Chapter 79 Finally, the end

Name:Master of Lust Author:
79 Finally, the end

Chapter - 79

Rick patiently waited for the thick cloud of dust to dissipate, keeping a vigilant eye on his surroundings to ensure there was no imminent danger lurking nearby. Once he felt reasonably confident that the area was secure, he carefully retrieved the shield, pulling it free from the earth.

Shield in hand, Rick cautiously moved in the direction where the old man had been violently dispatched. However, as he took his first step, he couldn't help but shudder at the macabre scene that unfolded before him. He found himself standing in a gruesome field of bones..

The battleground that could have been a frenzied clash between Rick and the old man's minions had transformed into a surreal graveyard. Although another confrontation had unfolded between Lord Rick and the girl, the details remaining behind closed doors, his exploits, unworthy of mere public boasting.

But what struck Rick the most was the absence of any trace of blood, flesh, or clothing — only pristine, gleaming white bones, an eerie and haunting sight. It was as if their very essence had been stripped away, leaving behind skeletal remains meticulously assembled as if in a science lab. The ground was littered with the remnants of the fallen henchmen, their once-formidable bodies reduced to mere skeletons. And this extraordinary outcome had been brought about by none other than a skinny, 22-year-old boy.

The eerie absence of flesh, blood, and clothing on the remains of the unfortunate men sent a cold shiver down his spine. The sight of the gleaming white bones was enough to make his stomach churn with a nauseating discomfort. He could have never thought the poison he randomly got from the system would be so potent. What if he were to accidentally touch it? And that idea had his butt clenching tighter than a jar of pickles!

For the first time since arriving in this sinister forest, Rick's typically unflappable demeanor wavered. An overwhelming sensation of nausea churned deep within him, threatening to overpower his senses. Remembering that earlier fuck me baby session with the girl, surrounded by the spirits who were NOT having it, now seemed like a total nightmare with these chewed-up, leftover bones all over the place. Grotesque doesn't even cut it

"You stay here," Rick put up a valiant struggle, determined not to let the girl witness him in this epic face-off with his own gut.

Rick's stomach was still doing the twist, but he soldiered on, a man on a mission. He just had to know if that old guy was toast or not, and nothing was gonna stop him, not even his rebellious belly. He pressed on, his conviction unwavering despite the horrors that surrounded him.

And despite Rick saying otherwise, Evelina was right on his tail, keeping her cool like she was strolling through a park. Her composure a stark contrast to Rick's. She was the yin to Rick's yang in the face of all the freaky stuff they'd left behind.

As they trudged deeper into the woods, they left behind the gruesome sight of bony graveyard and moved towards the source of the old man's agonized groans.

They walked through the shattered boulder, and eventually arrived at the spot where the old man lay, whimpering like a wounded puppy. His once formidable presence reduced to a pitiable, twitching wreck. Rick's face twisted up, kind of grossed out by the pitiable sight of the old man's half-battered body.

The old guy was a total wreck, his bod all kinds of jacked up. His face took a brutal hit, especially the right side, which looked like it got into a face-off with a meat shredder. It was a straight-up nightmare – skin ripped away, revealing bits of his cracked noggin underneath. That skull was busted up something fierce, with some nasty, sickening goo oozing out of it.

"Huh?" In the midst of his dire situation, a nauseating revelation washed over the old man. He hadn't been silenced by some ultimate act of cruelty, but by his opponent's gross, repulsive bodily reaction. A bitter and humorless laugh broke free from his battered lips, resonating through the debris of shattered boulders and the somber, hushed forest. ~~~~~

"Ahh... Son of a bitch, that was a relief," Rick muttered, his stomach now devoid of contents but his mood oddly lifted by the crude spectacle, "That really felt good."

"Uh, oops. My bad," Rick stammered as he glanced at the old man, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes conveyed a peculiar blend of disgust, relief, and twisted satisfaction.

"You were saying something." Rick innocently asked the old man to continue.

"Hey there, old timer?" Rick called out once more when met with silence from the old man.

"Hello?" He persisted.

"Come on, don't be sore. It was an honest goof," Rick declared, throwing his arms up in disbelief that the old man was acting all temperamental, throwing tantrums.

"Now, don't leave me hanging. Say something for God's sake!" Rick could not hold it in kicked the old man in his knee.

"I think he is dead." Finally the girl spoke up.

"Dead?" Rick suddenly found it odd. He looked closely at the old man and sure enough, his eyes were rolled back into his socket, and he could not see his chest moving.

"Oh...he's definitely kicked the bucket."

"What a bummer. We were finally getting to know each other."

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