Chapter 573: Progenitor

Because this means that there is an extra monster called the "Ebony Maw" in the monster.

The stronger the original body, the stronger the monster-like monsters that are transformed, and will inherit the original body's abilities.

Fortunately, Thanos was not caught, otherwise it would be bad if a demon called "Thanos" came out.

As for the creatures created by the mechanical superman, they are called "ancestor insects."

Archaeopteryx can produce a kind of energy phagocytic insect lifeform, which has the ability to fly and can survive in the void of the universe. Like social insects such as ants, Archaeopteryx exists like a queen, and can control all the daughter insects. New worms are constantly being born, providing sufficient energy and food in the most suitable environment for their reproduction. The ancestor worm can produce a "pioneer" within one minute.

The energy-eating characteristics of the "pioneer bugs" make them enough to ignore all energy blows.

The powerful energy shield is the most delicious food for these insects, and the only way to deal with them is to fire at a long distance and keep them away from the warship hull.

In addition to the "pioneer bugs" like miscellaneous soldiers, the ancestor bugs can also produce powerful "guard bugs", "heavy bugs", "special bugs", "sniper bugs", and "auxiliary bugs".

These bugs rely solely on quantity. A single pioneer bug can't even withstand a single shot of an energy weapon. If it reproduces one in a minute, it reproduces continuously in a year, which is about 50,000. It takes about 50,000 to give birth to a bug. Ten units of energy, if you want to multiply hundreds of thousands of insects, at least millions of energy will be consumed, not counting the food they need to eat during the period.

And to maintain this value, you have to continue to give energy, otherwise these insects will easily kill themselves, and the number will drop sharply.

All the expenses can even form a fleet of hundreds of space-class warships.

To put it simply, these bugs are the super locusts of the earth!

Of course I can't afford it in normal times, but isn't there such a demon now?

"Is it too slow to give birth to a pioneer insect in one minute?"

Emperor Zod was a little dissatisfied.

"At this minute, a pioneer bug has already skipped the maturity period."

The mechanical superman said silently.

"Oh, can you make more ancestors out?"

Emperor Zord nodded suddenly, and that was all right.

"The ancestor needs to be nurtured, and it takes about a year to have an ancestor."

Superman said.

"Can't breed multiple ancestor insects at the same time?"


Superman mechanically rejected Emperor Zod very coldly. What is my artwork?

Is it a street performer?

Emperor Zod has a headache. There are more than 50,000 ancestors a year. This is still the case of the ancestors desperately living, and the two ancestors are more than one hundred thousand a year...

Then the matter of the demon-like army has also got the attention of all civilizations in the galaxy.

The Marvel universe is not a dark jungle. In addition to the upper gods maintaining the order of the basic rules of the universe, the various alien races in the universe have also established interstellar organizations across the galaxy to mediate disputes, eliminate wars, and resolve cosmic crises.

This organization is the Galaxy Council.

The Galactic Council is formed by countless civilized planets. It is like the United Nations on the earth. There are many member states, but not many who speak importantly. It also has four permanent members, namely the Scroo Empire, the Shia Empire, and the Kerry Empire. Empire and Spartacus Empire.

Nowadays, the Scroo empire and the Kerry empire are naturally gone, so there are only two of the four permanent members. As for why it is not the three permanent members, it is because the Galactic Council issued an invitation to the Krypton Empire, but Krypton The Star Empire is totally disdain to join.

The Galaxy Council convened member states to discuss the issue of the demon-like army, and held a meeting of member states in the virtual space conference room of the new star legion’s parent star Shandar Star.

In addition to the permanent members of the Galactic Council, the Shia Empire and the Spartacus Empire, many galactic civilizations also sent diplomatic missions to witness this moment together.

The virtual space conference room adopts real-life 3D technology. Participants are not present in person. They only need to set up a 3D projection in the conference venue on the parent-satellite network, just like a meeting attended by a projection avatar in person.

In the conference hall of the New Star Legion, alien envoys of various skin colors and appearances gathered together.

There are Shiahs who look very similar to humans but have their hair combed like a fan, there are also blue-skinned centaurs, korbinites with horseheads, and representatives of the Doomsday Swarm with a worm-like appearance. , There are Kron people made of stones, there are representatives of Gao Tianjun from Saka, there are many people, and there are many...

Asgardian representatives also came across the Rainbow Bridge anxiously. Yes, Asgardians also have the obligation to participate in the war...

However, the Asgardians are not good at building space battleships, and fighting on the ground is okay. Space battles are really not helpful.

In the parliament hall of the New Star Legion, surrounded by stairs, diplomats from other planets sit on the surrounding seats. In the middle is a rectangular negotiating table. In this conference hall, except for the host Irani -Except for Rael, the participants are all 3D projections, but the projection technology of Shandar people is very real, and it is almost difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The representatives of the two permanent members of the Galaxy Council appeared at the negotiating table. The Diplomat of the Shia Empire, a beautiful woman Shia with a toba in his head and a hot body, took the lead to speak.

"The news about the monsters that appeared near the galaxy has already begun to spread to the galaxy."

Although the Shia people are militant and militant, the seriousness of this kind of thing is obviously beyond the ordinary small-scale fighting. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The number of demon-like armies is also amazing. The representatives of the Shia Empire projected a video of the Zeta Rising Man and the Dark Order fighting against the Demon-Like. In the end, the dense group of demon-like members tore up the Dark Order and the Zeta Rising Man.

Thanos almost didn't escape.

This immediately made many people's faces serious.

Today's Shia Empire is ruled by Queen Lilandra, and Dou Jian is only the captain of the Queen's Guard.

Her Majesty Queen Lilandra is a beautiful beauty who is famous in the universe.

Moreover, the Dark Order often harassed the major forces in the galaxy, so they are very clear about the strength of Thanos and the group of lunatics under his hands.

"At present, the footprints of these monsters have spread to the Milky Way, and several cosmic countries have been affected, persecuted and invaded by them."

Those cosmic kingdoms that have been invaded are also enthusiastically speaking at this time.

The Galaxy Council obviously wants to unite everyone and form a line of defense to resist