Chapter 6: Search for the Boy

Name:Master of the Loop Author:
Chapter 6: Search for the Boy

Chapter 6

Search for the Boy

Sylas had a planit wasnt a terribly complex or even intuitive plan, but it was still a plan. He was going to slither away from his post right after Tebek leaves him there and he was going to rush toward the old mans room and steal the whatever-talisman that behaves like a bomb detonator. And then, he would return to the watchtower, wait for just before the Ghouls show up, ring the bellhopefully not deafening himself entirely in the processand then run around the castle, identifying every single boy there.

At that point, hell latch onto one and follow himif the message about the tasks failure pops up, it would mean it wasnt that boy. Then, hell happily, and with a grin on his face, run into the army of the Ghouls and kill himself to start all over again, but this time with a different boy.

It was a great plan, actually. And it was foolproof all the way until the very first night when he was to identify all the boys. There was, however, a slight problem: there were well no boys. He was actually shocked how it took him so long to realize this. Even if he never ventured too deeply into the castle, he was still there. Yet, he missed it. Then again, he blindly trusted the window that told him to look for the boy. If he was to look for the boy, there ought to be several boys, no? So that he could look for the boy.

Semantics aside, Sylas found himself in a strange position as he watched the guards desperately battling the ghouls. They were actually doing better than he anticipated, having already survived nearly five hours from the point of invasion without surrendering the walls. He also spotted Tebek running around like a headless chicken, a panicked expression on his face, too tunnel-visioned to even notice him.

He thought and thought but couldnt think of anything. So, he began walking up to anyone and everyone asking them about the boy. A few punches and a lot of stinky, why is a grown man looking for a boy looks later, he confirmed it: there were no boys.

"You mean Boy, our main librarian? Yes, he is here. You can find him in the Spire of Knowledge. It's that big tower over there near the main building."

By now, a plan had begun to form inside Sylas' mindnot a fetching plan, but one that encompassed the whole picture. There were four key points to consider: first, obviously, being the wall. He could prevent that by simply stealing the talisman. Secondly, he suspected that even with that, the castle might just fall anyway. Unfortunately, he didnt have a solution for that one. Thirdly, saving Boyanother point in which he lucked out since he can just step in at any point during that godforsaken wait and just lead the young man away by force if necessary. And four figuring out what comes after all of this.

Judging by the systems messages, he wasnt being taken back to Earth after this crisis is over and he is very much stuck here, somewhere, alone and unprepared. Even if he was immortal, technically speaking, it did little to ease his mind. As such, he did what he does bestignore the ever-loving hell out of it and focus on the things he could control.

Before anything, he actually wanted to talk to Boynamely to figure out the man's personality, quirks, and easy points of access for manipulation, but also to ask some non-Boy-related questions. He was a librarian, after alland even if Sylas' questions might sound stupid, his personality taken into the account, Boy might just answer Sylas' stupid questions. And that was a far larger treasure trove of answers than the corrupt captain. Perchance, Boy might even have a solution for the invasion, one he was incapable of seeing through by himself, but one that Sylas could help him with.

Following every other step as before, he found himself in front of the library again but, this time around, he actually stepped out during one of the most brutal onslaughts of objectification that Sylas had ever heard in his life. He stepped out to defend the young man, hoping he'll score a few pity and sympathy points that would buy him no-questions-asked answers to some of the dumber questions he might have.

Shoo, shoo, you rabid dogs! he hollered the moment he stepped out of darkness, tearing away ladies attention from Boy and onto himself. Would you be drooling like a cavewoman if that was your son?! Shame! Shame on you! May God above smite your unholy hearts! Shame! God will never forgive! Hes unforgivableno, wait, Hes unforgiving! Shoo, you filthy dogs!


On your feet, maggot!


Chop. Alright, yea, I deserved that one.

On your feet, maggot!