Chapter 2192: 2192. Welcome Back Home Again

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2192: 2192. Welcome Back Home Again

When The teleportation rune formation flared with mana, the party felt the familiar feeling that came with changing places. But this time, Walker realized that if he desired, he could influence the space mana if he desired.

Not that he would be doing that. Nothing good would come with that.

But it did give him some better insight on how the space runes that had been somewhat deciphered could bring in space mana. In turn, that would allow him to be able to better attract space mana when he needed to since he might be able to manipulate it and even create a proper space rune with some research and hard work.

That was all for later. When the party appeared within genesis, they could tell that they were not just being welcomed back. They had plenty of people waiting for them.

"I will see you all later. Alma is waiting for me." Gil was quick to bolt away from where they had appeared. The sharp gaze of Alma proved that she had been waiting for him and expected to have a long talk.

To be fair, Gil was a large figure for the unity of the elves. Not having him around for a while was troublesome since he could not weigh in on some of the current issues appearing as more elves came together.

Mostly, the elves that had come from their more isolated villages, such as the young snow elves, were struggling to adapt to the ranking and hierarchy within genesis. They believed that they had kept their elemental purity better than what the other elves had. Therefore, they believed that they should be the priority for everything related to the elves establishing a home.

While it was part of the plan to create a unique place for those that ended ice and cold to grow and develop, they wanted everything stopped to be able to begin creating that now. Especially over the fire elves that were already developing their own homes along with Ignus and the fire dragons since they had become closer.

The fire elves and the fire affinity dragonkin had gotten along marvelously since they were of similar mindsets. They believed in the flames and also held loyalty to their elders. The dragonkin saw this as a focus since they had great loyalty for the fire dragons. It was a hounding aspect between them while they learned from one another. Naturally, Ignus had been greatly pleased with this.

Regardless, it would take some hard words to ensure that the elves were in line. Coming from Gil would be more important since every elf understood the depths of what a pure elf should be. They were a high elf above all others. And even without being born an elf, Gil had the highest bloodline of high elves that any of them had right now in the world. It meant a lot. for new novels

There was also a lot of talk about his and Alma's children being the most powerful elves to be born in generations. That was if and when they had children. The pair did not seem to like that the elves generally spoke about it without any shame!

family around right now.

"How's teaching new guards and all that? Find any good ones?" Since his father was deeply involved with teaching gate guards and even taking them out on teaching patrols, he wanted to hear what that was like. Walker had never been involved with how guards were trained and educated in general.

"You tell me, some of them ask for me as a teacher just so that they can ask about you. Then there are a few weird ones that have unique classes. One is called a rock guardian. He can hide himself within the very walls themselves and defend a gate without it even looking like a guard is there. Scary stuff." This continued on to the mage guards being recruited.

There were many mages that wanted to protect Genesis and did not want to become soldiers that might leave the city. So they became guards that were trained specifically to handle other images. To prevent dangers when a mage lost control of spells or generally caused trouble. "This isn't the way to Mother's restaurant though." Walker wasn't sure what his father was playing at.

"I smell them though." Midnight's keen nose picked up on her family's scent. She knew that they were all nearby.

"Well, you would be right. But with the last month's revenue, your mother bought a second place. Now it will have different chefs with unique skills, it will still serve the same popular foods. All taught by your mother. Think that's great?"

The surprise was worth the walk and the wait. Walker was amazed by the new building with an open air dining area and small garden. Various herbs for cooking had already been planted. "Let's go surprise everyone now that you are back earlier than we expected." Walker was glad to be in on this. He knew that the rest of his family would be glad to see him and Midnight. Plus he knew that the others would come along for a proper dinner soon too.



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