Chapter 1909 1909. Bright Morning

Name:Master of none Author:

Catching up was a very good thing for many of those that were teleported back to Genesis. But there were also those that were teleported to the Sigil continent. Many of the mages that went were to share knowledge or to start building more relationships with the angels.

In particular, there are some of the management positions from the guilds and the Genesis building going over. They would share the processes that had been created to manage all the races coming together.

This was going to be a revitalization of many things. The angels would be able to take the more developed processes for documenting their people, for setting up certain organizations, and even combining their laws. It would help them in many ways to unite their empires.

Once this was done, the angels would be able to develop better and begin to reclaim some of their history. It would also help with the sharing of knowledge that they tended to do. Especially when it came to the many topics that the Fel side of the angels had researched. They might be off on tangents that many people had not really touched on ever before. Not to mention the archives of the elemental halls that the Rize side had going on.

All of these things would be ties to Genesis and to bring their people together. Especially the more that the villages that the angels started to grow in would have the ability to grow now. Genesis forces had already started to help one, that alone would become the base for Genesis as the embassy. Therefore, the other villages would feel the connection the most.

They would have the chance to grow will the full focus on the united angels empire. A group of angels and Genesis forces that would allow them to establish homes, farms, and so much mirror. Just thinking about it was somewhat exciting for some of the angels that had always thought them too low ranked to matter.

This wasn't even considering those with systems that didn't have a place in the angel empire before. Now they would have places to go to learn more, and to experience the things related to their systems.

"Midnight, did you really need to wake me up so early?" Walker laughed a little as Midnight nudged him in the shoulder again. The sun had barely started to push over the horizon. He could see the familiar scene of the clouds being pushed aside by the sun as it rose around the newly put up buildings.

The same sounds of merchant carts and cleaners going along the streets in the morning paired with the smell of baked goods was enough to help Walker jump out of bed. "What do you say about going for a walk? Everyone will be waiting for me to have a meeting in a little while. I know we ended up pushing it all back, but it will be important so that we can get stronger and keep tracking the movements of the corrupted city."

"Breakfast!" Midnight's single desire was the very same as always. She wanted to stop at every possible place to eat on their way.

"yes yes, and make sure you show off your dragonkin form more. It will surprise a few people who have never seen it." Walker made sure to promise that Midnight and him would be grabbing as much food as they could. Naturally, Midnight already had the change of form in mind. She had wanted to keep training in it.

Stepping outside their mansion, Walker found the same sights as always. However, he was feeling more at home and calm than he had in the last months. It was really telling how much he had missed Genesis just by the weight that came off his shoulders by getting back here.

The buildings that had been changes were very clearly there to be seen. Many of the buildings had been expanded in to some of the spaces left behind just for that reason. Especially the family homes nearby the market streets. They had been widened or additions had been made so that some could facilitate a small shop as part of the family building.

This was the newest and best way for the families to be able to help themselves maintain their future along with also living close to their work. There were also many new homes that had been built that Walker could see down the street. They were going to be for younger families or for those that were still moving to Genesis for the potential of a brilliant and new future.

What really surprised Walker in the best way possible were the demons he saw. Many more were out in the morning going off to their jobs. They looked jovial and full of positive energy. This alone was the best feeling he had found in a while.

The demon race had suffered a lot by their own people and the evil of the demon lord. Now the fact that there was another issue that came with the corrupted mana, it might hurt them again. The best goal for Walker to have was to get ahead of the problem and be able to face any issue that might hurt the demons again.

For now though, Walker was enjoying seeing a few of the children sending their parents off. Many more people were waking up as the pair strutted through Genesis. Plenty of stalls had started to cook up food for the merchants out to set up shop. The freshest vegetables and fruits would always be sold first thing in the morning.

"I should have known you would drag me to a stall with meat first." Walker laughed slightly as Midnight grabbed his hand and dragged him to a stall that smelled better than any other they had seen yet.

"Oh, now I have seen you before. Is this a new...ohhhhh, you look so different!" The man that was working the stall had seen the party before. But this was his first time seeing Midnight's dragonkin form.

"Midnight has learned a bit more about herself. This is her dragonkin form just like the other royal dragons. But we still like to stop by and get some snacks. We will be very busy the next few days. I just thought a walk about would do us good. Just to see how everything it going."

Walker looked at the garlic marinated meat skewers. Some of the eggs had been hard boiled and marinated as well. Both were a delicacy that made this small stall very successful. It was a small stall that had managed to spread and become a full fledged family business of moving stalls that dealt in the very same product.

"Well, let me grab you something good. We just started using this fruit that the elves brought. They call it a jack fruit. It takes any flavor the same as meat. But the elves like it since it isn't meat. They don't all eat meat you know!" While taking the food and handing the money, Walker smiled while seeing the new products.

This was exactly what he imagined would happen. The different races were bringing different foods and so many new things. They were able to unite their cultures and share these things. It was clearly working out well. Even the stalls that had opened for the morning workers had adapted so that other races would be able to enjoy the same foods as others.

When the sudden flurry of wings came from above, all three of them looked up to see the first harpy mail carriers heady out. They appeared to be just as energetic. Genesis was truly a growing society where everyone had a place to find themselves in.

"Have a good day now! Try and check out some of the new shops opening up down the road. A lot of good things coming from the demons down south. They were pretty excited to bring some of their rare fruits from their lands." The stall owner gave a call of farewell as Midnight and Walker headed off.

"We will have to see a lot on our walk. I also want to hunt down the wandering blacksmith. He will want to try and use some of the new materials we got. Not to mention Su needs her armor sets adjusted to be taken on and off more easily. The twin shields also need work." Walker started mumbling a little as they passed by the improved guild buildings. All of them stood much taller and larger.

The fresh scent of herbs coming from the fields of space provided to the alchemy guild were enough to make the feeling of the air in Genesi even better. Not to mention the effects of the Mage tower helping everyone with mana and their affinities. It was calming and welcoming.


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