Chapter 2190: 2190. Waiting For Them

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2190: 2190. Waiting For Them

The decision to stop resting and move through the elemental bridge was enough to shake all of them out of their heads. This time, the party was able to observe the chaotic manas outside of the elemental bridge much better without worries that they had to fight a skeleton.

Surprisingly, they found that a few elemental spirits were also traveling on the bridge. They had found the mana that was moving between the elemental planes and the word through the bridge interesting. To be fair, this was just part of the flow now, and they would be doing this naturally.

This showed how some of the monsters might make their way in to the elemental bridge which could be troublesome. Regardless, the elemental spirits noticed Walker's party and moved around them. They followed them like unspoken guides to the world since that just made sense in their minds. They had sensed the manas within the party.

Not to mention sensed the spirit race binds the party had.

While it was still up for debate, it wasn't sure whether the elemental spirits leaving the elemental planes would become spirit race beings or if they would stay as the elemental spirits they were now. They would change and become intelligent or they would remain as deeply connected nature flowing spirits.

Not that either were the better choice, both had their place within and without the world. It was just an interesting concept to consider. Especially since there would be the monster races that began to appear which might exist in the world but not the elemental planes. Or revered.

Walker used a little space mana since he could still sense it around them more strongly. He wasn't allowed to go in to the space elemental plane, but he still had gained knowledge about the relationship of the other elemental manas and space mana as a whole. Therefore, he was able to move the entire party faster ahead. Further ahead.

Cutting their walk down the bridge in to a quarter of what it was when they entered the elemental planes. Definitely a perk of learning about the manas directly from the dense space elemental plane which terrifying monsters trapping undead. A good reason not to go there again until he mastered the space mana better too.

"It's weird that we were moving through literal mana and now we are just stepping back in to the world." Remey's comment was what they were all thinking. The way the manas felt different already were enough to make it an unreal experience overall.

To be fair, as they stepped off the bridge and took in the sight of the sunny day, there were a lot of differences.

Just the feeling of lesser mana within the air made the entire party feel like they had been disconnected from the manas that they had grown accustomed to since they entered the elemental planes. Simply the rate of mana that they were able to absorb or call on had decreased much more than what everyone expected. Remey specifically found herself stopped to adjust herself so that she would not waste pure fire mana.

She needed it to survive now. But she wouldn't have to worry about that once she used the method that the adult origin being told her about. She would have a defined ability to store more dense and pure fire mana within her body.

Walker felt that he could still bring elemental manas toward them easily if needed. He did realize that they wouldn't work the same as within the elemental planes. He would need to condense more mana here than there to use whatever magic skills he was focusing on.

"Reporting to the founders of Genesis and the heroes. We are the village construction force sent to establish a proper dock for the ships and welcome you back when your quest is


The soldier reporting looked vaguely like one of the dwarven kings. The king of the deep. To be fair though, it would make a lot of sense if one of their children or family members was their direct commander sent here.

"We are glad to have a warm welcome." Onyx treated them before Walker could. Mostly because he had spotted a few of the younger serpents here too. Hiding in the shadows waiting for Onyx to call them. A little shyness after not seeing him for a while.

"We are planning to head back to Genesis if the teleportation formation is working fine?" Walker didn't hold back and was clear with their goals and excitement to return home.

"It is being carved again and inlaid with mana crystals. It should be done within the day." It was good news. Improvement meant the formation would last longer. "Then we will rest up and enjoy the beach. Maybe we will help a little here and there with preparing the land." Walker considered this a chance to adjust to their newfound strengths. They had all gained strength that they needed to hold back while in the elemental planes.

The others picked up on this and nodded along. They didn't want to make any mistakes now that they had gained a lot more strength than they had before they had left.




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