Chapter 636: Reunion And First Meeting (3)

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 636: Reunion And First Meeting (3)

One by one, the lights approached quickly.

The huge commotion caused by the Grey Flame Pendant made death god, who was patrolling nearby, rush over to investigate what had happened.

When the five-man team of patrols arrived at the scene, they only saw the destroyed streets and ruins, as well as Chen alone. There was no trace of the enemy.

"Vice Captain Chen!"

The leader of the patrol team walked over and asked, "Was it Kido who you used just now?"

"It was me."

Chen nodded and explained, "I found the whereabouts of a traveler. After fighting with him, he accidentally escaped."

"To be able to escape from your hands, those invader are indeed not simple!" When the leading death god heard this, his face revealed a surprised expression.

"I'm sorry."

Chen bit her lips and said apologetically, "It's all my fault for being too careless. That's why he found an opportunity to escape."

"No, no, no. You're too serious."

The leader, death god, waved his hand and comforted, "This can't be blamed on you. It's those travelers who are too cunning. Besides, this is your first time to fight. It is already very good to be able to do this to this extent!"

About Chen's matter, each Division actually has an understanding. For this gentle and kind little girl, almost everyone is very fond of her, so naturally, they won't blame too much.


The group of rough men of 5th Division have already greeted each Division, especially the 10th Division responsible for patrolling, specially told them to take good care of this Vice-Captain.

Therefore, Chen's 'experience' this time was basically under everyone's eyes. The entire death god of Soul Society was well aware of it, and she deliberately paid attention to this little girl.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to trouble you."

Chen naturally understood the reason, and her cheeks were slightly red, as if she was a little embarrassed.

"Vice Captain Chen is too polite,"

"Hahaha." death god, the leader of the patrol team, smiled. After confirming that the girl was not injured, he said, "Since you are fine here, then we are relieved. Did the Invader run in that direction?"

"He is in that direction."

Chen pointed in a direction and said, "He was wearing death god's clothes, but his face was covered. His height should be around 1.8 meters."


The patrol leader noted down these characteristics and waved to the others. After saying goodbye to Chen , he chased in that direction.

"But... this is too dangerous for you. You clearly don't know why we came to Soul Society. Why do you trust me so much?"


Chen looked a little startled, then she pursed her lips and smiled. She raised her hand and pulled up a strand of hair. "Because... I believe in you."

"The great hero who was obviously afraid himself, but still gritted his teeth and returned. The great hero who saved a group of children was definitely not a bad person."

Fear and retreat were human nature.

The person who defeated fear and death and dared to muster up courage was the real hero.

Peter was such a person.

Although sometimes he would be cowardly, afraid, and retreat, every time he met those people who were in trouble, he would do his best to lend a helping hand.

From the great war against the Zerg who invaded New York, to helping the old granny cross the road, he was a good neighbor of the New York people and a shining superhero!

Just like the people he had helped before, now it was these people's turn to repay him.

"Thank you. Thank you."

Peter felt warm all over, and his eyes seemed to be a little moist. In order to avoid embarrassing tears, he hurriedly turned his head and quietly wiped away the moisture in his eyes.

"No ---You are wrong."

Chen smiled and said, "The person who said thank you should be us. Thank you for saving us."




The night was dark and the sky was dark, and the moonlight was dim.

The bleak north wind whistled, and there was a hint of coldness hidden in it.

Two furtive figures, taking advantage of the cover of the hazy night, shuttled through the shadows of the street, heading towards the tower.


Aizen, who was covered in white feathers, held a dim candle and blocked in front of the two sneaky figures.

With the dim light from the candle lamp, the faces of these two sneaky people were the two of the eight who broke into Seireitei, Barton and Constantine.

"Good evening, Mr. Invader."

Aizen raised a little, the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the corner of his lips curved into a gentle smile: "Although this is cruel, I am afraid that the journey of the two will end here."