further direction. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

After everyone left,

However, Frank surprisingly did not choose to escape, but calmly stood in the same place and waited. There was not even a hint of panic on the old face full of calm and steady temperament.

Yes, he did not intend to escape!

And not only that, he also took this opportunity to sneak into one of the teams to inquire about the information.

It had to be said that this plan of his was very bold, and it was extremely dangerous.

Once he was discovered by these death god, then he would directly face the encirclement, thus losing the best chance to escape.

However, Frank still chose to do this. It was not that he was arrogant or looked down on these death god, but he was 70% sure that these death god would not discover him as a fake.

First of all, the important information.

These death god did not know that in their group of travelers, two of them were death god.

And this also meant that he was now an unknown existence to these death god, so with this body of death god and zanpakuto at his waist, he completely had the conditions to pretend to be the orthodox death god.

Secondly, it was about the Division.

Before coming to Soul Society, he learned the name and duties of all the Division from Lod. As long as he knew these basic information, he could completely pretend to be one of the members of the Division and fool these investigating death god.

Finally, it was the current chaotic situation.

If he sneaked in peacefully and did not cause any disturbance, he was not good at fooling around and pretending to be the official death god. But it was because of this sudden intrusion that the entire Seireitei was full of death god, which just gave him this excellent opportunity!

More than a dozen people figures approached quickly, Frank waited in the same place.

"Which Division are you from? Why are you alone? Where did the others go?" Death god, who was in the lead, came to a stop and looked at the familiar clothes and zanpakuto. For a while, he really did not notice that something was wrong.

"I am from 11th Division."

Frank looked calm and said the words that had already been prepared: "I want to carefully check the clues and see if the accident is hidden in the vicinity. Others go ahead to chase."

Anyway, he was going to join 11th Division, so it was not a lie to say it in advance.

And among the 13 Division, he only knew the most about 11th Division. If other Division were worried about revealing flaws.

Who knew.

Hearing the name of 11th Division, the faces of more than a dozen death god opposite changed, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.