Chapter 2200: 2200. Golem Workshops

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2200: 2200. Golem Workshops

"Whoa, slow it down and move off to the left side... Good! Now lift your right hand!"

The sight that Walker found himself looking at was not one that he had expected. Well, not that he had any expectations for what he might find at the new expanded workshops outside of Genesis.

These workshops had been built for those that focused on forging large machines birthed from the sudden fad for new blacksmiths wanting to create their own golems. The entire inspiration had come from the fact that many of the spirit race now wanted to be able to have more physical bodies.

This was not a bad thing. The fire spirit that had taken the dragon golem as its body was the literal poster child for this trend. They moved around the coyote and assisted the guards very often. They even had an entire group of dragonkin that followed them as their own personal escorts since they represented dragons in a way.

This all had developed in to a lot greater of an event than just some news or gossip. Especially when it came to the dwarves who were focused on creating larger golems for mining, battle, underwater events, and even the ships. This also related to the flying ship being created right


These Mechanical and magical fusions of wonder had been pushing many people to grow at a rapid rate. The new runes being discovered also changed things immensely with every single improvement made.

This led to very many ideas being altered, improved, and generally tired again when they had been deemed failures in the past. This applied to many ideas of some great blacksmiths that the dwarves had over the years.

It was not an unknown fact that a genius could be born before the right time. That they could create things only on paper that would be perfect if the technology or general knowledge was caught up to them. Right now, many of the blacksmiths from the dwarven city were appearing with records form their oldest libraries. Blueprints form their oldest forgotten sections of archives.

Every single one might not be viable, but making them viable became the goals of many. Those that were related to those geniuses of the past, or even those that felt they could make the records known in this day and age. All motivational for the youngest generation finding their classes now.

Regardless of the reason, this was an ideal learning chance for everyone. Apparently, it also managed to be some form of learning for Su who was currently directing a large cyclops golem on how to move.

But Su just shrugged because she had long expected the two hot heads to find common ground. She just feared that if they focused their combined wills anywhere else that they might bring too much fire for anyone elses' liking.

"Oh! You should see the kids' work. There's a merfolk child that has been practically living here for three weeks now. He's made a blueprint the size of a house while tolerating the heat. He has a class called the deep sea golem architect. Really long name but he is a genius when it comes to aquatic golems."

"Don't tell me that this is why the seafoam iron has been swept clean from the markets? A bunch of people used that for jewelry and now it's all gone so some people are selling their jewelry. Especially the few merchants that make trips near rocky beaches in their travels." It wasn't hard to listen and learn just by walking on the street. Merchants and shop goers were not subtle in their chatter.

"You already know. Good, so you should know that at the rate he is collecting the materials he wants, it will be only seven months before they start making what he wants to make." Walker raised an eyebrow as Su dragged him through back hallways and passed by large forges. The what and the mana fluctuations making him even more curious about every single thing being


That was until he came to a large room with a massive wall covered in a singular partially opened blueprint. Perfectly made so far. Detailed enough that the one working on it wouldn't even need to be there to show how to make what they wanted.

The best part was, writing those complicated patterns and measurements was a single four foot tall kid. Not some developed and wisened blacksmith. Not some upcoming genius. No, a kid that had apparently had a vision and was making it a reality. No one could say he was just drawing on walls with the immense details Walker could see in this. It was art.


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