Chapter 643: Testing And Guessing

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 643: Testing And Guessing

At this moment, the three of them felt cold all over.

If one had to use a word to describe their current feelings, they would be completely disheartened.

Especially Natasha and Banner. At this moment, they were looking at Peter with eyes that were about to kill him.

"No. It's not me."

Peter turned his head guiltily, not daring to look into the eyes of the two of them.

In fact, even he himself did not know that the reason why Ichimaru Gin appeared had nothing to do with him.

Their appearance one after the other was a little too coincidental.

So it was difficult to not doubt whether Ichimaru Gin followed Peter and found their hiding place.

But thinking about the reason now seemed to have no meaning.

There were only two paths in front of them, either to defeat a captain of team 13 from the front, and then leave here openly, or to use all means to escape from the hands of a captain.

No matter which path it was, it was almost impossible to reach the sky.

The only person among the three of them who could be considered excellent fighting strength, who could exchange a few moves with captain death god, was probably the green giant Hulk.

"You two, think of a way to escape."

Banner looked bitter, sighed and shook his head. He pulled off his tie and walked to Ichimaru Gin.

He was very clear about the current situation. As the only one among the three who had the qualifications to fight with the captain, only he stayed to delay Ichimaru Gin, and the other two had the chance to leave here.

"I'll leave it to you, Banner." Natasha looked at Banner deeply and said softly.

In such a serious situation, making Banner stay behind was the best choice. If they did not want to be wiped here, they could only choose this cruel method.

But just as Natasha turned around and was about to leave with Peter, the boy shook off her hand.

"No, I won't go!"

Peter looked firmly at Ichimaru Gin,

He said word by word, "I have already escaped once. I don't want to escape a second time, so Miss Romanov, you can leave by yourself."

"Peter, are you crazy?" Natasha was stunned for a few seconds. Then, she expressed her confusion, "Even if you stay here, it's meaningless."

"No. It's meaningful!"

The pressure in Peter's heart became heavier. Even Hulk had this kind of reaction, so one could imagine how dangerous the captain was.

Natasha broke out in a cold sweat, and her breathing became a little hurried.

"Oh, finished the discussion?"

Ichimaru Gin, who always had a good temper, put his hands in his sleeves and waited for the three to finish the discussion with a smile. Then he asked, "Although I don't have much hope, I should ask. Do you know a blond decadent man and a man with black hair with a bow?"

"Constantine and Barton?"

Natasha raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes. "From your tone, you seem to know the two of them."

"I have heard of them. After all, they killed a captain."

Ichimaru Gin tilted his head and looked at them with a smile and said, "If you are willing to tell me their whereabouts, I can apply to Central 46 and let you return to the modern world safely."

Peter was about to refuse, but Natasha nudged him with her elbow.

"Is what you said true?" Natasha's eyes shone as if she was a drowning person who had encountered a floating tree. There was a hint of urgency and doubt in her tone. "Then how can we be sure that you will let us go after telling you where they are?"

Peter's heart tightened, but after thinking about Natasha's identity, he seemed to vaguely understand what she meant, so he chose to remain silent.


Ichimaru Gin smiled and asked, "Do you have any other choice now?"

"Of course, Mr. Captain."

Natasha sneered and said, "If I don't have a definite guarantee, I will die anyway. I would rather not say a word. At least this way, I can let them live."

It had to be said that after their attitude became tough, Ichimaru Gin was silent.

"What guarantee do you want?"

Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a sharp cold flash.

"Send us out of Seireitei, and then open the gate to let us leave here." Natasha slightly deliberated and said, "After we go out, we will tell you where they are."

"If I promise, can you believe it?" Ichimaru Gin asked with some amusement.

"So to ensure that you can keep your promise." Natasha smiled slightly, and said as expected: "We will leave one person behind, and we will not tell you the location of the other two until we confirm that the others have left safely."

She had a guess.

However, she still needed to verify it before she knew if it was as she had thought.