Chapter 1752 1752. Fire And Slime

Name:Master of none Author:
Small bits of red flames grew around Remey. "I have wanted to let loose for a while." The sounds of battle had already attracted a little more attention. The terrain had stopped a lot of movements from some of the soldiers from genesis.

The elves had taken to the trees while the humans and demi-humans were stuck on land. The angels were using their wings to the best of their abilities. This left walker to see what he could do to even things out. Naturally, most of the soldiers were guarding the healers and life mages. That way they could keep fighting safely.

"Remey, I caught your bait!" Walker had jumped in to the air and copied the hammer fist that Remey used. In doing so, he had knocked a fluttering rot moth that had been disturbed by the soldiers while killing the rot moth grubs.

The rot moth hit the ground but as it did, a small dust fell off its wings. Like any mother or butterfly, they had small bits of dust on their wings to help keep them dry. It was definitely why the slimy salamanders would pick off the wings and won't even try to eat them. But it was also a great way to attract any of the slimy salamanders that were already coming their way to the spot that Remey would be waiting.

"Walker, you know just how to treat a friend." Remey narrowed her posture and took off to the spot that Walker had just attacked. He had also let the dust from the rot moth fall on him by attacking. That meant that he would also be able to be living bait.

The reason that Walker had chosen this method was all about terrain. He knew that the groups of soldiers would struggle to stay in their formations. That alone was a good reason that he should keep the focus of any and all monsters away from them. But on top of that, he and Remey had the best ways to adapt to the stranger terrain without injury.

Gil could manage, but he was better off following the elves in to the trees. Su and Ailce were protecting the healers. That was their main focus. Midnight was helping sniff out the grubs so that they wouldn't blindly attack anyone as they went by. The grubs were dangerous just for the fact that their pincers could cause severe injury even though the grubs didn't actually want to hunt them.

Then there was Onyx. Onx was taking the unique role of transporter. The larger gaps created by the dips where the stumps had been were the biggest challenge for those that had the main job of carrying supplies. Yes, Walker carried most things using his storage skill. That was just a blessing to all the soldiers since they could be better prepared for the monster attacks. But having items ready at a moment was often more important.

The key explanations were for bandages, small snacks while moving, and most importantly, and additional weaponry. These things couldn't be kept in walker's storage or else there would be a loss overall. This meant that the groups of soldiers could attack and defend without worry of having what they needed to do so. Not to mention the people who were literally born with the ability to be these key supporters in battles.

Just because people did not speak about them often did not mean such supporters were nothing but mules that carried items. They were often the weaker soldiers that were learning or actually specified supporters. They could buff their squad while also perfectly anticipating needs. It was akin to having a healer but instead of a healing skill, they would have a healing potion to share. Overall, a very reputable position in any group, especially an army.

"So that's a creepy crawly? Seems weak." Remey had a vicious grin on her face. Everyone could feel the heat coming off her now that she had truly fired herself up for a fight. The angels were very interested in how a brawler from another continent would fight. Especially one that was focused on alchemy.

It wasn't that most of them doubted that Remey was actually an alchemical brawler. But the story that she had gotten a system that allowed her to do both that was entirely unique made them wonder. It was very far fetched. Many people would have doubted them if they hadn't heard so much about Remey in Genesis. The angels didn't have Genesis gossip to go on here and believed it to be something else or a false sense of security.

When Remey charged at the larger salamander that had ignored the log it was looking under a second ago, it reared up and tried to appear larger than it really was. But that just gave Remey more of a target. The flames condensed on her fist as she sent a harsh right hook. The thud and following sizzling sound was enough for Remey to show off her power.

When the damp and slimy body of the salamander resisted the flames, it also burnt and blistered easily because of the water on it. This caused the salamander to wriggle in pain while Remey charged back up.

The snap of its mouth as the salamander tried to bite Remey in panic was enough to ensure that she had to use her leg to kick and block the attack. The stunning kick that had hit its chin made the salamander flail again. But it also showed the weak belly that the salamander should have kept protected instead of showing at all or ever.

The next punch shifted to a defense breaking fist, the move that Remey had carefully trained from defense breaking palm, was also covered in flames. This was the technical combination of three skills. A hard right hook, defense breaking palm, and alchemy flame manipulation. Three skills coming together at once that caused a burst of flames to penetrate the stomach of the larger slimy salamander and end its life instantly.

"Remey! Three more ahead. They look like they were hunting together. Gil!, two more moths escaping ahead, beat them down so we can see what we can do with them." The moths panicking while flying away were letting more dust off their wings which would cause more trouble. Iof the soldiers marched over it all, then even more monsters might be attracted when they got through this area. The salamanders couldn't be the only things that ate rot moths.

"Already doing it. We have five down ahead." Gil had been letting the archers find the best places on the trees. They were getting the moths taken care of well ahead of them while the salamanders being attracted to the sounds and smells were scaring them. Gil on the other hand, was in charge of the nearby one. He and one other archer were easily taking them down while the angels used their wings to retrieve them. It was perfect teamwork without much communication needed.

This left Walker to be able to push forward with Remey again. Eh could store away the salamander body again later. The fact that three more were headed toward him made him a little fired up too. He couldn't let Remey have all the fun.

"I will use fire too." Walker let the eternal orb change form and make gauntlets. The additional defense as flames from Remey joined Walker's control made the angels wonder just what was going on. Now there were two brawlers easily maneuvering the tough terrain and fighting with salamanders four times their size as if they were easy little battles. They were just kids still by comparison!

With Walker showing up next to her, Remey felt a little challenged. She wanted to show off and use her strength to the fullest. That was why Walker was surprised when a string of fire seemed to blossom behind Remey. Almost at the wait for her to use as she desired.

Before she could act, one of the salamanders lashed out with its tail. The flames around Remey came in contact with it and burned the tail heavily. It seemed the flames that were hanging around Remey were just as condensed as the ones on her fists.

Even more terrifying to the angels was the fact that they were finally seeing the grand fire elemental spirit floating around Remey as if it was dancing with joy that Remey was fighting using flames. They could feel the strength it had over fire elemental mana. Those with fire affinity that had to take in mana from around them could even sense the danger it posed if it wanted to attack them. A terrifying moment but also awe inspiring. This human girl was working with something so incredibly powerful!


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