Chapter 2209: 2209. How It Went

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2209: 2209. How It Went

Walker almost felt bad that he was the one tending to the fire while everyone else slept or struggled to sleep. As the night has grown silent in their impromptu camp, he couldn't help but hear a few things.

Apparently, when they had first entered, they had been welcomed well enough. Their entire group had been brought to the main cathedral where they heard of history and how the expansion of the churches had been to spread the scriptures to all people.

So far, that had been a good thing. They had all thought that the cathedral as a whole would be very accepting of Genesis. That the people who had come to see their cathedral within genesis had just been a select few bad eggs.

That had happened in the human kingdom. A few churches becoming corrupt because of their prices or false thinking. It had been cleaned up as time went on though. Especially with the influence of heroes.Finnd new chapters at

This stopped going well when the group had begun to question the state of the city. The way it looked was very nice, however, the lack of variety in foods and in the shops was odd to them. The guards assigned to them did not feel this was important and were very staunch.

It only got worse when they began to question why other races were not here. It made more sense that all races hear the words of the scriptures so that they could learn how to live a bright life. Especially since Alice and her group believed that the scriptures were all lessons on how to live a better life. Not law or strict rules.

Some of the nearby people had stopped walking around them entirely. Others were quick to move away from the foreign priests. They knew exactly what would happen. It was only a few moments before more guards came to escort their group to the cathedral where the interrogations began.

Hours of individual questions with threats of imprisonment. Larger forces of guards being placed around them as if they were captured monsters that might leap out and attack someone in a breath. The atmosphere had become suffocating and toxic.

It was very quick that they realized that those within the city did not accept any other races. Did not accept teaching them. Did not even view them as races even though the system of existence did.

Even worse, when Alice was asked about her title as a saintess, things went downhill. They didn't believe that she could be allowed to be called such a title when she did not originate and practice the church's scriptures as they believed it should be. From that point on, it was a lot more reprimanding and threats of force before they said that reeducation was impossible.

She had been told that her ideals were the work of pure evil and that she had led many astray. That even if she believed her ideas correct, that it was worse that she supported so called heroes when it wasn't them that had done a single thing.

keep watch.

"Yes yes, Erica, we will get up soon. I have some good food from home in my high spatial storage." Walker noticed that Erica had been silently moving around them for a little bit. "Ah, sorry if I woke you up."

He also noticed that Alice started moving right then too. But she just shook her head. "I'll have us all home sooner than later." Walker looked behind them and noticed the others cleaning up already. They had caught on that they would be home sooner than later. Especially since Walker needed to let a few people know what happened.

There would be a little stricter requirements for the guards at the gates. Especially the guards on the outer edges of the dragon territories. The new walls were more imaginary than real, but they were still patrolled for monsters and general safety. As such, they would not be looking for people fleeing the city in chaos.

Having that in mind, Walker also mentally promised he would push for more equality. More acceptance. He already preached that in a way, but now, he would go out of his way to ensure that others saw it in his actions. Especially if he saw foolish people looking down on others. He should lead by example and teach them.

"You can ask her, she would definitely show you some of her light magic. Alice can sing very beautiful songs. They are almost as beautiful as she looks you know." Walkers' sudden complement made Alice go beet red. But Erica just understood that she could see light magic before they went flying again. Something she was very interested in.



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