Chapter 1266 1266. Tunnel Carvers

Name:Master of none Author:
"Onyx, there's more. There are eggs on this shelf. Some are definitely unable to ever hatch, but there are heavenly serpent eggs too. Maybe five or six. Then there are another eight or nine abyssal serpent eggs. There are other things too that I need to appraise. We will need the tamer's guild to come and help us. We are going to need…archeologists, rune mages, rune carvers, tamers, and anyone with high appraisal skills. Maybe more." This was a discovery that perfectly rivaled the mage tower.

"He's right. You found a lead that was much more than what we thought it would be. Onyx…Onyx?" Su tried to stay calm and praise Onyx but found he was frozen. He was basically a statue looking at the wriggling abyssal serpents in the shadows.

Before anyone could try and snap him out of it he started to grow to his full size. He looked down at the wriggling abyssal serpents that froze before his gaze. It was clear that onyx had started to speak to them. Even Midnight was lost as to what Onyx could be saying since he normally let her in on things as well.

Everyone watched as the little shadows slowly approached him and examined him before they all began to rise out of the shadows. Their bodies were obviously frail. But they were definitely abyssal serpents. The size was much smaller than onyx had hatched but they had the bare minimum elemental mana to hatch over a long period of time. It was expected that they would be stunted to a certain degree.

"I will make sure these little ones start to catch on and learn a few things. I will leave it to brother to handle the other eggs. I am very excited…" The way Onyx spoke this in everyone's minds made them wonder if he actually believed what was happening or if they were somehow in a dream with him. Either way, he would make sure everything went perfectly.

"We will do that. Now, first comes first. Let's see if I can store away the dormant eggs. If they can then it will be perfect. If not then they might hatch at any time." Walker looked at the eggs left and hoped he could store them all so that they would not need to wait for tamers to come and help them. That way Walker could get the eggs to those that could welcome them in to the world sooner and with brighter smiles.

Since Walker was the one with the appraisal skills, the others were right behind him to help where needed. The only one that stayed right next to Onyx was Alice. They had shared a special bond while training their light elemental skills together. Since she was also by his side helping to hatch the heavenly serpent egg he was glad that she showed the same interest in the newly hatched abyssal serpents.

'Spoiled monster egg'

'Spoiled monster egg'

'Spoiled monster egg'...

This description showed up multiple times while Walker was appraising. He was not too happy with the fact that they were finding so many spoiled monster eggs. The problem was that they had been there without the proper nutrition for so long. Some monster species were able to g dormant in their egg state for very long periods of time. The heavenly and abyssal serpents were two such monsters.

'Titan mole egg- (dormant)

This is an extremely fast growing species of mole. They were once the largest species of underground mole in the world but have slowly become the rarest due to their very short lifespans. They are able to grow from hatchling state to adult state in a single month. They will constantly eat earth to build large armor around them while not actually gaining mass as a creature. They are mainly a magical earth elemental monsters instead of physical. Their titan name comes from their ability to create this massive body of earth to protect them at all times. They are able to make extremely strong tunnels for long stretches underground'

"This is the monster that made the tunnels! It has to be. Remey became interested in the egg which looked like a small brown rock. If anyone had walked by it on the ground they would have ignored it thinking it was just mud and dirt.

"So that's how they did it. I wonder how strong its earth affinity is if it can make a body big enough to make that massive main cave. Something so small can make the very ground we walk on its body." To say that this was amazing was an understatement. Walker was pretty impressed overall by this.

"It looks like there are four more on this shelf. I wonder if they are better preserved because they are under the ground but not in direct contact?" Gil's theory was correct. Every single one that the group found they were able to store away.

"Hmm, they would be like me then. Great physical defense and earth elemental skills." The earth spirit had started to look around and seemed to like the eggs very much. When Su related it and her to them the spirit seemed even more energetic.

"Midnight, do you see more over there?" Walker saw that Midnight was examining the last section of shelving. There they found the majority of eggshells with two more abyssal serpent eggs. "Ah, so this is where most of the ones that hatched came from. It looks like this one will hatch next but the other is still dormant. Overall, nine more abyssal serpent eggs, five heavenly serpent, and six titan mole eggs. The rest aren't going to do anything. Let's see what Onyx has decided about his little students, hm?" Midnight huffed happily. She was glad to see that there were not all spoiled monster eggs. These eggs were the start of the abyssal, heavenly, and maybe even titan moles becoming their own races. Not that they knew if the titan moles had the potential.



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