Chapter 2215: 2215. More Support

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2215: 2215. More Support

"Why are you calling this meeting? There are very few representatives that are available at such a last minute notice." While Alma was not very angry, she still felt that Walker had rushed this sudden meeting.

"I know that you have a lot to do, I also know that The merfolk and dwarves are too busy to be here themselves. That's why we have their second in commands here." Walker looked at the two unfamiliar faces that sat waiting to record everything for their representatives. It was a good look on their part with how prepared they were.

"I came because your letter sent to me said that you have something that would make everyone stronger." There was a clear aura around General Scylla that made it very clear she was ready to see what could make everyone stronger. Especially when she was setting things up for a host of small competitions within the coliseum.

The recruitments from various guilds forming and growing and the city busy already. The usage of the coliseum space was always booked and waiting for someone to come and test others. Or for competitions to begin to prove the skills of those looking for a chance to join the guilds with better starting points.

It was not unfamiliar for the guilds to offer better resources to those that had more talent and experience. That was the same with any job or any place in general. Making sure those with talent grew was well worth investing more in to them at the start.

"This must be about the research that Gil mentioned when he called on me? I was sure that i would be consumed with budgeting even more than before when he mentioned you taking control of research and needing more gold to begin building new testing rooms?" Markus Raven had been advancing himself smoothly.

The progress with his and his entire team's budgeting was showing extreme benefits for Genesis. The expansion of trade routes and roads had produced a very smooth flow for every single item to come in and out of Genesis. Especially with the teleportation rune formations beginning to be refined and even described to other kingdoms for building within the very near future.

"With the harpy queen's representative here now, we can make progress." Walkered looked at Mordant and Ignus who had also taken their seats now. The other royal dragons were busy, but the two would be able to get the information to them without issue. Walker also saw that Erica was very comfortable sitting with Midnight watching everything calmly. A good boon since he was in charge of watching the little hatchling.

The goblin representative was sitting with the gray spider representative while Fleur moved around aimlessly in the air as the spirit race representative. Not that the spirit race had much carte as long as they were able to freely learn and adapt to the entirety of genesis. Spirits were always free after all. They formed their bodies from mana so putting them in the same mold would be hard.

"I am interested in how this will affect the future plans for development. The angels are sure that you are not calling on us from nothing. Especially since this would be something that might greatly affect us." As the angel race absorbed ambient mana through their wings, Walker knew his experiments with affinities would be valuable to them more than others.

"We trust it too. The stronger Genesis is, the stronger our bonds with our saviors is." the demons had begun calling the army that went to the demon lands their saviors. Something that made it clear of their growing respect for a new way of life. It made Walker feel warmer since he could see the clear joy in their eyes compared to the situation he had seen them in before all this.

With such a point made, everyone was excited. They also wanted to have their own affinities tested since it would help them grasp their own bodies better. Scylla in particular wanted to see if she had been training herself poorly compared to the ideal that she could have been following for the entire time she trained.

If no one had stopped her, Scylla would have been half way out the door wanting to find a way to create every single affinity testing room within the day. Regardless, after an hour of adjusting manas and testing everyone that wished to be tested, they all understood what

Walker was so excited over.

Upon feeling the flow of manas to a higher compatibility, those who had never been in that situation understood the dragon race much better with their moving habits. Mordant and Ignis also provided their own accounts of why they had always enjoyed these mana dense places which they could grow in better.

When it came down to it, they also decided that they would fully support building an academy outside of Genesis city so that there could be a larger amount of growth for the future. They even offered to bring out some of the dragon race's wealth from the elder who kept their history. A major show of support even now.

"Oh, and this testing will need to be free for everyone that wishes to wait for the chance to be tested. It will be a basic right when a child is born when their parents choose to bring them."



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