Chapter 61 Whispering Wetlands [5]

Name:Master of Lust Author:
Chapter 61 Whispering Wetlands [5]

Chapter - 61

"Who's there?" one voice demanded, sounding all alert and on edge.

"Come out..." the voice commanded, echoing with an unmistakable authority that sent a shiver down Rick's spine, "I know you are hiding there, somewhere."

In the tense stillness of the forest, Rick's heart raced as he heard the approaching voices and witnessed the ominous flash of light drawing nearer, 'Fuck! This ain't good.'

The rabbit who was sitting still on Rick's chest, sensed Rick's rising anxiety, decided to take matters into its own paws. It suddenly placed its tiny, furry paws over Rick's mouth to stifle any potential sounds. It made sure that he did not let out even a squeak, 'You have dragged us into this mess, Master. Now not a peep.'

"I will count to three. You better walk out, otherwise don't blame me if I put some metal down your throat."

The man continued to call out as he continued to approach towards the spot where Rick and the Rabbit were hiding. Rick is somewhat worried as he sensed the man approaching. He looked at the rabbit, hoping that it could provide him some sort of a solution. His eyes darted to the rabbit, who had abruptly pressed its paws against Rick's mouth to ensure his silence. They shared a fleeting, worried glance, and Rick couldn't help but hope the rabbit had some miraculous solution up its furry sleeve, "Got any brilliant ideas, buddy?" Rick whispered.

The man's shouts were getting louder, and he was closing in on Rick and the rabbit faster than a speeding bullet. Rick could practically smell the guy's presence, and it was giving him some serious jitters.

Rick was getting desperate, scanning the place like he was searching for a winning lottery ticket. He just wanted a way out of this freaky situation.

While they exchanged looks, Rick noticed something odd. There was this cheeky, mysterious glint in the rabbit's eyes, and he couldn't help but think.

"What's the bunny up to?" It felt like time was dragging on forever as Rick's confusion mixed with the urgency of their mess.

And then, without warning, the rabbit sprang into action, launching itself off Rick's chest like a superhero and bolting out of the bushes. Rick watched in disbelief and before he could react the rabbit charged toward the man who was steadily closing in on them.

The man was taken aback by the sudden motion in the darkness and swiftly trained his flashlight on the incoming figure. Rick's heart practically leaped into his throat as he watched this daring act unfold before him.

The man, taken aback by the sudden movement, swiftly swung his flashlight toward the speeding shadow, fear and confusion etched across his face. In the heartbeat that followed, panic set in. And as panic washed over the man, it was the panic which called the shots.

The man reacted with instinctive reflexes, and without hesitation, he squeezed the trigger of the gun he held—a weapon that Rick couldn't identify in the darkness. Rick couldn't make out what kind of gun it was in the dark, but he knew one thing for sure; things just got real messy.

"Bam, bam, bam!" The night sky lit up like the Fourth of July, and it felt like the end of the world. A volley of deafening shots pierced the night air, Blinding flashes of fire illuminated the shadows as multiple shots were fired.

'That crazy nutjob,' as he heard the gunshots, don't know whom, but Rick cursed.

The rabbit, however, proved to be far more agile and elusive than the stranger had anticipated. It flew like it had drowned himself in Red Bull. With nimbleness and agility, it zigzagged through the air, avoiding the barrage of bullets. Rick's heart was doing a drum solo in his chest as he watched the bunny's insane getaway. His veins were pumping with adrenaline.

A collective surge of adrenaline propelled both Rick and the rabbit into action. While the rabbit dashed further into the shadows, Rick seized the opportunity to crawl stealthily away from his original position.

"Bam! Bam!" Take this you crazy bastard..." The man continued firing blindly at the fleeting form of the rabbit, his shouts and curses filling the air.

Rick's heart hammered in his chest as he moved, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the stranger. Panic and confusion swirled around him, making it difficult to think clearly.

"Seriously, this is what you have to say after I just saved your ass?"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, why the heck did you run off like that?" Rick asked the rabbit as he took out all that the rabbit left before dashing out of the tent and placed it in front of the rabbit, "Didn't even finish your dinner."

"What did you pick up on that got you all worked up?" Rick decided to ignore the chest thumping from the rabbit and asked.

The rabbit was elated when she saw his master bring out the treats in front of her, "I heard them talk."

"Say what? From way over here?" Rick was seriously amazed.

"Oh, you know it!" The rabbit thumped its chest, bragging, "I've got some top-notch ears"

"What did you pick up on that got you all worked up?" Rick decided to ignore the chest thumping from the rabbit and asked.

"They were talking about some girl," the Rabbit looked up from her food and sounded concerned, "Sounds like they're planning something real nasty for her," the Rabbit told Rick.

"So what does this have got to do with us?" Rick looked nonchalant, "Why you gotta snoop in someone else's business?"

"Of course, I am worried. Of course, it is my deal," the rabbit shot Rick a glare like it meant business. "I'm a lady, and I ain't letting some other gal get in trouble on my watch."

"You..." Rick could not believe he was actually arguing with a rabbit over this, "You are a rabbit, and that girl..."


Quest: Help the rabbit find that girl

Time Duration: 3 Days

Rewards: 1 Standard Scratch Card; Cash: $25,000; Ero Points: 5,000


"And that girl is absolutely our responsibility."


* * * * *

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