Chapter 2181 2181. What is Death?

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2181 2181. What is Death?

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With so many manas spread through these odd separated boundaries, Walker felt that it could overwhelm his senses. Yet, he found that they weren't more like the mana was welcoming him now. Even though they were chaotic in some instances, the manas that were denser and calmer were taming those more chaotic manas. It gave Walker a clear understanding of how the elemental panes may have formed over years and years of this. The dense manas might be chapotic and unbalanced outside of the elemental planes. Especially outside of the world where the bridges to the elemental planes were not. That was just their form when they lacked a balance and could only clash with one another. Nothing was stopping them from acting in this way. However, since the density and purity of the elemental planes was greater, they forced the manas to conform in a way. More like they had a weight which attracted the chaotic manas of like form to them and repelled their opposites. In places where those manas were unable to change from to match the plane, it became a boundary or a new elemental plane entirely. This meant that the more elemental planes overlapped, the more that they formed unique elemental planes instead of just a boundary. Iut made Walker understand that there could be a boundary that expanded in to a full elemental plane completely unique within itself. An interesting thought. What really got to him was that all this happened for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or more years. This was just how everything appeared to exist. When that thought came to mind, there was a humming. Or maybe it was a buzzing. Walker wasn't sure, but he felt his entire self had just resonated with something he couldn't sense. Something that he was still unknowingly in contact with. That thought and feeling was fleeting, for the moment, Walker had to focus on the life mana which he had just sensed much better than what he had been feeling a split second ago. The life mana was what he needed so that he and the party could be safe. When he looked around them, he found that small strands, smaller than hairs of life mana had naturally flowed near them. This was because everyone within the party had a strong life mana within them due to their bonds, growth, and general fact that they wer younger than what many of their strength would be. Even Walker was sure that his strength and eclipsed that of what he had before he had regressed due to the skill he used against the demon lord. All because he had understood who he was and the race he had become. Mana itself was experience to him. The world had also returned to as it should have been. Making the actions he did become experience properly instead of requiring certain quests or whatnot. He could gain strength much more easily as a jack of all trades. The life mana moved around them and was easily pulled towards their bodies. But Walker noticed that it was just absorbing in to them without causing a single reaction. The focus of the group was resting a little while they waited for Walker to buff them properly against death elemental plane and death mana. When he grasped at these tiny threads of life mana, walker felt that they were coming toward their bodies because they had life mana, but also because they were in need of it due to the denser death mana nearby. Life moved in a way of balance. And since life was a large overarching concept just like death, it made sure to balance itself properly. As such, Walker felt that a theory related to life stopping death mana from killing them prematurely was somewhat correct. While not provable, he had a sense that life and death had their own rules and balances beyond his understanding. He had heard and learned that laws of manas might exist. Something that was a foreign concept to him. Right now though, he felt that this was very true. The connection to life mana allowed him a connection to the others in a new way though. He couldn't pull away at their life mana or anything exceptionally dangerous like that. But Walker was reminded of the feeling he had when he spurred his own life mana to act. He did the same right now. He channeled his own mana and life mana to become more active. He had learned this when he learned the life healing skill so it was faster using this newer method. In turn, everyone else gasped and opened their eyes feeling a new flow of energy. Midnight also saw that the scale she had given to the poison dragon had healed and a new scale had taken the place where the one she took was missing. Walker had managed to buff them so to speak. Given them a better healing and resistance. "I don't think I can maintain this constantly, but you should all feel enough to get you through. The immortal king should be ahead, we just ended to make sure that we are conscious of what we feel at all times. Anything that feels off, you retreat with or without everyone else. Is that understood?"

