Chapter 2185. Eon

Name:Master of none Author:
2185 2185. Eon

"How dare you try to force the mana away from my control. I am a king. I am immortal!" The roar of rage that came from the immortal king came with a greater deal of mana. It violently pushed against Walker's condensed mana form. So much so that some small pieces of mana were torn away. However, that was only temporary. Walker's will was unwavering. He was angry, yes, but he was not a fool. He had learned to control himself. With a little more will, Walker began to pull mana away from the dense manas that the immortal king controlled. His influence over them was naturally greater because of his race. The immortal king could only begin to attempt to draw more manas towards him. But it wasn't listening to him. There was a sense of weakness that was spreading through the area when it came to the immortal king's senses. He had begun to feel it the moment that Walker began exerting his full strength. It wasn't that Walker was debuffing him or directly casting some magic on him. Instead, it was the fact that the immortal king had been cut off from drawing more manas towards him. And with the fact that the immortal king had just shown Walker how to shear off pieces of mana from their condensed mana bodies, he was the one being weakened significantly. All that mana and all that strength was being taken away. Years and years of making efforts to get where he ended, and he was going to be pushed down by some hero of the world? Now! This wasn't how it ended. "If you chose to research life mana you might have stood a chance. But you thought that going after death would be the best way? You broke the flow of the world. You should have seen your evil ways and tried to build a better legacy than experimentation and cruelty for your people once they were gone."

These words were filled with vicious weight. Walker was not holding back. Every word mixed manas together creating a new form of mana. Gravity mana crushed down on the immortal king before a mix of light mana and wind mana made radiant wind which cut down on the skeletal mana form. The gold flecked crown of undead mana began to crack. A clear strength being shown to everyone nearby. Meanwhile, the skeleton revenants were being battled by the others. Their bodies were tougher than what they had expected. Gil's arrows bounced off them as if they were made of unbreakable shields. Only the arrows with the highest purity in mana and his complete focus could penetrate their bones to break them. Su found that their hits couldn't be blocked with her body weight alone. She had to deflect them. Had to use her shield slam skill then switch to her aggressive shield wielding combat. That was how she created openings for Midnight to bite through their bones. For her to slash through their shadow figures with mana cloaked claws. Remey found herself punching through the revenant skeletons over and over. She and Onyx had managed to put each other in perfect positions. Where Remey punched, onyx directed a skeleton. The revenant skeletons had no chance to avoid whether since Onyx had a much larger size to push them around with tail slams and Remey had the force with flames in hand to burn them beyond their resistances to manas. Things only grew more intense as they saw that some of the skeletons were able to wield weapons made of different manas. It appeared that whatever connection they had to what they had once been in life was enough to allow them more abilities. But it was still nothing, they were heroes that could break through whatever evil they faced. How could they stop here? "Rise my strength. Rise my mana. Show all the true force of the immortals. Show the power we hold over death. Show them a world of suffering. Show them a world of true elegance. Show them the city of immortals willing to go to any length. Show them the domain known as eon!" Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

The words resonated as more mana pulled around the immortal king. Vast changes formed causing the death elemental plane to become altered. It made Walker's senses scream out in warning. The elemental planes should not be forcefully changed like this. Even with a mastery skill. He used the alla round appraisal skill looking at the changes, since they were so defined by mana, he had the instinct to check it. Normally, skills couldn't be checked with all around appraisal. They were skills, not physical things. But this one, had been made physical since so much mana came. Since it was a skill that did so. The form of buildings with a massive tower in the center came to his view. Streets with ghostly trees and swaying bushes on the sides. Plenty of shops showcasing experimental new magics and other aspects of a thriving research city. 'Immortal paradise, Eon

This is a skill that exceeds what is known for a mastery skill. Because the wielder refined this unique skill for multiple eons with the same vision in mind, it developed well beyond a master skill. It can be known as an origin skill. One made, created, and refined to a level beyond what any other of its kind can do. No other can replicate it. Using immense amounts of mana, the vision of a real city is created as a battle ground which highly strengthens the wielder. It is mimicked after the home city of the immortal chasing race and the ideal from it would take for all that lived within it and would ever live within it. Because it pulls on every single mana, heavily focusing on death mana and undead mana, it massively boosts the weilder's ability to use those manas. Resistances to all manas is greatly increased as well. The city can be used further as a method to attack from range as long as the target is within the skill's boundaries. The wielder can also use any of the created buildings, magics, and other aspects within the city that they formed to such extremely high detail. Since this is the core of the immortal king, his soul itself has to be used to create the skill properly. Due to this, if the skill is broken, there is a high chance of mortality. However, as long as the skill is successful, a greater growth rate will befall the immortal king due to the manas being acclimated to his soul....'

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