Chapter 2187: 2187. Origin Race

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2187: 2187. Origin Race

"You are the ruler of this plane. You must be. I came to recover my race. You have that power. Return them using their remnants. They took these forms to be reborn as proper immortals. You have that power!"

The immortal king had clearly misconstrued something here. While he sensed the death mana surging around and being put back in place, he had seen that as the power over death. Not that the being which had managed to appear here was here to stop him and Walker from causing even more damage to the elemental planes.

"Foolish child. You have gone against many laws. Cracks formed within your very own existence as you did so. Truly a crime that can not be equaled within the planes of today." The voice caused the mana to shiver. Not in chaos, but in authority.

The being that Walker was looking at was humanoid, or maybe that was just how Walker could perceive it. The completely white form had a dense death mana around it causing the smooth humanoid shape not to have any features as a human, merfolk, or any other race would have. To be more specific, it was like looking at an unfinished mannequin.

"What!?" The immortal king felt everything crumbling around him as the pressure grew and focused on the core within his chest.

"I am bringing back my race. We will be reborn as proper immortals. We will-"

"Silence now child. I will be the one to decide your fate. Those who have sealed their souls have also broken the laws. Cracked their very existence. They may be unable to return to the flow built by existence itself. They may be forced in to chaos. Losing all form. Losing all that they could ever be and ever was."


That was all that the immortal king felt. He could sense that every single word held a greater deal of truth than anything he had ever heard. No matter what he had learned through experiments, he had never felt so sure of what he had learned just this moment.

'Adult #$%DHds-'

'Appraisal is currently failing. All skills are being sealed temporarily.'

"Little one. Wait while I handle this foolish child. I will lecture you in a moment."

Walker wasn't sure what happened. The system itself had responded that he had been blocked from using the all around appraisal skill. Something that had never happened since he gained the skill. But, if this was what he thought it was, then it was possible.

He had first thought that this might be the king of death, just like the other elemental planes had their kings. The beings that ruled over and were able to embody what each mana that were made of and ruled was. Everything they did stood for what their mana was. That was why they were what they were.

Now. Walker believed this was something else. "You're an adult member of the origin race."

"Still, you damaged the planes and did not grasp your true abilities. As such, you will be disallowed from any of the planes outside the elemental planes, the life plane, and the death plane. The space plane and time planes will not allow you near them unless you comprehend

them properly."

"You may find that cruel, however, we are a race that upholds the flow of existence itself. Our work ripples through all that is. You will come to understand everything in time. Once you are no longer within that form and rise above. That is also not what you are prepared for." Since Walker felt he was looking at something unfathomable, he began to feel dizzy. "You can sense it. The differences between what you are and I am. You are not ready. As such, this is my only gift to you little one."

A flurry of mana made Walker feel that he was completely out of control of any situation. But he also felt that he was able to glean something from this. He was able to feel the differences between his control over mana and this older origin being's mana control.

Being banned for certain elemental planes until he had the right knowledge did not feel

unfair. This was someone that could literally read through mana and see what had occurred. Not just the mana here, but all mana. This being had seen how Walker had acted in every situation. Had seen how his party acted. Knew them as if watching a play.

"I see you still desire questions. Come looking then. In a few thousand years once you have

grown enough to learn something. For now, learn what you can. Grow as you should. Remain a human to your world. You are not immortal, neither are others of our kind. We just live much longer than others."

The being stepped away and in that step, Walker could tell that all things had shifted. They were not longer within the death elemental plane. No traces of the immortal king were there. In fact, the party was all standing next to one another right before the bridge of the world. Their shock was the only thing remaining at the moment.




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